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Death Of David Godfrey

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Monclay iiiornin la-t tlie peoplc of this cumiiiuiiity cíe inUrined tliat ihir¦;i the uiglit (irevions tkoepirit of David Q.idfrey pmseü nwy frum eartli. Allliouli the news was nol entircly unexlit-cteil, yet liko all inbimation of tliis kind. noone was preparad to hear it. Mr. Godfiey was one of tlic earllcst of Ann Arbor's carly sctÚTs, coming licre in 1830, wheii Ihcre wasscanely a cettle niHiit wheio now stamls the busv city of' Ann Arbor wiih ila hcautitul ttreet, Hned wild liaiidsoine structuie and thousands f happy lioincs. Fimih thi'sc early to the present time, D.ivUl Go.itic-y bm bwii kiuiwn ilirougiMiiit tliis cminiy Na m m or Sti riinj; vnnli and Ihtj ttHtlett integnty. He Wal bom in Ovid. Nt-v Yoik, on the 20tli of Ft-b. 1800, eiHt-rin; Hiis lite willi llie cliwiug y of llif 8lh centniy. UU piicnt.-, D.ivM ui' M.rj (Kin.L')O.iilI rey, ¦.¦!. caily pi.i,cci ..( New Ynk -taic. ind in 1I1 il yg werc nccnitniiiillv vi-iieil hy Gen. Qunge Wasliingio:! and wife, Mr. OKirrcy H.-rving mm a c iptiiiii in inu (Jiintinenial mmy during ihe revolulioiniry war. The cirly eduo-ition f the deceused wua ra-elved t a sciio 1 In N h'""if, N. V. Aller gmduaiinif lie Wtuglit iK-Üool lome thrce jvar, alter wliichlie W.18 )-niiliiyeilin tfoveriiinent toundry Nt J'oint. Kailmg h-allli c.u-td hun to relinquMi ths pokitiitll after a liniH, ann as ubuve htatrd, in the year IbtiO, lie carne to Mivhigm, (.eltlinff in ft ¦¦¦¦ . 1.. ... At 1_ .. 1 .. ii. ui .tvuui. A, iu[ n,. IO,,K „p ., frt,m ii which he buik liini a Inq cabill ltixli w-et in ?ize, lic, e lic and lii wile, Maril Ji. BoHrdmHD, (to tvhoin he was miniid In lf-27,) resided nuuiy years. Pnwfssina (fiMid judgnient and i-xccllent bugineu tiict, gaw M rri d opporiunlty (o mnk inoney in the ntid raisa in lantN. Bul Jeilig wltUoilt tnmU he wrote to Wa-hInyton Irviiijf an.l Gov. Ktinball, of New Irk, and ut mee itbtalnecj ilie suin i $4.OUU. Witli Ihis Iih .uich iwd a tnut ol lam! which lic. mi!is qnen'.ly ohl f,n$3J,000. As e.,rly as 1&40 he enifagcd In lite uirrcantlle tr.nlc in Aun Ai bui-, and rir uiaiiy yuars carrtaJ on More In th corner Iniililinj; no.v ociuj .ic.l liv r'ie Mc iriiani's and MfCltai)1Cl Bank. He v;is iirce-sfid in evervlliinff h umleilf)ok. aml a man who conimandsd Ilie MonMdenCe aml estceni of hls lt-1 (n men. In 1SÜ0 be relircd tïoni aciive lite, and ¦inca tben has lived vciy quletly at bla home on Vcft. iluron sinci. Hh wlfe .-UIVIVCH Ililll. Mr. Uodlrcy has been a inember of the Metiiodi.-t cliuicli of t li is city sint-e 19 me piion, aml el-lom in aUeaclilIg the m r ice, cickneas or (wiic fiMin thu ciiy alone pifVi-ntinr. He hts livtd to a upe oíd ic, foiir Mior aml rivf, and le.ivc bci.nul Ililll a ïuumory lurunt witli honorable deedi.