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Mr. W lilis 1(083, the inansgerfor the le gitimate start Williaiu Stafford and MU Evalyn Foater, arrlved in thi city tas erening to mako the final arrangeraents for their appearauco at the opera house Thuraday and Friday ovenlnjtg, March 26th and 27th. "The Barbarían," and Romeo and Jullet are the playg gelectet for tlieir appearance here. "Mr. Staffnu and Miss Poster appeir before the public this season." remarked Mr. Roi-s to the Courjer reporter at tlie Oook 1 Imi-c, to day, "with a dcterminatlon to presen their various plays in a marnier thüt shal be a delight to tunuaeineut seekers and a credit to themselves. Their whole career has heen oue of untiring energy in their devotion to their art, and the enconium passed upon tliem by ome of the most dUtinguinhed critics of the d.iy have been the most flattering testimoniáis lo the rosults of their well dliec'ed efforts. Both ure endowed with the he6tplfunr nature, with a keen perccption of the different pliases of Ufe and character, and baxing their only claims to oi ijrinalit y on truthfulnew to nature in their art. By a fatthtul and conscientious discharjie of their duty to Uie public, they Imve, in the very morning of their professional career, placed tliemielves high In poptilat esteem I hve surroumled Mr. Stxffurd and Miss Foster," continuw! Mr. Rw, "with a company all of w hum have been caifu'ly selected for their individual íltnef for roles asslgned thera, and ha ving prorided the most oostly and attractive oostumes, with due regard to hlstorical correctneM, feel confidenl that we will meet with equally as great a 8uoces apon Thursday and Friday eveningg, as achieved by Mr. St.iflbrd clurlnR liU recent engagement in this oity. April 14 Rose Ej-inge Is to play here. The criticinn of thu Detroit Evenlnp; Newg upon the Ford opera company was unjustin the statement that asido from Madame Se;uln therc was not a fírst chiss performer in the company. Most any of them equal Seguin. Ande from the occaslonal nietalic ïurgle intended fir a tril 1, Lulu Evang whs (jood, and Mr. Norcross In the character of Count Aniheim, was most excellent. We are under obligationsto R. L. Webster, manager, for some compc to the great panorama " The Siego of Paris," palnted by the eider Phillppoteaux, which is now on exhibition from 8:30 a. ra. to 10:30 p, ra., dally, at Chicago. Visitors going lo that city would do well to drop in and view the picture. Mr. Wilüam .Stafford, aud Miss Evely Poster, supported by their entire leritimHte company, appeur at the opera house Thursday and Frlday evenings, March 2Stli and 27th. RINK ITEMS. Remember the maj-querade April 3d. The Falaoe Rfnk will be open every afternoon and evenlng daring tliis week and next. The flnest military cotume is to take a prize at the tnasquerade. Now, boyg, "dress up." Don't forget that the foot-ball gaine on rollers is down on the program at the Palace tor Friday ovening. The Tliree Heine Bros. are booked for the rink on April llth. They are very fluo acrobaticand contoition skaters. To-night is the last opportuniiy you will have to see the Speed well & Sewell comblnation. Their performauces are truly wonderful. The modern lovers that frequent the rink will have an opportunity of coniparng notes upon Fridny eveninjr. March 27th,when Roiueo and Juliet will be produced. The price of admlsslon to the rink on the ocoasion of the great niapqui-iadc, April 3d, will be only 25 cent, skatf and all. Nevertheless, no nne will be Hilmltti'd without a caid of invitaiioa. M. C. Sheehun has resigm-d as manager of the skating rink, and Will W. Watts has been appointeil to the vacancy. We congratúlate the proprletor, Mr. Wyroan, upon hecuring so pleasanl an I popular a younjf gentleman as Mr. Watt-i, and hope líe will prove a successful míinagt-r. On Frlday evenlng lust the Detroit Liglit Guard8 defeated the Aun Arbor Polo Club in the third írame of the series by a (core of 2 to 0. They won the first i:oal easily in 13 minutes, luit the MOOiid WHS a hotlycontested one, aud lasted 37 minutes. On Friday evening, March 27th, the Prinoess foot-ball team of Detroit will play the first match game of Rugby on skates ever played in Michigan at the Palace Rink, wilh the universitv team of thig city. Tliia university team is the regular Rugby team and are experts on tlie campus. They will ttieretore do their best to beat the Princess boys aud get up a reputatiou on skatea as well as in Mi finlrl On Monday and eveninr, March 30 and 31, a new entertainment wlll take place at the Palace Riuk. Tlie World'a Historica! Carnival Co. hag been engaged tor two entertainment. Let u.s explain tlic nature of the performance. The coinpany furnislies 250 cosuunes representing four races, Aruurirans, Kuropean, Africuns and Asl.-itics, uhicli are vvoni by the skaterg. (This is nol a misquerade, and no rnasks wlll be allowed.) At 9 o'clock all forrn a grand march, hended ty the American Standard, and the others follow, each división being headed by the head of each nation, carryIng a beautiful si Ik standard, folloued by their Rubjects. At thls time, calcium ligbts vvill be uied and national airs sung by the celebrated Messenjrer quartette, of Boston. The effect is benutitul, and must be ioen to be appreciated. No extra charge is made for the costiimes. and elections can be made at Franklin Ilouse on Monday noon. Lorenzo Young, of Aun Arbor, has had his pension ratscd fiom $1 to $12 per month, through O. L. Mathews. The Detroit Every Saturday had a novel way of workinj; one of its own rminent citlzens in to Cleveland'dcabinet in its last isiuie. ' The Barbarían " and Sliakepeare's Ronn-o and Juliet is to be producid at the opera houe, Thursday nd Friday evening-, March SGtli and 27th.


Ann Arbor Courier
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