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A Creat Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cu red by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In the winter of 1879 I was attacked witn Scroful In one of the most aggravating forma. At one time I bad n leu thau thlrteen large abscesses orer and around my neck and throat , conttnually eiudlng an offenslve mass of bloody matter diagusting to bebold, and almost Intolerable to endure. It ts Imposslble to fully describe my suffcrlngs, as the case was oompllcated wlth Chronlc Catarro. Alter three years of mlsery, havlng been treated by three physlclans, I was vrorso than ever. Flnally, on the recommendatlon of W. J. Buntley, drngglst, of Lockport, I was lnduccd to try Hood's Saraaparüla. And now, attcr havlng taken twelve bottles, within tbe last twelve months, tbe acrofulous emptlons have ntlrely ceased, and the abucesses have all diiappr ared, except the unslglitly sears, which are aally becomlne' smaller by degrees, and beautifully less.' I do not know wnat it may hare done for otbers, but I do know that in my casr, Hood'a Sarsaparllla has proved an effectlTe epoclflo indeed. As an cvldence of my gratitud I senil these factn uneoliclted, nd I ara ready to verlfy the authf nticlty of thls cure, by pentonal corrrapondence wlth any one wbo doubts It." Chaülkb A. Kobkbt, East Wllson, N. T. 1 tita statement is conflrmed by W. J. Hunttcy.droggist, of Lockport, N. Y., who calla tbe cure a grtat victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book glving statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by U drngglsts. 1 ; six for (S. Made ooly by C. L BOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. rOODott One Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News