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XT CTTRZ8 WHM 3 acllon. It Is a eaft, at.t. OTHEB. fl suro andip6dycur CUTES FAIIi, aa it sffla AAt ind h u n act DIEBCTLY XNQfidredB havo and AT ONCE on Vtvjfcjp been ouxod th EIDNE78, Tlvjby it when y.lS, reotoring (r M friend h. a d tliem to a healthy W' jf egiven them up IT IS BOTH A SAFE CURE and a SPECIFIC. It CTTRFS nll IMseaaes of the Kldnera, Llver, Bladder and l'rlnnry Ornan; Dropsy, Cnntl, Dinbetea, Itright's Disenso, Ncrvoiis DIhiil-i, Kxces es, l'eumle YVeaknenses, Jniiu'ic(, Uillonsnesa, Hcadache, .sour Stouiach, Dyspepfila, Constlpatiun, rilen, Patas in the Itnek, Loins, or Mide, Iletention or Non.Itctcntiou of Urine. T DEvonisTS. 3-TAKE NO OTHER.-W SOnd txt Illuatrated Pamphlet of 8olid Tet tiruonia' .- of Absolut Cures. HÜNT'S REMEDY CO., 0 ProTldonce K. 1. DcCLABKË HO FEE j Establised 1851 ( Merrill Citil íoítor! i DETROIT, MIOH. ï BiOCk" Tfff ''"W Thrrmilaroldestabllthed IKvTKWkSII phy'cl"n and Surgeon DB. tfU. WísivH' LASK1!' at the old number ¦ff 7TWBBf ïllcontinnts to treat witli his usual KI Vi EX )HBr'at "" ' all vrlvato, BLV VjKFÍ JSchronle, nervousnnd Kpecial ¦bVBLllilineaaes. IK. CLAKliK is HjgsJnlBKSjHthc nldcst Advcrtisinp Physician, bau&Sa&Klflas iilus of Papers show and all old Residenis kuow. Age and experience Important. V Nervoos dtseasea (wilh or without dreams,) or debillty and loss of nerve power treated scientifically by new methods with never faihnp success. J ít malees no difference what you have taken or who has L ailed to cure you. %W Toung men and mlddle-ased men and all who suffer should consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at onc ¦ (5yThe terrible polsons of all bad lilood and skin dl cases uf every kind, name and nature completcly eradicated. ltemember, that one horrible dlsaase, if neglected or improperly ircatrd, corsés the present and cominff grenerations. &ff Dlseased aischarges curca prompt. y without hindrance to business. Bolh sexes consult confldentlally. If in troubio, catlorwrite. Dcinysare dangerous. Procrastlnatlon Is the thicf of time." A wrltten narranty of cure giren In cvery case undertaken. C7 Send two stams for celebrated Works onC'nronlc Nervousand Dtl.catc Diseases. You have an cxhaastlve ymi(omloloy by which to study your own cases. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the old i'octar. Thouundi cared. Office and :rlors private. You see no one but the Docfor. Ucfore confitlinsr your case consult Dr. CURKE, A Iriendly letter or cali may save future suffenng; and shame, und add golden years to lifc. Medicines .-ent everywhere secure f rom esposare - Hours, 8to 8: Sunday, 9 to 13. Adrees letters: F. 1. (XiliKR M. I., Merrill Block, Cor. Woounrd A Jetterson Aves., DETROIT, MICH. A lawyer nyn that ¦ convenlent w.iy of ti'ftiiig llie ifleclionp, your ntei'le(l I to marry Hnother wornan. If she don't love you, yim wlll flnd it out immcdiately Bxcbaoge. In Holland, Micli., C. J. Doesbury publishestlie New, and strongly recommends Dr. Tliomas' Ecleutrlc Oil for coughs, sore throat, catarih and asthma. Cure for Piles. The first symptom of Pik'g is an intense itclilngut niglit after gettiiifi, warm. This uiiplenaant sensalion II ininetllately reI le ved by an apiilicaiion of Dr Bosanko'g Pile Keniedy. Piles la uil forms, Itch, Salt Rlicum and Ringwonu can be permanently oured by the use of this gicat remedy. Piice 50 cents. Manufaotured by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Conipany, P'lqus, O. Sold by BberbHch & Son. 1309-1SM.


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