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LAST CHANCE To obtain C.overnment Land? free- tht are suitablc for general farmingand stock raising purposes - bcforc chanse of laws as er bilis now pending in Congress. noniN THE DEVILS LAKE, ƒ II TURTLE MOUNTAIN, 3im3 And Mouse Rlver Country. NORTH ApDCC arlV"uy-!5 DAKOTA HUÍltO 2KS5SÍ Ovor 2,000,000 Acres of R. R. Lands in Minnesota at the low pnce of $3.00 per acre and upwards. Sectional Map and fuil particular mailed M ¦¦ free to any addresi byC. H. WAKREN, LULL Gen'l Pass. Agent, St l'aul, Minn. and F ïï r r Manitoba R. R., Sr. Pauu Minn. I llhk Obtained in the United States and ForeignCountries. OÜO.H.I.OTHROP, TO Grlswol " - Detroit, Kuch. During tne niglil give waketul rhilüie food. sleep wlllfollow. TlTe ick shoultl invari.ibly eat daring the nifilit. Tliis iimperativa. At nijiht, the delicate and Cliildren may take slowiy, warm inilk. beet ten, or oatmeal fpñwl. Vigorouadultainay also eat bread and milk, cold beet', mutron, chicken and bread, rawoy.ters, all, of' coime, In medertttloii. Do sol eat if not bungry. Kat if you are. Neier Giyo Dp. If you are lufferliijr, with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetiie, fji-neial bility, disordered blood, weak oonstitution, iicadaclie, auy disi-asi: ol'n btlliODI nature, by all nicans proeurc a botüe of Eleciric Bitter. You will be Éirprtted t see the rapid improveiiieiitlliat will follow; you will be losplred with new lite ; activny and istreiiiith will raturii : pain and misery willceae, and lienceforthyon will ïijnice In the praise (if Electric Bitters. 8old at fifty cents a bottle by Ebcrbucli & Son, The Edison Electric Liht Compaoy bastillee taráis in noithern Japan, ci'iuprising thrt-e hundred MSKiS tlevoied to ralfilltc the bamboo which, hplintvred and caibouized, are used in the incanilesceut lainpg. A Pdre and Rbliable Medicike.- A componnd fluid extract of roots, leaves, jarksand berries is Burdock Blood Bitters I'hey cure all diseases of the blood livcr, and kidneys. A traveler stopped at u public house in Miine for the purpoM of getting (linner. DiHlBOUutlng at the front knucked, )ut rt-ceived no aiiswer. Uoing U) ihe ither side of the boow lie fotiud a llttle wliite-headcd man in the i of hi vifr, who had bli heail ander her nn vhile wilh the othtr she WM givlng her ittle lord a poundin. VVishin to pul au end to the fij;hl onr traveler knocked on he sitie of the honw and rrird out In a oud voice i "Holton, here! wlm kceps h is house? '¦ The husba' d, thouh oul of breath, answered: " Strangur, that it vhat we are trying to decide." Freo Distribntion. " Whiit caueg the preat rush at Eberach & Son'a ilruï stori'?" The free clirlbuliou of imple bttles of Dr, Bnoauio'i Otnigh and l-unsSyrup, the nnxt p"ular remedv for Conyh-, Old(, Conpunipion. and Hioncliitin, now on tii; market. tegtrlar size 50 cents and $1.00. The biiiin nf an adult man weistlis, on in avirnge, for ty-eiirli t ouncei", that )f the aveniffe ailult woinaii nrl{rjifrty our omioea ; and vet woroan i far ?upi - lor to mui mentally. I have obtained his infoiinatinn frotn a ludy friend of rninc who is luoroui'hly trustworthy.- Bill Nye. Biliousuoss s very prevalent at thissoason, thesynipoms being bitter taste, breath offensive, onjeue coated, sick heailache, drousim- , lizziness, loss of appetlto. If tlils comliion is allowed to continue, 8erinu9conseuences mny follow. 15y promptly tnkinff lood's Sarsaparilla, a lever may be nvoid d or premature deatb prevented. It is a nositive cure for billiousness. Sold by al( Jrujiglsts. Before hip pocket were invented, every rue Kentuckian wore a long-tatled coat nd accidentally broke a pint bottle about incea week. - Telegraph Chronicle'ittsjurgh. Qood news ought to he told; nr.d it is i 'ood news that Hunt's Remedy has curerl he worst of kidney diseases, and can do it Bucklen's Árnica Salte. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, i Iruises. Sores, Ulcer, Salt Rheuin, Fever i ores.Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllblains, )ornt, ivnd nll Skin Eruptlons, and posively cures Piles, or no pay requlred. It ] s jfuaranteed to rlve perfect ittisfactioi., r money refunded. Prlce 15 oenti per ' IOS. For lal by S brbacli St 9m


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