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WORTHY Of Confldence. AVFR'C Sarsaparilla Is a medicino that, M I Cn O dartng uvurly 40 years, fu all parU of tho world, has proved lts eflloacyu tho best blood alterativeknown to úiixlicul s-cknce. SAñSAPARILLA fiWSFB p'iiuino Honduras Sarsaparilla) i.s iu base, and its poweri ure tiihaneed by the ext niets of Yellow Doek and Stil]in„'in, tlio lodidw of Potasutam and Iron, and other potent in.'reilients. O your blood vitlated by derangemeütl 'w of the digeative nnd asimilatorv functioiis? ia it talnted by Scrofula? or does it eontain the polson of Mercury or Contagkxn Dia a Tur leading phygidans of the United ¦ '¦Ci States, who know the eomposition of Aykii'S 8AK8APARIIXA, say that nn!lmiL el,e so gpoil for the purifieation of the blood ia ithia the rauge of pkurmacy. flNI V ' 'l16 usc ' lllis remedy 1 It UI1L.I pontble fjr a penon wno bal corrupted blood to attain sound health and prevent trauRiutsslon of the deBlructive taint to posterity. TUnDmirui f ili'-iihorpnovatlon InUnUUbnLY „f the system must Includa not only the removal of corruption from the blood, but its eurichment and tlit; j-trengtheuius of tho vilal organs. PCI IA Dl C wltnewei, all over tho ntLIADLt world, tertlfy that this workisliettor ai'foinplNhcJbyAYER'8 Riwipip7i.h by añy other remody. Uj nnr 'that is corrupted throngh aUDLUUU e;ise Is made pure, and blood weakened throuj'U diminution of the rod corpuiclea ís made strong, by Ayer'3 Sausaparilla. DIIDICXIMP l'lü blood and building rUnlr YIPlu up the Ryxtem roquire time In serious oases, bul benefit will be derived from tho use of Ayer's 8arsaparilla more speedily than from anythinff else. urnipitir ior whkn like effects are mcUIUIIlL fabel; clalmed, is abunl;mt inthe market, undermanynames, but the onlv preparation that has stood the test of time, and proved worthy of the world's confidence, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J . C. Ayer &. Co., Lowoll, Mats. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottfes for $5. LI7MBER! LUMBER! LÏÏMBER! It you contémplate biuldinír, cali at FERDON Liiiei ïiu! Corner Fourth and Depot St?., anil ire our ügurea for all kiuds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lamber aml guaraDtee AERY LOW PRICES LgGe us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and wcll gradcd stock fuily sustains our assertion. Telephone Connections with Office. T.J. KBKCH Supt JAMKSTOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GEXERAL i i i OFFICE : Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, UOR. HUKON AND FOÜRTI1. STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnbarg. tCapita), $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Assets 600,()00. Sprlugflcld Ins. Co. of Mass.ichtisctts, Cash Assets f 1 ,800,000. Howard Ihs. Coinpaiij of New York, Cash Aesots 1 1 ,000,0110. Agricultural Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., Caab Aeeets $ 1 ,200,000. Loese; LIberally AdjaBtcd and Promptly Pold. DYOU K1T0W tuit LORILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO With Ked TIn Tag Is tho best? Is the purest 1b never adulterateil with glucose, barj teH, molasses, or any datotarioufl Ingrediente, a Is the case with many other tobáceos. L,OItIILltlS KOHK I.F.AF KIM: Cl'T TOBACCO 1 alNo made of the fluest stock, and for aromatic chewlngquallty Is second to none. LORILLAKD'N WVY CL,IPPIX;H. take llrst rank as a Holid durable smoking tobáceo wherever lntroduced. I.OHII-I ltl -. I'HOC8 SM II.. have been used for over 124 years, and are sold to a larger extont than any othor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News