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- - - 1 --- - ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦I jROYAL PSaííJ Ji B AKlMc POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrlcs. A marvel of pui ity.stwiiüih and wholesomeness. Moreecouomioal Lbao th' ordtnary klntls, nndcamiot be ¦ 'kl Ín oompetltion wlth the rnultltude oi low tesi. shn t weight, Hlum or phosphale pnwders. Solrt only ln oiuik Koyaj. BaeinQ fowdu 0o,i UN' vnii si. S. v. Cñícura INFAXTILE SKI BEAUTIFIERS- AN APPEAL TO MOTHERS- TltY TIIEM. ÍiOR Cleaneing the Skin and Scalp of Binh Rumora, for al'ayine lichine, Barolog tind I] II unm ition. lorcuring thc flrsi symptoms of Eczeni i. P-oriasis. Milk Crusr, xoild Head, Scro'ula a:ni other iuhertted i-kin and blood diseae Outi( iir:i. ihf Krfut Skin Cure, and (Jnncura So: i, an ezq Malte íkin Hi'iiunfl.-r, i-xtemally, and Cutlcuia Hi-solvent, the new Blood l'uriíler, internally are m alible. Absolnti'ly pure. "TüRIMBLY Al'l'LKTEDr Mr. and Mrs Everett SteDbin, Be.ctai-rtnwn, M:ifs., write : "Our litile boy wae terrihly alHited wlth Scrot'nla, Bílt Rhi-iim and Erisipelas ever Blnce he was horn, and DOthlBg we coa d Kive hira hi'lped him, ii n II we iried the Ciiticara Remediee, whlc! grüdiwlly cured him, unul be is nuw as fair as any child." "$2oo fok No-rmxo. 'i, Oardon,%7 Arlinston Ave., C'harlcsiown, HM.,wrltM! "Haring paid about 200 to flrBtc 1 .i ¦ - doctora to cuiu my baby, without succesn, I tried ihe Cnticura Remedies, which completely curud, after usinf; three packages." IOU PALÉ, LAXGIID, Kmaclatcd chlldren, wilh pimply, sallow skin, the Cuticura Remedies will prove a perfect hleasluï, eleanping the b!ood and skin of inherited impurIties and expelliug the germs of scrofula, rheunmiiríii, couaumption, and stvere kin disease. 'BEST FOK TJIi: SKIN.' Your Culicura Kuncdiis are the best for skin diseases I have ever pold, and yoar Cuticura tíoap the lliK-Ht medicinal toilet soap in the marKet. C. W. STALE-S, Osceolí Mii.l, Wis, OriiKi;idt. Sold everywhere. Prlce, Onticura, 50c; Rcolvent, $1.00; Sold, 25 cents. Prepared by Pottkb Hui i. and CiiKiiii ai Co.,iiostou, Maes. Sfiicl lor "How to care Skin Dlseases" flAWff l'-td Cntioura Noap, an exfiuiuitely fiiifil perfumed Mkln Hrauilflrr. CATARRH Complete Trealment, wJth Iuhalcr, for Every Form or Catarrli, $1. ASK FOB SANPORD'S RADICAL CURE Unid Colds, Watery Discharges f rom the ffose and Eye, Klnulng Nolses ln the Head, KervousHeadachc and Fever Instantiy relleved. ChoklnK mucus dlaloKcd, membrano cleansed and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taBte, and hearing resluretl, and ravages cheeked. Cough, Bronchitis. Dropping lnto the Throat.Palns ln the Chest, Dyspcpsla, WaBtlng of Strengtb and Kl'-sh, Loss of Sleep, etc, curcd. One bottle lïadlcal Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, ln onc package, of all drugglsta, forti. Ask for Sanford's Kadlcal Cure, a puredlstlllatlonof Wltch Hazel, Am. Plne, Ca. Flr, Marigold, Clover Blossoms, etc Pottik Dkvo and Chemical Co., Boston. Potter Irug and Chemical o., Boston. , '¦ I Ihi I-'fe for ahattered 0 LI- I N CiN'crvcs, Painful M úseles and V T,„, _. ,V VVeiikened Oreans. ColX2LTQÍL l'nn' Voltalc Electric n) TvÈk ï'last'T lnsunily aflect 1 ''{ Jf tB tne nervous syntem and JKj iJ-il banishcB pain, nervoucness ' vNC" 3lEVfini' debility. A perfect ' '4 Í ,.;,, Mei'.tro - iinlvntc .ELECT S c "tiery -omllned Jl A PTCRanilh a hlichly nK'ill IW1' clnul Piaster lor 'S Cts. All druggists. 111 Li II I! I : A HEALTH Y AND EXCITINO EXERCISE Can be bad during the winter months by playlng TEN PINS, COCKEÜ HAT, Or any of the games of a bowling alley. On 1 OMt 1 II NIKKET, opposlte the Court House, Is Kovvlinx Aller, which hns recently been nnely decoratedand fltted up in good style. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE, H tíldenlo here can get one of the best advantages of u gymnasium. Tho excrclse gives Rood clrculailon, helpa digestión and appetlte. COME AND TRTIT1 A. C. BLI8B A CO.


Ann Arbor Courier
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