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Teachers' examination at Chelsea, April Farewell masquerade at the Dexter rh) k April 8th. R. B. Hall, of Mihiü, wants to be the flrst villaje marshal. Mrs. John Sunberg, near Milan, died ree i'iitly, aged 57 years. Klke Paul, of Lima, has moved on to a farm neat Delhi station. Susan Trump Lord, of Augusta, died March 15th, aged 51 years. A. Duttoan i to ereot a fecd mili near the Free church, Superior. Prof. Bellows, of the Normal, left for New Orleans last Saturday. Geo. H. Koster is Chelsea's villaje marshal for the ensuing year. The Ypsilanti rink received $.',500 for the lirst weeks of its existence. Julia Botman, aged 8", for 50 years a resident of Saline, died recently. Webster republiean caucus to-roorrow afternoon for township nomlnatlons. The Chelsca B iptits realized ahout $20 trom a "oorn festival" recently held. At Yprtlantl M. E. obarch, to-morrow eveniug, the Ypsilanti ludían Aisociation meets. Baoday, tbc SSdJwu the "golden," BOth annlrersar; of Chelsea'a Oongrejfatlonal clmreh. 8uperlor republicana nomínate towilship offlcera to-morrow afternoou, it the tow n hall. Misa El tea Coe, of Dexter, is to leach the school in Thoni's district, Ypsi. town, tbis spring. Dr. Wrlght, who went to California from Dexter, is all rigut after all. lias not been sick. Tlie Chelaea oreamery co. bas choson Jas. L. Gilbert, manager, and C. E. Bab(¦(ck, secretary. Amos Wllbur, of Superior, lias rented hit t arm, and will his suminer in New York fcState, bis old home. About 35 young people have joincd the Center chuich - Sharon - on probation, recenily. Tney never will regiet it. Mr. M. Keeler, of Sharon, is to erect a ni'W house Chis seMon, and Charles Fish and Mr. Klein will bulld new barns. A Lima young man tipped over twice hen going to see his giil, and wheu he got there tound she had justgone with another fellow. It is an assurtd fact that President Willits, will leave the Ypsilanti Normal school, uid ;; to Liuïing, the leglSlatUie having complied with his requests on appropriatiow?. A frame farm house in the township of Pittstield, east of this city, belongino; to Thomas Dean, burued Friday night with all ils contenta. Loss, $900; insured in the Watertowu for $600. Milan's village council bas helil its flrst meeting and lixed the bonds of the different offleers as follows : Treasurer, $3,0t)0; marshal, $2,000; clerk, $200; street coininUsioner, and constable, $500 each. A little child of Frank Andrews put its hand into a pan of hot molasses candy one day this week, and in its stroggles with the Intense pain burned its face, nose, ves, forehead and other hand very badly. - Milan Leader. By order of the common council Ann Arbor is to have a new fire engine. VVhen will Dexter village awake to the the fact that one is needed here? Come, gentlemen of the eouncil, rouse up and yo to work. - Leader. We continue tto .print the Ypsilantian at the Sentitiel office, as we have sinte it was started, and wbile our hand is in, would like the job of doing the presswork for about half a dozen more papers. Who will start tome f - Sentinel. The Washtenaw county fairs next fall will have four special attractions that will be good drawing cards: First, a sample of liohemian oats; second, a sample of Bohemian oats agent; third, a sample of Bohemia oats a;ents' contract; fourth, a farmer who basn't been roped in by the Bohemian oats cr.ize. Dr. McLacblan informa us that he is not a candidato for the Mooreville postoffice, and to the best of bis knowledge the present incumbciit. Mr. Eugene Ford, gires universal satisfaction. We thoiight it rather funny that the Dr. having" so large and successful a practice, ghould yearn to be a postmaster. - Milau Leader. The band boys will give a dance at Goodyear hall on Monday eveninjr, April lili), ÍOT the purpose of compen.sating for the loss they sustained by the recent lire. They unfortunately lost about $60 worth of instruments, uniforma, etc., and we hope our citizens will help them out of their ditiiculty. - Manchester Enterprise. The Ypsilanti prohibitionists have put the tollowing ticket in the field, the head of whicb is and always bas been u democrat : For Mayor- C. L. Yot. Kor Supervisors- Selti B. Mereness, lst district; Ueorge W. Hnven. 2d disl. For Constab es- Qeorge W. Palmer, Ut district; Ctias, Miller, 2d district. For Alderinen- John ü Klrk, lst ward ; Lauren B. Sanford, 2d ward; N. M. Thompson, 3d ward; Jas. B. Forsyth, 4th ward; Bumuel W. Parsous, 5th ward. The gradnation class has been organIzed. It is a large one, and met on Thursday evening of last week for the purpose of electing offleers. The election for the flrst part passed offquietly, but when the 8ecretarysbip.wa8 proposed, a deadly, but bloodless strife ensued. The following offleers were elected: President, R. S. Copeland ; vice-president, Miss Josey McNamara; secret.iry, Misa Lena Mallory; treasurer, Miss Mate Sharpey. - Dexter Leader. A JOLLY TIME. Quite a gatherlng, including a few Ann Arborites, accompanied by Root'a f uil orcliestra, assenibled at the residence of Mr. V. L. Shauklaud of Superior, Tuesday evening, where tbey found the family most agreeably stirprised upon their arrival, to learn that it was in honor of Mr. Sliaukland's and bis son ltobert's, birth-day. Nevertheless, they received a most hearty wekome from the genial host and hostess who opeued their rooms for the dUposal of their gucsts. Dancing soon cominenced and joy abounded. Re freshments, of whioh their was au abundance, were served at 12 o'clock. We must not forget one of the leading features of the evening, whicb was a schottisch danced by the two head waiter?, " Dinah and tíanibo" wliich caused nu. oh sport for the young folks. Thus with merry games and dancing it liad neared the "wee sma" hours before the company, after wishing Mr. Shankland and famlly many happy returns of the day, retired to their respectivo homes.