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A special meeting ot tlie conmion council wils liekl Monduy evening to consiilcr the question of water works, and receivod the report ol the Bpccial comniittee ippolnted on tlic Monday evening prevUma. TUe roll cali bhowed a full oouncll exoeytinc Aids. Vaughan, War and VValz. Prof. C. E. (Jreene in the absence of Aid. Vatiglian, the olmirman, presented the report of the committee, as follows: Your comniittee on water works to whom was relerred he arraugemeut of details In regard to a contract for a term of years wlth Messrs. Goodhue Jtlrale, of öprlugtleld. Mass.. for supplying the city of Ann Arbor wllh water, beu leave to report : Tliat tbey have had an Interview wlth Mr. üoodhueaud suomlt tbe followlng basis of an agreement for a contract whlcli Messrs. Goodiiue& Blrnle arewllling to executowith the City of Ann Arbor, for a supply of water for the extlngulshlng of res, domeullc use, etc , etc. Messrs. Qoodbue & Blrule wlll bulld a complete system of water works on the reservoir and pumplng plan, the top of the reservoir to be located 195 feet above the intersectlon o Main aud Huron slreels, the reservoir to be made ol boller lron aud to hold not less llian a&j.OOO gallons of water. They wlll furnlsh and set up puniplug machlnery of ampie capaclty and power for all requlrements. They wlll folluw the plans submltted by Prof. C. E. Greeue the sizes and locatlon ol thedlstrlbuttng pipes, except ome sllght chauge in the size and loention ol the umin from tbe reservoir by the substltutlou of a lö-lncu pipe from the reservoir to the north end of Bprlng Street, and a Hindi ptpe In Spring street aad Mlller avonue, aud thenca to the corner of Main and Hurou slreels wlth an elght-lnch pipe down (Jhubb Ktreet, to connect wlth the malu pipe al the City milis. In place of the 1B-Inch pipo now shown froui the reservoir to the city. Tüey wlll lay pipes, slzes, 18-lnch to 4-lnch Inclusive, not to exceed 14 miles In length, Hrsiclass, cast irun pipes, to be lald below freezlng-polni. Ou thls length of pipe Ihey wlll lócate, set and malntaln 1(10 Ure hydrants whlch they wlll keep lu good order, ready at all times lor use, sald hydrants to be elther Chapman, Ludlow. or Polier & Perklns hydntiiis, all to be three nozzled, one stearoer aud two leadlug hose, and ou thls 14 miles of pipu the city may tócate as many additlonal hydrants as they eee lit, whlch wlll be set and by Gooduue Blrnie. They wlll also set valvesor gates, not less tnan 50 In number aud the gates and hydrants shall be subject to tne approval of the city. The entlre city sliall be flrst-class In every respect, sultable lor these requlrements, full, efficiënt and ready at all times to respond (unavoldabie accidenta excepted). For the service and supplylng of wateras speclñed above, tbey ask ttiat the city tihall pay $1,000 per annum for the use of sald hydrants lor lire purposes on the 11 miles of pipe, and the first coHt of such additlonal liydrauts lu place as the clly muy lócate ou 1 hut 11 miles, but wllh nu additlonal charge for them. They will extend the pipes wheuever ordered to do o by the city, the olly to pay for ono hydrant for every seven hundred feet of pipe so ordered, at the rate of 940 per annum for each hydrant. The city shall have the rlght to purchase the entlre works at auy time they choose, aud lf the owuers and the dlr fall to agree on the price;to bo patd thereior, the Justices of the supreme court may appolnt three commlssloners to award the prlce to be pald. Any resident of Aun Arbor may subscribe for the stock of the compauy to a comrolllng intwrest, at any time up to Jauuary lst, 188(1. Tbey wlll glve a good and sumcieut bond to proteel thecliy from all sults on account of Injury from any defect In hlghways or anythlug conuecled wlth the construction of the water works. aud wlll protect tuelr excava tlous and restore the streeU proiuptly to as good condltion as before work wa begun, but the city shall save theni harmless from any sults tuut may be brougbt agalnst tbem uu account of the taking of any water for the supply of the clly. Tue water rates shall be agreed upon, bul shall nol exceed those giveu lu the prlnted schedule rnarked "A." The city shall graut thls compaoy tbe rlght to lay pipes lor watei supply in any and all st reets of the city and shall not graut such rlght to ol h' r partleR unltl such time as the clly may purchase the works or the rlglit of thecorapany expires by the limitatlou expressed In the contract. Itappearsto your coramittee that cerlal n modlflcatlons of thls basis for anagreement are deslrable, as follows : lst. There shonld be added the requlrement that the works shall be capable of throwing by reservoir pressure, slx streams, HO feet high, at the court house at one time, and again, live streams i0 leet high at the Universlty campus, and each to be played through 1U0 feet of hose and a one-inch smoolh uozzle. 2d. The requlrement that the city shall save them haruiless from sutls for water taken should bestrlcken out. 3rd. All rlghts of layiug pipes already granted by the city shall be respected aud reinaln in force. Wlth suoh modlilcatlons your commlttee would respectlullly recommend thatacoutract be executed wlth Messrs. Goodhue A ülrnie, on the above basis for an agreement. V. C. VAÜGHAN, PHILLIP BACH, UOTTLOB LUICK, C. E. HISCOCK, CHAÍÍ. E. GREKNE, Commlttee. J lie report was accepted. By Aid. Hiscock: Resolved, That the questlon of submlltltie to the legal voters of the city on Monday next, whether they wlsh to accept the propositlon whlch has been made by Qoodhue & BIrule tosupply the city wlth water by piaclng a ballot-box to recelve such votes at each poll ing place in the city. Resolved, That the Mayor and Aid. Lawrence be authorize to makt: a statement of the propositlon to the voters. A resolution hamled to Aid. Kearns was presented by him, asking for the appointment of a committee named to overhaul the charter and créate a water board, etc, was lost. By Aid. Lawrence: Whereas, There ia now in the treasury the sum of 810,000 iind more In the contingent fund, avallable for such purposes as thecouncll shall deern for the best good of the city, and Whkkkas, If a system of water works should be constructed upon the p an now pending before the councll wlth 100 public nre hydrants, the sum of SI, 000 would be re quired to pay for such hydrants, not later than December 18B6. Therefore, Itcsolvea, That llie sum ol $1,000 be set asido and pul at Interest to be known as "The Water Works Fund," to pay for the use of such 100 public flre hydrants for the flrst year after the construction and acceptance ofthe same by the citv. to thlH end tbat ttiere be no public taxatlon for the use of such hydrunts, or on account of such water works. Which was carried. By Aid. Lawrence : Reiolved, That the comraon council of the city of Ann Arbsr do declare that lt Is expedient to have construc'ed works for the purpose of supplying such city and the Inhabltants thereof wlth water, but tbat lt is Inexpedient for such city, under the power granted in its charter, to hui ld such works, und that lt would be tor the best lnterests of the city that a company should be organized to construct such works under the provlsions of Chapter 84, of Howell's statutes. The resolution was adopted. By Aid. Lawrence: Retolved, That Senator Kempf be requested to use hts best efforts to procure the passage of the amendment to the charter of this city, In relatlon to water works, in relation to deposlting funds of the city in banks, nd in relalion todiscontlnuing streeta. Carried. The following letter of approval has been made public. Ann Akbor, Mich., March 30, 1885. Mayor ha uk i man - liiur Slr: May I be allowed to state that I have carefully consldered tbe propositlon for water supply, now before the common council. and I feel assured that it Isa most favorable one for the city, and less expensive for tbe tuxpayers thau under city ownership. The optlon wlth the city, to purchase the works lscertiilnly fair, so fair as to have the stock of the corporallon building tbereon hard by a desirable luveslment lor capital. i tl'MIH'C L f 11 1 1 V_


Ann Arbor Courier
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