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Ttïsdat, Mwch 24.- In the Senato th Mexicau claims treaty was furthar considered. The following nominations by the President were received: Henry L. Muldrow, of Mississippi, Assistant Secretary of the Interior; William A. J. Sparks, of Illinois, Commissioner-General of the Land Office, and Daniel McConville, of Ohio, Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-ofllce Department. Wednksday, March 20.- Further consideration of the Mexican Claims treaty cccupied the time of the Senate. ThO nomination of S. 8. Cox, of New York, to be Minister to Turkey, was rocoived and confirmed, and the nominations of the previous day werO also conflrmed. Thttrsdat, March 20.- In the Senntc, after some further discussion, the Mexicau Claims treaties were postponed until the next session. A resolution was adopted appointing two Senators to inform the President that lf he had no further communication to make the Senate was ready to adjourn. The nomination of Dauiel McConville, of Ohio, as Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Ofllce Department, was conflrmed. Fridat, March 27. - Consideration of executive business occupied the session of thO Senate. The nominations of everal postmasters were confirmed. B A communication was received trom the President requesting the Nenate to remain in session until April -2. A.ljournod to the 30th. DOMESTIC. It was said on the 24th tbat the opening oí navigatioii uu tho lalcog wuuM be mueh later than usual this spring. There was more ice than had been kuown for over forty years. A incendiary fire the other morning destroyed a stable and two other buildings at Urbana, O., thirty-seven horses, some of them Kentucky thoroughbroiis, perishing in the llames. One of the worst storms of the winter prevailed on the 24th iu the Cheboygan (Mich.) section. The thermomoter raarked thirty degrees below zero. Eioht business houses at Covington, Ky., and nine at Lewisburg, Tenn., were destroyed by flre a few days ago. Moses Poeteb, a well-known resident of Lafayette, Ind., was swindled out of $1,000 a few daya ago by a confldenceman. The residenceof Georgo Green (colored), at Columbia, S. C, was destroyed by fire a few nights ago, and hia wife and three children perished in the llames. Mr. Green ml one child escaped. It was discovered on the 24th that John Benson, a prominent attorney at Lebanon, Pa., had suddenly disappeared, taking vith Mm $añ,000 belonging to mauy prominent citizens. The alleged defaulter lea-es a wife and four children. The Indiaus on the Winnebago Reservation, in Dakota, were in a state of rehellion on the 24th, buildings were being burned all along Chappelle Creek and the lives of the settlers were threatenod. UN the ground that the Gospel is free, the Superior Court of Georgia threw out a suit brought by Rey. J. A. Smith agaiust the Marietta Railway reeently for preaching to the convict gang in its eraploy. Sharpers the other day prevailed upon Moses iPorter, a rich farmer living at Lafayette, Ind., to bet $1,000 that hecouldpiek out the right card. He lost the money. A troop of cavalry was on the 2."th ordered to destroy the permanent improveïnents on the ranche of two cattle firms in üklahoma, which was taken to ïueau that all unauthorized stockmen would be driven out. While playiug with a revolver a few days ago supposed to be uuloadod at New Corner, Ind., Ki hard Browu, eleven years old, fatally shot his brother ged seven. Mrs. John Gray lost her speech last year by o. fall from a tur pliitform iu Chicago. A few days ago she fully recovered her voice by tumbling down a flight of stairs at Hanuibal, Mo. Advicis of the 25th froin the Winnebago Indian Reservation in Bakota report that the Tndians had decided to maku no further resistance to the settlement of the lands. ¦¦ ¦¦ v " .. v v Aascuiui lias pil smid a bilí providing for a reservation around Niágara Falls. The Sheriff at Leavenworth, Kan., has issued a notice that one huudred and flfty saloons in that city must be closed by May 1. Peter Dutly, of Loeust Gap, Pa., a hard-working man of miserly habits, was on the 25th robbed of $15,000, the saviugs of his life-time, while absent from nis hut. He was nearly crazed with grief. Prop. Otto Scheulkr, musician and composer, died t'1- other night of bloodpoisoning at Louisville, caused by cutting a cora. Grahhis & Co., baakers, of Utiua, N. Y., have failed for $200,000. Mrs. Fkederick Ball was burned to death near Chambersburg, O., on the 25th by her clothes taking fire from a stove. At Sewichley, Pa., the other day two well-diggers, Andrew Pearce and 8. Saunders, were suffocated by gas. Eioht membera of the "Sara Sata Assassination Society" were on the 25th indicted for murder at Pine Level, Fla. An old feud waa settled on the 23th at Stewartsville, Ind., by a farmer named Fleichman breaking the skull of John Scharndial with a plow point, the latter then eutting his adversary to pieces with a paring-knife. A fire in Buffalo, N. Y., on the evening of the 2üth destroyed Music Hall, the flnest building in the city, valued at $200,000, and St. Louis' Germán Church, a spacious structure, worth an equal amount. John Grimm was caught in the steeple of the church, and lost his life by falling to the pavement. Al Chapman, a well-known sporting man, committed suicide on the 23th at Hot Springs, Ark., and Charlea Lorne, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Lincoln County, Mo., shot himself. . iis n itw uttys a-j uestroyeu tne stables of James R. Ware, at Cincinnati, in which six Taluable horses perished. The dweiling of Ma ia Dixon, colored, at Chanute, Kan., was burned the other night, and two children perighed in the flamea. Great sufforing still prevailed on the 26th in Wirt, Gümer and Roane Counties. "7ID pnnojj pms "tiuax "siqutueK nseMaq 8niX[d 'nB.x mN. Janres Xjjaj hhx ¦8ni8BjnoDne paja -pjenoD ion sbjii esamsnq jo piAiAajBjoj Joonno &Tf% pnB 'Xijnnoo eqi ?noq3nojijj nnp XiBjaaa3 soav epBjj uqj pojjod -9J sjw.iinpvjfl; oj miö eqj jo saoiAav tnST[oqooiB uiojj Snuajjns tVM. 9H -jood v ni jjestniq SniuAiojp Aq '-q 'pnB[]on a9k u Xpnaoaj epioins pejítm -raoD 'XaeABs paS 'asijihs iiowoaog ¦ I u.i.i .Lul ,1.1 ij 04 ano niojj jnq eSujOAtj pinoAi Basso] eq !)Bq pn 'smuo joj saoaX joj sang aq} neaq psq JwjniM jsBd aqi }q qgj eqj no enne -jCaqo n paTUs 3[SBjqe{j pn opBJOjoo 'Snjraoiji mojj nemaBa oNiavai jfj8AOO8J jo Xbav jib; b n pajapisnoD bbav pnB 'qjfls eq5 no ssansnoioBUoo panjBaaa ''b,j 'nouBp[ jo ¦jeanen qdssof jo jagqSnBp b 'nawj sbm pooj on ecaii qoiqAi 3nunp 'sÍBp xig -XaneAvj JojeouBJi b "? SniniBiuaj hhxjv esnajep -JJ9B jo pnnojS eqj no paqjmboB qj;ij aqi no bbm 'bjb9X OAg-naAvi JOJ jnetu -nosjjdm} 01 paouenes eono bbav eq qaiq. joj 'M]O SBBUB3 }B sjpijgpaj,,! eSjoag paiüH o8b 8JB9X 8ejqj oqM 'wiaig hxho ¦maqi joj 69snoq apiAojdo} 9iqis -sodmi 6BM 51 Bq} sjaqmna q'ons m SniAij -JB ej9Ji eidooj -XiBp sjajjBq pnBsnoqi jnoj iinoqB sbai noiqonpojd eq} pn '}om ¦ "¦JP I! ("0) 8jnqs3OBjn[ n 9q() nj qgg qi no XjpidBj panado Sureq 9J9ji syisj ?no qpiep jCiSmjBds 'iB9m-njo3 no 3niAi[ ej9j eidoad 8q? pns 'noRBAjBs Lq Pnn '8iAipDoj 9tR pnn STBtmtrB paap ;o s?ipOS -P9CJ TCJgS&W jp?!3} Ift Bi Ark., nxpfndeil Her boiler ñ the iït.h rbiln lying at the latter place, killing flr persons and wouuding four othors. The Supreme Court of New York on the 27th ordered the release of Becky Jones, who spent a yoar in Ludlow Street Jail rather than testify in the Hammersley will case. I Stbikino shoemakers were acrused of partially wrecklng the Windsor Hotel at Kandolph, Mass., on the 27th with dynamite. An incendiary fire on the 27th destroyed fourtoeu buildings at Oakland City, Ind., the loss being nstimated at $100,000. An explosión of gas the other day caused a flre in the Michigan carbon-works, near Detroit, resulting in a loss of $150,000. John Sk n in was hanged on the 27th at Barboursville, Ky., for killing a stranger who had two hundred dollars on his person; and William Neal, the tuird and last of the vill.'iins who niurdered and burned the bodies of two girls and a boy at Ashland, Ky., was executed at (frayson. He maiutained his innocence tothe last. T S. W. Tai.lmadoe, of Milwaukee, reported on the 27th a decroase of 4,283,950 acres in the territory sown to winter wheat in twenty of the principal States, and predicted a shortage ia the yield of 106,000,000 busbeU. MM Skcrktart Endioott stated on the 27th that after a reasonable time the lands of Uklahoma would be freed from all iutrnders, whether settlers ar cattlemen, even if the assistance of the aruiy was nece8sary. In tbe Unitod Stiltes and Canada there were 242 business failures during the sc-vi'n days ended on the 27th, against 2S4 the prerious seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 49; New England States, 25; Western, 64; Southern, 59; Pacific States and Territorios, 15; Canada, 30. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Advices of the 24th state tluit the Mor mona expresa great dissatisfaction with the ruling of the Supreme Court that inhabitauts of the Territories are under the sovereigu control of Congres. M a Ki il 3 William Shields, an old man, was appointed postma9ter at West Chester, Pa.f and becoming worried over the dutiüs of his office he drowned himself on the morning of the 24th. Oordon W. Burnham, the New York milliouairo who died recently, intended to marry the daughter of Prof. Sanborn, of Dartmouth Osllege, and left her 50,000 in his will. In the United States Circuit Court at Chicago on the 24th Judge Gresham granted a writ of error in the cases of Mackin and Gallagher, the election conBjiirators, and tixed May 4 as the date for hearing argumenta in company with Justico Harían. He closed his decisión with the remark that it need uot be infeiTed that a new trial would be ordered. The prisoners were releaseil fn bonds of $5,U0O each. In the New York Senate on the 24th the bill ehanging the timo for holding the municipal elections in New York City from fall to spring was defeated. Jacob Thompson, who was Secretary of the Interior under President Buchan&n, died uu the 24th at Memphis, Teiin, aged s.vcnty-fl ve years. Mdlle. Nevada, the opera singer, was teiidered an ovation at San Francisco the other ii i _ht . Besides numerous floral gifts of a costly character, her old schoolmates presented her with a purse of $2,000 in flvedollar gold pieces. The Democracy of Chicago on the 24th noininated Carter H. Harrison for Mayor for afourth term. Judge Siduey Smith is the Republican nominee. üknkhai, Anson Staokr, the fainout electrician, died iu Chicago early on the mornins; of the 2Glh, aged sirty years. The Indiana Senate on the 25th passed the bill providing for scientiflc instruction in public schools on the effects of alcohol ou the human system. un. -ui.i'uii xjoisiaiure aujourneu sine die ou the 2öth. Jat Gould and Russell Sage on the 25th retired frora the directory of the Uniou raeillc Koaa. Charles Franrts Adam, Jr., was ro-elected President. A high-license bill was passed by the Wisconsin Legislature on the 25th. The license ranges from $100 to $500, according to the size of the towns, and wholesale dealers must pay $200 in all cases. Mrs. E. D. Morgan, widow of ex-Governor Edwin D. Morgan, died on the 26th at New York. A petition, signed by oyer on e thousand clergymen and laymen, including the most prominent divines in the country, was presented to the President on the 25th urging him to enforce the Edmunds antiPolygamy act. The bilis providing for a dish of bread and water for vagranta, and giving vromen the right of suffrage at school elections, passed tha Wisconsin Legislature oa tbe 26th. James Hcbbart, living near Indianapolis, celebrated his one hundredth birthday on the 27th. Ha has been married seventysix years. HENR7 S. NWa t, Solicitar at tha Trtmmury at Washington, tendered his raaigntion on the 27th, and Alexandar McCue, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was offered the pogitlon. Tbe Tennessee Senate has passed blll making it a crime to ipreaca or praeüo polygamy. General Grant testifled on the 27th in the suit against President Fish, of the Marine Bank, New York, tht he paid ia $100,000 as a special partner in the flrm f Grant & Ward; that on May 1 last he thought himself worth $1,000,000, and that everything he possessed was lost in the i failure. , Thb Arkansas Legislature adjonmed sie die on the 27th. General Grant passed a confortable day on the 27th, and a visible improvement in his condition was claimed. FOREIGN. The rebelllon in Manitoba was causing great excitement on the 24th. A report was received at Winnipeg that while a detachment oí mounted pólice was proceeding to reinforce Fort Garitón the iusurgents under Riel attacked it, killing flf teen of the pólice and wounding others. The rebels had captured and impnsoned forty whites and had taken possession of more stores. Four Indian chiefa and bands had joined the insurgents, who nnmbered ott a thousand hardy men, all well armed. The people of Germany have sabscribed í."iT."i,000 for a memorial to Bismarck, and on the fiftieth anniversary of his entry upon public service he will be presentad with the deeds of theSchonhauser estáte. Thb Brltlsh Cabtnet on the 2öth resolred to demand of Riissia the speedy delimitation of the Afghan frontier. All offlcors of the Indian army now in Rurope on furlough were ordered to rejoln their regiments. War between the two Governments was considered inevitable. Reports on the 25th placed the namber of British killed and wounded in the recent battle near Hasheen at Ö80, including camp-followers. Advices of the 2Cth state that commercial crisis exists in Moscow. Four of the lnrgest tea and sugar flrms had failed, with lialúlities of $12,000,000. Great excitement prevailed in London on the 2üth over the prospect of a conflict between England and Russia. Fresh orders were sent out to the military and naval centers for the immediata dlspatch of munitions of war to India. The Qneen sent a message to the House of C'ommon calling out 03,000 reserves and 140,000 militia for permanent service. Advices of the 2Gth from Madagascar state that a terrino hurricane passed orer a portion of the island recently. Se ven - teen persons were killed and many othvra wounded. The American bark .Sarah Hobart was driven ashore and became a total wreek. Fortv men were buried alive on the 27th by an explosión In the mines of the Doinbrau Orran Mining Company at Trappan, in Austrlan Silesia, and all were beUered to have perished. An explosión n the minea of Baron Rothschild, In Mora via, killed flf. tfy-six men. Trb ezcitement at London asui othar , KtirOMn pomii over n proratmt vrr with Ruuit was unabated on tb 27th. Lord Dufferia had sent a request (rom In, dia for reinforcements, and active preparatioos were being made to get all availahlit orulsers and iroa-clads belonging to the , navy lnto eondition for active service au soon as possihln. Advioes from Rtscla ( stated that preparatinns wern innking '"" war, and silenee was imposed ontho lïiissian newspaper. The Canadian Gorernment received ad[ vices on the 27th of a battle with Hiel in the Saakatchewan regiou, in which eleron mounted policemen wers killed and ton I wounded. The capture of Major Croeier and kis command of one hundrpd mea wal also reported. LATER NEWS. General Grutt suffered preatly on th L 29th from accumulated socrotions in his throat. He had to be held in bed, and cried out that he could not stand the pain. His doath at auy muinent wouJd be no uur prise to his physicians. John Kane, a wealthy cattle dealor of , Sau Franeisco, killed his wife on tka 29th ! because she refuscd to remove from the city with him, and thon killed himself. i A cablkqram of the ÏHtli from Lonilon lays Parliament believed that peacj would continue betweeo England and Kussia, while the court was certain that war was at hand. A explosión a few days ago in a eoal mine at McAlister, ludían Territory, caused the doath of twelve men. Great destitution prevailed on tho isth among the striking miners in tho Monongahela (Pa.) district. Unless aid was rendered deaths from starvation would bo in vita ble. Advices of the 2th state that at Langsou a Chinese force of fifty thousand carried the French intrenchments, and suverely woonded General Negrier. Kx-Governor Thomas C. Flbtcher, of Missouri, a prominent lawyer of St. Louis, had on the 21)th been missing from that city for nine days, and his friends wer unable to account for his absence. (KMiHAi. Middleton and seven hundred men were on the 28th on the maroh from Qu'Appelle to the scène of the Riel insurrection. The Canadian Government had ordered the inimediate dispatoh of eight hundred militia from Ontario and Quebec by the Lake Superior route. Fort Carlton had been evacuated and burued. Import of general merchandise at the portof New York during the week ended on the 28th were valucd at $5,509,000. The oourt-house at St Joseph, Mo., was burned early on the moruing of the JSth, with the court records and law library. W. B. SIcMett, chiefof thefiredepartment, received fatal injuries. The buil lins cost }2ö0,000. In the sculling match at Sydney, N. 3. W., on the 28th, between Hanlan and Beach, the latter won by six lengths. A corpse found on the 29th in the DelawareRiverat Trenton, N. J., was Hentifled by several persons as that of S. S. Conant, the missing editor of Ilarper't WeMy. DOne ballot was taken for United Statet Senator in the Illinois Legislatura on the 28th, General Logan receiving one voto and Mr. Morrison ten. At twenty-six teading housos in the United Htatesthe exchanges durin; the week ended on the 21st aggregated 84,73k460, ngainst $840,861,078 the previons wnek. As rompared with the correiponding period of 1884, the falüug off anioiiiiis to L'i'i per coi


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