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XHK LIHE BSIJtCTED Bï J&Z O. 8. OOYT 10 C ABBY TEE FA3T MAIL (ÏOING WEST. OHLY LIHE HUNBTIHG TWO THEOUGH XBAIIT8 DAILY FEOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tlirough the üeartof the Continent h way of Poclüc JuuctlOD or Omaha to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atrhinoj to reïver. eonnecMngln Union Depot ut Kansas l'lly, AtcíiLiou, Omuliu aud JJenver wnh throagn traína for SAN FRANCISCO, and all nolnta In the Far W'eaL bbortest IJneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnta In tbe 8outh-Vtu TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Bbonld not rorget tbefacttbat Round Trip tlrketa at rcrtu -ed ratea eau be nurchased vla llus Qnmá Tlirough lAaCt to all tlie Health and Fleasurc Resorta of tbe weet and Houth-West, lrciuding tlit-M.MinialiiH of COLORADO, tbe Vallev of Ibe Yoaenilte, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta Id tbe Mexlcan Repubüc HOME-SEEKERS t&iould also remember tbat thia line leads direct to the heart of the Government and RaIJroad llanda In NVnrasku, Kansas, Texaa, ColoTiulo und WaahlngIon Terrltory. Hls knovvn as the great THROÜUH CAR LINE -f Anierlca, aiid Is uulversally admltted to be tbe iiu'hi Equlpped Railroad In tbe World lor all rluNMPM of Travel. Tbrough Tickets vla thlft line for sale at all Kallroao Coupon Ticket Offices la tbe U ulied State and Canada. T.J. POTTKK, VlcePres. and o. Manager. l'KHCKVAL LOWKLI,, Oen. Pass. Ag'l Chicago. JNO. Q. A.. BKAN.dcn. Eaatern Ag"t, I7 Broadway, New York, and Mü Vastalugton SI., lijaluii. Jiotico to Crediturs. STATU OF MICHIGAN, County or Waehtcnaw, N'otice lahureby elven, tUnt by an order or the Probate Coari lor the County of Waehtenaw, made on the sixth day of March, A. D. 1K85, nlx montlia from that date were ailowed for creditorr to pt i-ent tlieir diïmi againtt theestateof Mariraret '. Ivm, Iwte of waid counry, dereaned. and tbat all creditorp of' faiil deoeseed are required to present lhi-ir claims to Haid Probate Courf, at the Probate Offlce In the city ot Aun Albor for uxamination and nllowance, on or before ,the 7th day ol Sept., next, ai '1 ' snch clilinu will be hcard heuire C'cnirt. on Batorday the Mxth day of June, and on Monaty the 7 h ciity ot September n-xt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaeh o! cn'.d ila. baud, Ann Arbor, Marcli Stb, A. I). Igoñ. Wll.UAM D I1AKKIMAN', 12Ï7-ID Judee of Probate. MortgBfe Sale. DKFAI'.T 1IV1N(; BSXN MADE IN' THE romhUonp ot a certain inflenttire ot mortirafcre execnti'd )y Laan Il:irker to John Lyncli, boih of AnnArhor, in the county of Viiahfeoaw in the Slate ot M chiu' 'n, l n r hl' date. the einhteerith rtay tober, A. 1)., L77. and recorded In the ufilc'e or the Heplater of Deeaa lor the Conoiy of v . fhtenau , ui Líber 'S of UoriragM, pace 9-, and as ilgDed "n tiie 25to da; of May 1S81, ny wri ¦:¦ H.L'tnneiit f J i hu Bmlth, of Ann Arbor t( trnshln county atoreaald, andwhuh aulvnmeDt il rccoidedln the ciillce afoiexald in Liber Keven of AMiRiUDent of Hortfrafrea, on pae 102. and bj which iietault. the power oí' sale contained iti aiil mortcHge having iK-coine operitive, and no Mitt or proceedtDga mi iaw r in %-qutty, haviiiL: been InaUtated to r cover the aroonnidue on said mortfrage or tbe hond ace' inpanying the same, and tht re betog DOW clainn d to he (lue on ald bond and roortgatre the pum of Pooi bandrd and eihty-niie f'. 1 ara and ntoety-tw cents (48P.93). NOTICB therefore bereby ulvun, tbat taU Monga e!lhe rorcloacd ou Snurday, tbe IS h ti:ii i ! April, A . !. 1S ar t"lt o'Clock ill t'.e ÍO e! dood of tlmtday, by a r-ale at public auction to the ¦ Iuk'i ¦ " bidder, .il ihe Kit Dior ol the Uoart ;n the City of Ann Arbor, In tbeCoant) aforeaaid, (sald 'ourt Hi-oae, belLg the place of bolding Ibe t Ircult Uoun for sald CoaDty) of the morti.' premlseat dlacrlbed a s:id raortoage or so tiüKii tl, ere ,1, iii.-iï be nre,-ary t'i -ulislj the .iinnimt oí principal and totereat remaininL' uupaid apOD Bald mott.aL'e, with reaouable cois and Pxpenaei ; whieh premüee are decntied in eald mortgsi e m followt : All th(e certain pleeea or pareéis of ia d, altnated at,d beine In the City ol Ann Arhor. in the County of 'a?htenaw and State of Mirhigan. und det-ctbed na lollowe. to wit: The wi-tt-half of lots nuniher Filteen and Sixle ii, in Mock iiumber Five (5) south of Hu ron atre.'t, in Iï mye number Eiijht ea?t, agreuiíblj to the Ann Arhor Land Conipany'ü addition to the raid City of Ann Arbor. Datid, Januay 19, A. D. U8S, JOHN SM11H. K D. KINNK, Assignue of Mort -atte. Att'y lor Aaslgnee. USO-'tt Estáte of Abignil Jacobus. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteuaw. At a aession of the ProbateCourt for theCounty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlce. in the city of Ann Arbor, ou i ut-sday, the 2Sth day oi Feb mry in tne year one. thousaud eight hundred and einty five. Present, William D HarrimaD, .ludtre of l'robote. In the matter or the eatate of Abigai' Jaco u?, decea?ed. On reading and flling the petltion, duly vertfied, of Qeorge -Jacobus praying that a . ministration of said e tate may i e sjianted to himaell or some other ütiltable. peraon. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Mondsy, the thir ieth day of Mareh nexi, at ten o'clock In the forenoou, bo H-ii;iied for the hearing of Bald petitlon, and that the helrs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons lntereeted in said estáte, are required to appear et a seesion of said court, uien to be nolden at the Probate Offlce, in the cily ol Ann Arbor, and show cauee, tf any thi-re be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner trive notlce. to the pereons interested in eaid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of thls order to be published in The Ann Arhor Vourier, a newspaper jirintod and circulated in said county. three euccesllTe weeks prevlous tosaid dayol hearin?. (Atrae copy.) WILLIAM D. HARHIMAN, Judjfe of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Prohntfl Reiiiuter. 1236-1239 A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, SKLLS MIXED G A NDTF.R AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Kresli Ktick ( andy for 15 renta per pound t A. F. HANGSTERFER'S, 28 South Main ötreet. Freuch Mixed Candies for 15 cent per pounil, at A. F. HANGSTKRFER'S, 23 Maiu Street. N'ice Oranges only 15 -ent per dozen, at A. F. HANÖSTERFER'S at 28 Malu street. AU kinds of JYUTS, FIGS, DATES, UAsXs and MALAGA GRAPES, at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Street, - Arm Arbor. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN ANSÍ ARBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIE R. OPIUM H ABIT ! ¦"Tf" rim th" f'"'"5 )iWtwl do wel) to writ to DR. 1UKSH, „f Qi.lncy, Illth., ho hu s world %s..!o niiuution fot the curo lio hj dutmg Ihe p.t tw.l. yr. Th. tnin points to be ooininunioated are the j.rrsi-ut state of health, Icuxrth of tilu nei1, uint prrcnt Biuount of druu usod per wet-k. Sniillurli-n T'.rtitnrrit whB (lesired. Bond fel tt!nioiu.U trom , [caduig phlHOtam auU iciucwuutive uien oud Wkwicn ourtd. i______ " I U.S.STANDARD.' ] Q "KT JONES '5S MtMMT01 ftiS ; ;- ... _ , JJr. JOLs' OF BtNQHAiiTO!,1 1 TlT)Tr7n S"nd 8lx cent8 for po'tage. (I UUI ƒ L nnd recfive f ree, a costlj box U fl I ƒ p of t-ouds which II] holp you LI i. 1 1 1 II I I. 'oniorvmoiiry riirhi awavihan Jnyihluü i'lsc In f his world. ill.or rither eex, uect-ed from flrbt honr. The rn ui rond to fortune open belore the workere, iifolutely Bure. At unoe addree. Tkuk A Co., Luguüta, Maloe. , a I nni7r ?ed nt for pottaítí. na re1 ƒ Li wlll belp til, of flthfr ex. lo mora ""ul noDfT rlghtaway than anythlng clt- , - __ la ttali world. Fortunas walt the o'"L" mÍTdÍ11' At "" aán" Tbo MCfilBE for the COÜRIEB. c'


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News