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Bbort advorllsemenU not to exceed tnree Unes, of Lost and Kound. Uouseí for Sale or Bant, Wants, ilc, Inserted tbroe weeks for L3 cents, sltuatlons wanted, freo. IU8T- BatWMD BMb & Abel's corner and j Mayminl's store on Ana Street, on Saturday last, 2 Lace Collar, of featlier-edge bmlci. Return to Ihls olllce, or to Mrs. UEO BYOBAFT, High Street. WANTED- A Uerman salesman also an AHkrican stilesman, saleslady and kul} caMiler- all exprrienced- Kor new Dry goods slote in Aun Arbor. Relerencea required duren Tnomey Bros., Jackson,. Michigan IroR One Sorrel mare seven years 1 Uld ncighs 1,100 buggy, single waiton aud harneas and culler. J. A. l'eebltw, 89 Washington Mieet. VOOU wantud on first-clasg farm, five yeara i at li pwnil Those deslrlug lo loan or boriow inoury, apply lo O. L. Malluews, Anu Arbor, Micti. WAN1ED-A (ood Olrl for Oeuera Housework, Uerman prefi rred. Kn quire al OuOkikk offl.e or at 47 E. Calharlue utrutit. A Fine Karin of 100 acres near Brlgüton .MiclDuun, lor aale clieap or excliaug lui ulty pioperty. Apply lo u. L. Mallüews Keal iuiialo Ageucy, Aun Arbor, iMiub. f,OK RENT-Two large bouses lu excollen X couuiilou- ouo ou uu .-in',! and oue on illzaoetu blieft. Termy luw. PcSfiettHlou glvvu May ltl. Kuquire of J . Q. A. &ebloU8 .National ttauk WocK. LUST- On .-Saturday alternoon, March 21st on División or llurou streets, a black lu i Fiudrr wul rewarded by iduiiiiiii tbe ame i'.hh. Waaulugion Blrert. WANTED- I wlll glveone dollar each fo mr Michigan Manual oí I-m, 1818 ana 1mi. Must be lu good conüHlou. Addrewü O !¦"'¦ " Uumiug, Micli. WANTED. All Burvlvlug soldiflrs of tlie .uniría varare cu lilledto tlneem.nths extra pay. AIho niauy pt iish.nt'iït eulUlei to 1 crease. Appiy lo O. L. Matlliews, Peu slon Altoruey, Aun Arbor, Micmgan. T7OK SALE- Tbe larm of tlie late James M JC Suillli, ol .Saltm, un the T. A. A. aud JS k K, i. .ni inii.s .Miuih ol smiili Lyou, oue íiille nortb of Worden station. CouhIsU o 12if acres - Su acres lmproved, suilable fo: eitber stock or graín. W'eü watcied, gooi Builuinga, orchard, large ciHlcrn al boíl bouseand baru, couvenleut to mal ket, schoo aud eburch- UeBlrable pronei ty. Kuquire on pri-uiine, or addrt-sn M. A. Siullb, Vv orden CiISTERNS built aud repalred; Masón work aud Kalaomiug. i rices reasonable. Leavo order al wooü yard aud lime kllu olüce, cor ol r'ilili and Hurón streel, or 1. O. box, 835 XPOK SALE OR RENT- on eay terms large V bouse, barn and Etgtu acres of trull land 1 inile west ot L'ourt liouse. Apply lo O. L Mallhews, Aun Arbor, Michigan. FOK SALE- A flrst-class farm contalnlng Jl acre, ultuated 2 mlleswest of Dexter good buildings, gooü leuces, and a tbrllty youug orchard. Everylhlng Ín tlp-lop shape aboul tlie preinlses, a reasonable payment ou sale, aud time on balance to sult parobaseí Enqulre ol A. 1!. 1IKAI,, at CoDRiER office Anu Arbor, or U. 8. SILL, of Dexter. 11 AN 1Ü.U to Utko n form of 100 norM or YY more. Enqulre of A. M. Doty or addressBoxUll. T OANINQ-Money to loan on flret-class XJ Real Eslate Morlgage al Current rates of Juieresl. Sallslactory arrangements made wlth capltallsts deslrlng sucli lnvestmenls Every conveyance and transactlon In abstracts ol tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z P. KINU, Anu Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News