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Republican City Convention

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The convention of tbe republicana to nomínate a city ticket, was held at the city hall, last Thursday evening. Dr. W. F. Breakey, was called to the chair, and L. J. Taylor, chosen secretary. A committee upoii credentials reported the following delegates entitled to seats in the convention: First Ward- A. L. Noble, C. W. Wagner. Wlll F. Hatch. E. E. Beal, A. J. Sawyer. H. s. Dean.J. J. Goodyear, 10. 1). Kimie, Gübert Bllss, N. B. Waterman, Dr. W. F. Breakey, J. E. Beal. Second Ward- J. Heinzmnnn, O. i). Sorg. A. F. Hangsterfer, Wm. Frank, W in. Gundered, Tilus llnufl. C. 8. Fall, Wllliara Hertz, Bert Schumacher, Fred Schlanderer, Freuerick Graff. Thlrd Ward- Chas. E.Hlscock. O. R. Peterxciii, cuas Swi-i-t. Wlnfleld lianüeld, Milo Pulcipher, J. W. Clark. Wm A. Clark, Tlivo(lore Sweet, Paris Banfield, A. J. Kyer, J. J. Flscher, Dan. Hiscock. Kon rui Ward- E. J. Morton, Geo. A leían - der, C'. H. Mlllen. Frank VanDewarke . II Masten, J. F. Lawreuce, Jas. simomN, Geo L. Moore, T. J. Keecli, M. H. Goodrich, Geo. H. Poud, H. B. Tabor. Flfth Ward- Wm. Ludholz. E. W. Moore, N. Felch Thomas Hpeechley, N. D.Gates, O. H. Rhodes, Earl Ware, Ed. Storms, Johu Maroney, D. S. Mlllen. Eli S. Mnnly. Sixth Ward- A. F. Martlu, Howard Gldley, Dr. C. G Darllng, Prof. C. H. Stowell M. ÍI. Breiman, Channlng amith, Kufus Waplen, E. R. Curtís, Ziua P. Klug, Hobt. Glazior, Joel W. Hamilton. After appolnting A. J. Sawyer and E. D. Kinne, as tellers, the following gentlemen were placed in nominution, in the order named: Mayor-Alexander Harailtou. Recorder- Geo. H.Puud. Justlce of the Peace- Eugene K. Frueauff. Supervisor, flrst diütrlc- Joe. T. Jacobs Supervisor, secoud district- P. O'Hearn. Supervisor, thlrd diBtrlct- BenJ. Brown. Following the nominations, one man from each ward was selected as a new city committee, as follows: Flrst Ward- J. E. Beal. Second Ward- Wm. Herz. Thlrd Ward-Paris Baufield. Fourth Ward- Thomas J. Keecli. Flflh Ward - Eli W. Moore. Slxth Ward- Dr. C. U. Darliug. Cbalrman- Thos. J. Keech. Becretary- Eil W. Moore. A resolution was passed authorizing the city committee to hereafter bae the representaron of the vaiions wards upon Ihe total votefur gorernorat the previous general election, allowing each ward one delégate for each 25 votes cast ut such elfCtion. Mr. Jacobs declined the nominatiou for supervisor and Oonntd Erapt ws substituted by the oommlttes.