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By lack of open air excrcise, and the want of sufliciiMit care in the matter of dietthe whole pbysleal mechanfom often becomes Impaired during the winter. Ayer'e Uaraaparilla la tho proper remedy to take In the spring of the year to puiify the bl )(), lnvignrate the aystetn, excite the liver to actlon, aiul restore the bealthy tone aml vi;or. If you want chilclren's clothtng cali on the Two Sams. Ifyou wanta lint, rail on the Twoöams Cure for Piles. The flrst nyroptom of Piles la un intense itchlngat nlght aftergettinfl warm. This Bnpleaaant senwtlon is linmedlately relleved by an appllcatlon of Dr Bocanko'a I Pile Remedy. Piles In all formg, [tcb, Salt Rlieum and Ringworin can be permanently eured by the ose of thle greal i remedy. Prioe 50 cents. Manufacturad by the Dr. Booanko Medicine Compnny, Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbach & Bon. ïaos-iass. ST. JAMES ' II HALL ïi KITCHEN TO RENT. HEST I.OCATION IN TOWS FOIÍ A FIRST CLABB BOÁRDING HOUSE OE i IEST.UIUT SILVER WAKE, DISHES AND ALL UTKNBILS ( V HR M-.fTRED AT A BARQAIN. ELEGANT HALL FOR SOMB SOCIETV. READY FOB IMMEDÍATE OCCLTANCY. APPLT TO J. E. BEAL, Courier Office. OR TO ANDREW IMiiKIM Robust Health ís not always enioyed bv Ibose who seem to possess it. The taint of corrupted blood may be secretly undermining the constitution. In time, the poisou willcertainly show itseftects, and with all llie more virulence tbo kmger it has been allowed to perineatc tlic lystem. Each pimple, sty. boll; skin disorder and MUM of unnaturai lassitude, or languor, is one of Nature's warnings of Ule consequences oí neglect. Ayer 's Sarsapar7a Is the onlyremedythat can be relied upon, In all cases, to eradieate the taint of hereditary disease and the special corruptions of the blood. It is the only alterative that is BUffidently powerful to thoroughly cleanse the system of Serofulous and Mercurial impurities and the pollution of Contaglous Diseases. It also neutralizes the poisons left by Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever, and cnabies rapid recuperation from the cnfeeblement and debility caused by these diseases. Myriads of Cures Achlcved by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ín the past forty years, are attested.andthere is no blood diíeasc, at all possible of cure that will not yield to it. Wbatver tb ailments of this class.and wherever found, from the scurvy of the Aretio cirelc to the "veldt-sorcs" of South África, this remedy has afforded health to the sufferers by whom it was cmploycd. DrMgists everywhero can cite numerous cases, within thelr personal knowledge, of remarltable cureg wrought by it, where all other treatment had been unavailing. People will do well to _ „ Trust Nothing Else than Ayer's Numeroui crude mixtures are offered to the public as "blood purificrs," vrhich only allure the patiënt with the pretense of many chcap doses, and with which it is folly to experiment while is steadily i coming more deep-seated and dlfficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much lasting harm. Bear in mind that the only medicino that eau radically purify th vitlated blood is . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, TREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Ixmell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists : Price $1 ; Six bouie for f5. - -


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