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TEL" IE ÁNN ÁRBOB SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Organized under the General Banking Law o( tbis Stati', thestockholdors arf indlvldually Hable for an additlonal amouut equal to the stock held ly thcm. tliereby creating a Unarantee Fund for the benefit of Depositors oí $100,000.00. Threc per cent. interest ts allowed on all Savings Deposita of one dollar and upwards, according to the rules of the Bank and Interest compounded seml-annnally. Mouey to Loan on nntncumbered real estáte and other good secnrity. DIRECTORS : CHKISTIAN MACK, W.M D. HARKIMAN, W. w. wim DANIEL HISCUCK, WILÍ.IAM DKOBEL, WILLAKU B. SMITU, OFFICERS: (.'. MACK, Tres. W. W. WINES, Vlce-Proe. O. E. HISCOCK.Cashler. ÏTTENTIONJARMERS 500,000 ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS TIMBER LANDS IN NORTHERN WISCONSIN, For Sale on Easy Terms to Actual Settlers. Rich soll- healthful climate-good drinking water- flne market facllltles- 8teady deraand nr la'or at good wages. NO DROUGHTS. NO GRASSHOPPFR PLAGUES, NO CYCLONES. Full Information, wlth maps. pamphletg, etc, furlllslioil FkkK. Addivss CHAS. Li. (I.llï. Land Comr. W. 0. R. R., Mllwaukee. RINSEY &SEABOLTS iiiilllii AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shall also keep a supply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, K}C llonr. Kliek whcat Flour, Corn IHcal, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and ReUll. A general Btock of GROCERIES and PR07ISIÜNS Constantly on hand, whlch wlll he sold on ag reaeouable terras as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGG3, and COUNTRY PRUDUC'B generalij. Goods delivered to any part of the cuy withunt extra charge. BINSEï & SEABOLT. TTTTf flforworklng people. 8end 10 cent M pwtaca, and we will mail yoa frtt a I M I f royal, valuable Bample box of goode W jj JJX that will pnt you in the waj of makIiik more money In a few days than yon ever thought possible at any bualness. Capital not requiied. You can live at home and work in spare time ouly, or all the time. All of both srxee, of all ages, grandly successfnl. 60 cents to 5 eaeily earned every evenlne. ïhat all who want work may teet the business, we make thls nnparalleled ofler: To all who are not well satisfied we wtll send tl to pay for the trouble of writlog ns. Full imrilculars, dircctlons, etc., sent free. Immense pay abBOlutely enre lor all who tart at once. Oon't delay. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. RUPTURH! j EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRUS3. I Tliit new Trui hu a êpirat tprina tud obadu MJT ATin Pii' ; Tlel.ii to srery motto, rtUinlnf JCZ tb bernia alwftvi. Wom day inAntU with cnnitffe fort. Sat on Trial. EocloceSuunpfor Clrcal. 9 VtA In both UBlvnlty HotptUli. EQAtt'S IMPERIAL TRUS8 CO.. Box 2288, Ann Arbor, Mlch. Offlte, Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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