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Tuïsdat, Maren 31. - The Scnato agreec to Mr. Allison's resolution providint, for the appointment of a committee of seveu to tiike neasiires looking to a rwductiou of tho Senate's contingent expenses. The following Presiilential notniuations were received: Williara K. Roberts, of New York, United States Minister to Chili; Charles W. B. Buck, of Kentucky, Minister to Peru; Charles T. Bosell, of Conneoticut, United States Consul at Liverpool; Norman J. Coleman, of Missouri, United States Commissioner o! Agricultwe; ltichard B. Hubbanl, of Texas, Minister to Japan, and Willium M Lang, of Texas. Consul at Hamburg, G-er many. Henry G. Pearson was reappoiuted postmaster of New York. Vi IDNISD.U, April 1. - In the Sánate a committee was appointed to sit during the recess and take into considoration the contingent expenses of the Seuate. The nominatiou by the President of A. Leo Knott, of Maryland, to be Secoüil Assistant Postmaster General, was rcei'uol. Tuprsdat, April 2.- Ttio Honate adjourned sine die. Nearly all the President's recent nominations were contirmed, including Pearson for postmaster at N w York. DOMESTIC. ' 1t was announced on the ;:ist that the recent reports of destitution and dUtrsa in the mountain districts oi Vp4 Virginia were greatly exaggerated. At San Antonio, Tex., the other evening George P. Burkhardt, a carpentcr. l" ma Mm-a nis wifi and theu committed suicide. Dun'S gency reports the business failures for the three months eudedon the 31st uit. as tflBB, wiUl (16,181,961 lUbllities, against 3,2íh; fkilnrs in tlie corre] ing period of Kx, with liabilitii-s of f0,186,978. A ctclone struck Sydney Station, Ala., a few days ago, cuttiug a swath about one huadred yards wida and six miles long. House were uuroofed and buildings in course of constructiou were lifted from their foundations. Thbke persons, Louisa Turner, aged flfty, Wüliam Turner, aged tweuty-six, and a ten-year-old girl were drowued in Braddock Creek, Acconiack County, Va., a few days ago by the upsettiug of a boat. la Fairtield, Chester and Darlington Counties, S. C, nine colored children were burned to deatu in one day recently by the destruction of the houses by fire in which they were locked during the absence of their parents. Sheriff Hcmphrey, who was latolv driven from Koran County, Ky., returned to Morehead on the Ist and im!ulged in a bloody affray with members of the opposiug faction. The Governor had been asked for tho inilitia. A conference ivas held in Washington on the Ist to determine the course of the Government in refereuce to the rebellion at Panama. It was decided that this Government is bouud by the treaty with Grenada to secure free and uuinterrupted transit across the isthmus. Orders were sent to the Brooklyn Navy-Yard to gather the available marines and some. Gatling guus and to have them in readiness for immediate transportation. A FIRE partially destroyed Emerj '¦ caudle-fnctory u Cincinuati, O., a few days ago, causing a loss of (100,000. At Lincoln, Neb., on the lst (ome unkuown person gave a telephoua alarm oí üre as au April-fool joke. A hoso cart, dashing U the supposed fire, ran over Charles Daiu, the oulv son of awidow, and he died soou after. Coünterkkit silver coin representiug $1H8.7.", mcwtty in dollar pieces, was received and destroyed at the Chicago sulitreasury during the month of March. It w:vs wtlmntnii on tha lst that half the wheat erop of Kansas would prove a tutal loss. Farmers were reported to be plowing their wheat flelds and sowing other grain. Luthbr A. Sears, of Brocton, Mass., was arraigue. I the other day for burniug the ears of his children with a red-hot iron as a permanent cure for toothache, aud was held for the Grand Jury. The father of the accused testifled that he had hitnself praoticed the method with succes for thirty years. Thk pul lc-debt statement issued on the lst makes the following exhibit: Total debt (including interest of .-j-1 1 , ln_', 1 1 M , S-1,8S9,913,775; cash in Treasury, HS4.474,174; debt, less amount in Treasury, l,4i5,439,602. Decrease during Februarv, f485,747. Decrease since June 30, 1884, $44,610,11.'.;;. General Sheridan said ou the 2d that he did not fear that the Riel rebellion would extend to our border, but in case trouble arises, the army in the Departmen of Dakota was sufficiently large to mee any emergency. Thk conrt-housa at Minneapolis, Minn. was burned on the 2d, but the records were saved. Miss Ljlliax Smith, aged fourteen, beat the record at San Francisco on the 2d by breaking with a rifle one hundred glass balls in two minutes thirty-flve seconds. The Governor of Kentucky on the 2d made details from the militia companies at Lexington for active duty. Unquestionably, a movement was to be made to ae&tore civil government in Rowan County. Foür summer residences were burned on the 2d at White Bear Lake, Minn. They were set on fire by tramps. Four storehouses at Asper Hill, Tenn., were burnel the other night- the work of au incendiary. A cyclonk on the 2d at Waverly, Mo., destroyed six residences and wrecked the Christiau Church, causing damage of $50,000. No person was seriously hurt. Í persons were iuj.ired in aa accident on the Austin & Northwestern Railway, near Liberty HUI, Tex., the other mornlng. After a dispute with her husband a few nights ago Mrs. Spring, of Alexander, N. Y., saturated her two littlo children's clothes with kerosene aud set fire to them, and then cut her owu thr .at with a razor. Mother and chiMreii died iu a short time. A bou. Eli explosión a few days ago in a saw-mill near Sdplo, Ind . killed Anthony Cleaverand fatally injured the three Hulse brothers. Dromers. Liohtning on the 2d eyry-d-'d the Hazard Oompui] 's ma nzine, containing eigbt and a-balf tous of powder, at St. Joseph, Mo. The detoiiütio i uirtially wrecked all the hons"fl in the vioiuitv. Three banks at Norfolk, Va., closed their doors oa the 2d- the Exchange National Bank, the Franklin Savings Bank and the banking and broking firm of Bain Brothers. The concerns were cloaely connected with one another. Thï Macon County (W. Va.) Gazette stated on the SU that bundredsof people in that county were in a destitute condition and suffering for food. B'I'hk lowlands on the west side frotn Wilkesbarre, Pa., to Kingston were submerged on the Sd, the overflow being nearly a mile wide. Johnson Ptle, a farmer, his son, aged ten years, and two farm-hands were drowned in the Wabash River nearMerom, Ind., on the 3d by the upsetting of their boat. The three men were intoxicated, and left the management of the boat to the boy. Wheat fields in Virginia that wer about to be plowed up have sprouted in uch fine condition since the advent of warm weather that erop prospects are materially changed. At various citieg in the United Stateg, as reported to Bradstreet's, there was a general improvement in trade during the seven days ended on the 3d. Fblix Constant and a man named McDonald, notorious horse-thieres, were hanged on the 3d near Benton, M. T. Tbrkc men enter ed the house of Jacob MUler, near Lancaster, O., the other night and demanded money. He felled one robber with a chair, when anotber of the thieres killed htm with a navy revolver. Tb fwslly wr threatened with death ' whlle tbs nous waa being robbed of JOOD. Internal revenue eollections to the atnount of over .'400,000 were on deposit in the Exchango Nntional Bank of Norfolk, Va., whicli suspended a few days ago. A statement was issued on the 3d by tho United States Tiensury at Washington Ahowiug an exceas of avaUable assets orer demand liabilitios of $16,41S,)iij. Is the Unitod States and Canada there were L'lii business failures during the seren dayB ended on the Sd, against Ut the previous seven davs. The distribtttion was as follows: Middle States, 44; New England States.Hl; Western, 64; Southern, SB; Pacific btates and Territoriea, 31: Canada, -Jl. All news from the seat of war in the Northwest Territory was cut off on the 3d by the inteiruption of telegraphic communication. United States troops were being concentrated at Fort Assinaboine to enforce neutralitv and to restrain the Feuiang. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A KiiiiiT took place on theSlst uit. on the floor of the Illinois House between Crafts, of Cook, and Baker, of Moultrie. DiflFerence of opinión on the Stock-yards bill caused the trouble. Crafts struik Baker in the face, and in return roceived a blow and a kick. In joint session only one vote was cast for Unitod States Senator. At a MMCM of Republican Senators held in Wusuintou on the 31st uit. a decisión was reached to resist remováis from offices which have a üxed tenure by law, except for cause, uutil the expiration of the term. The body supposed to have been that of S. S. Conant, the missing editor of llurper's U'i', ¦i-hi, recently found in the river at Trenton, N. J., has been positively identitled as that of Michael Corliss, of Bordentown. Corliss had been missing since Oörtsrmaa. At Springfield on the lst General Losan addressed many legislators and others in favor of a Soldiers' Home near Springfield, 111. A BILL to remove the State capital of New Jersey from Trenton to Newark was lost in the lower House on the lst by one rote. Gíorge Peabody Wktmore, oí Newport, was ou the lst elected Governor of Rhode Island by the customary Republican majority. Reports that Mrs. Garfield, widow of the late President, was about t-o marry a Pennaylvania minister, havingbeen widely circulatd, that lady ou the lst indignantly denied that there m any trut H in tliem. Eari.y ou the morningof the istCleneral Grant wan seized with a fit of ooughiug and threateued with laffooation. He was relréved after a time, bnt became very out, bü comlition causing tho grayaat fears. During the day he occupied alternaely his couch and ísy-chair, being able to brenthe more fieely hile in a sitting position. In the evening it was thought by tliu doctora that the General had only a few hours to live. hik President on tbe 2d informeel tbs Utah CommisMon thnt his administiatioi wotild lend all the nid possible to purge Utah of the practice of polygamy. The Senate of Teunessee has ptmsed a bilí piohibiting the playing of base-ball or cricket on Sandaj . The estáte of C. H. McCoriuick bas made another gift of JICO.OOO to the Presbyteriau Theological Seminary at Chicago. Mrs. Ezekiel T. Cox, of S. S Cox, Minister to Turkey, died at Zanesville, O., on tbe 3(1. Ex-Governor Flktcher, of Missouri, whose disappearance created a sensation, arrived at Laredo, Tex., on the öd from Mdtumovti, and inimediately left for homo, entii-clv unaware that be had "mysteriously disappeared," as he telegraphed his wife as to bis whereabouts, but süe failed to receive the dispatcb. Onjc hl'ndred axd skventy-three nominations were sent to the United States Senate by the President before tbat body adjourned. Of this number 1M were confirined, two were rejected and twelve were left unacted apon, üu tbe 'M John R. Garrison, uf Vlrgiuln, was appointed Depiity Fiist Comptroller of theTreasury, and John S. UoCalmont, of Peunsylvauia, Commissioner of Customs. Thomas Mook, the oldest surriving veteran of the war of 1S12, died at his resideuce in New York on the 3d. He was born in that city November 11, 1788. FOREIGN. De Freycinet visited President Grevy on the 31st uit. and informed him he was unable as yet to gire a definite reply in regard to the f ormat ion of another Frenen Cabinet. Advicks of the lst annouuce a battle between the forces of Guatemala and San Salvador, near Santa Anna, in whicb the Oruatemalians were compHtoly routed, leavlng about flfteen bundred of their number on the field dead or wounded. Dispatches of the lst from Battleford, in the Northwest Territory, report that the Stony Creek Indians had retreated to Poundmaker's reserve, about cighteen niileti distant, but coateaiplated nn immedite return. The savaces were mu wuue seLuers. cvices irom wvinnipeg say that the barracks at Battleford, where the inhabitants were iutrenched, were closely besieged. 1t was anuoanced on the lst that¦ia's aiiswer to KnIand on the Afghan question accepted the proposals of Earl Granville, recognizing as debatable territory the zone )aid out as such by England. Franz Abt, the celebrated Germán musieian and composer, died in London on the lst. Ten thopsand Yorkshire (Eng.) colliers struck on the lst againstaten per cent. reduction in wages. Advices of the lst state tLat the Colombian insurgents had burned nearly every building in the city of Aspinwali to escape capture by the Government forces. The United States stcamer Galena landed its marines to protect property, and received large numbers of destitute people. A dispatch of the 2d froui Comra ander Kane, of the Galena, at Aspinwali, reported that transit across the isthmus was closed. Steamship and railroad property was safe. The United States Government would take immediate action to clear the passage across the isthmus and to protect the interests of American citizens. Tbouble was reported on the 2d from Qu'Appelle, In the Northwest Territory. The Indians had gathered in war-paint and had an ugly look. The situation at Battleford was extremely critical. Great consternation was caused at Madrid on the 2d by the reported discovery by the pólice of a plot to assassinate King Alfonso. The Princess Montlear, mother of the late King Charles Albert, of Sardinia, who was grandfather of the present King of ltaly, committed suicide at her residence near Lemburg a few days ago. Ben: Davis, a solicitor in London, fled to Spain on the 2d, leaving debts estimated at $1,000,000. I Lord Cairns, the great English jurist and statesman, died suddenly at his residence at Bournemouth, near London, on the 2d, aged sixty-six years. It was announced on the 2d that the Chinese Legation at Berlín had confirmed the report that China had accepted the peace proposals made by France. The French recently successfully attacked the PhengHoo or Fisher's Islands, between Formosa and the mainland. The [Chinese lost heavily. QiniU Graham's army advanced rom Suakhn on the 2dtoMcNeiU's zareba, reaching the latter place at ten a. m. In he afternoon a balloon was sent up to reconnoiter, and the enemy being only visible in small numbers the march was resnmed. Upon arriving at Tamaai tho place was found to be evacuated. Thorntom & Mawley's hosiery factory t Leicester, Eng., was burned a fewday ago. The loss was $200,000. Ají explosión of flre-damp the other day n a mine at Marcinette, France, killed ighteen persons. A heavy inow-storm prevailed in Ontario and Quebec on the 3d, and railway travel was seriously impeded. Five persons were arrested on the 3d at Madrid for conspiracy to assassinate th IT wai autuorltatlvolv atafced on the 3d that delegates from Franco and China had agreed to a preliminar] eonventtonto settle terms of peaoe. China would execute the Tintsin treaty, Rivin Tonquis to France. ( 'cimmamu i! S vm: telouraplicil oa the 3d In th' Niiiy I)i'nrliiioiit Huil to held ' .i o men who took a leading part in flrlng the city of Aspitnv.'ill. The Admi nl of the Heet had permissijn to DM fit tv hospital ti'iits for the relief of destitute Atnerioani at Aspinwall. Oknkiial Graiiam maüe an advanoe to Tumaai early on the mornlng of Uta td( ( isiiian Digma retreating iu the diivetion of Tamauieb. Tho Iiritisb burued Tanmai, and thi'U returnod to th first zereba. LATER NEWS. Hoötilitif.s Detween t ti.iomüla nnd tho allegad Repnblfca, San Salvador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, were suspended on the 4th, mi aralatioe of one mouth's duration liavinR been declalred. It was reportad that President Barrios was killed in the recent battle at Chalchupa. Un a farm m-nr North IMatte, Neb., a few days ao Richard Bascombe and wifi'were Drardered aad thfir I so was barpedto the ground. Ex-iSecketary PbILINGHüTSKN was dangerously ill at his home in Newark, .N. .1., 011 t!i5th. (íknekai. (iiiAXT's ('oiiilitioii iiianifosted Bome improTement on the 6th. Hia ihysiriims said that b was bettar thaji he had been for a oc!;. Senator Chaffefl stated that thé oanrer in the General) throal was constantly develoiüiig, and that no hopo lm permanent Lmprovementeould beentertained. At a farm-honse nfar Uonlnouth, IU., a man nanu'd Bdward 9. Nash, who had speut a year iu the liuane nsvluin, killed liis nio'her an I iat ou Uio 4tU, aml hiid their bodies side by side on the poreh. Commander Kank telegraphed on tho 4tli froni Aspiuwall to Whitney that cverything was quiet there. Freshkts in the Delaware River near Trenton, N. J., were doing great dmnage t pritprrty on thi'.'itii. At Pittiburgh, Pa.,dniing the prevalenoe of a wlnd-sl -i ui on the 5th a largc fallfroraitt futeningi t" the parement, ¦trlUng in its fnll two ronng tadlea who rere patsing named Bella Comley and Agnef JohaioB. Kiss Coasley was instantly kilicil and M s ,i!i: ,n larloariy injurel. PBOPKBTT to the value of $179,000 was destroyed by fire at Nashville, Tenn., on the -fth. At tlie ."int s' -si ni oí tho Illinois Legislature on the 4íh only seventeen votes wore cast for Uuited States Senator. A colorep family of tlovcii. l' name of Fonson, Uring two miles from I.awriiio". Kan., were recently found to bo stai ving, and three had died and another was not expected to live. COLOKIl h:iNE on the 6th asfced the Canadiaii Qovernment for reinforcementi of fifteen hnndred men at Triure Albart immedlately. The rebels had organised a Provisional liovcrninriit. ïroops wero moving forward from Winnipeg. Farmeiis in the ricinitj of Foraey, fa., were laflering groatly on the 5th by tho orerflow of the Sasqaehanna Hiver. At tw enty -six leading housos In the United .States the ezchanges daring the wiek emled on the 4th aggregated 09,759, against J646, 72 J, 480 tli prsrions week. As compared with the oorresiion.üní period ol 188, tas falling off atnounts to "A.ü per ocuk


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