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XHX UHE BILECÏED BY TH D. S. OOTT TO CABET THE FA3T MAIL GOING WEST. ONLY LINE RUN5ING TWO THEOUGH TEAIMS DAILY FKOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & KT. LOUIS, Tbrough tl"" ITeartnf iho Continent h3 way or 1'uolliO junctlonur Ou. alm lu DENVER, prv)i Kanian City and Atchleo.i lo Denver, conner-tlitf; in l iilon DapOUM Kunsa Oiy, AtcljMOD, Ouiwha and Denver with throjgn tralijs for SAN FRANCISCO, and all poluta In tbe Fnr West, bhortest lilueto KAWSAS CITY, And all polnts In tbe Hoatb-WeeL TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS (Uiould nol f'irspt thf factthnt Round Trli li J ratos can bc purcliawd vla thls (icnl Tliiuimh Une. toall llie Ilrallh and 1' Indure Kesorla of the Veet and tSoutu-West, It.ciudniK thi-M.MintaliiMur COI.Olt AiMI. 11. r Valleyoitl Vi'-ifuUti, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta In tbe Mexlcan ' HOME-SEEKERS ünould also rememher that thls line leads direct Ui tli" ht'iirt oí the (ïovernment and Kullrnad iMunn In Nebratka, K iinsa, Texas, Colorado und Waanlug"Ol"u'serki'iona8 theifreat TKBOÜQH IA II LINK f America, ajad la unlvt'rsally admltted to bc tb; t'inest Eqnipped Kallroad in tbe World for all classes of Trio cl. Through Ticket via ttils line for sale at all Rallroaó Ooupou Ticket ÜUices lu tóe Uulud ütauw aud Canada. T. J. rOTTKK, Oeu. Pana, A't Cn JNO. . A. BKAN, O'en. Easurn Aft'l, .117 Broadway. Niw York, and WO WasuliiBlou Ht., ln.iton. Mort gage aU: lors ol a ci excc i Aun Ar or, in Hm coDoty "i kVshtenw In ihe Siaü i t'! J I In cb office of ¦ Ueecls for II i Wíhtenaw, la Liber 56 il M il Maj 1881, "y ri BlDmem toJohu Hmtthfl A-n Aroor townshtn Id ihc county aiorc-aitl, and wbich aMlsrnmeot w Assir 162. m1 by whicli del - ;tl'! ] 11 "1 r. I (, been li itltated lo ¦ ; i bf bond ;t' i nie, flüd 'ii Miid bond ; mid nnirt! ui1 llu.' Min ". t-l:i ' .-. ) I i e ¦ il be day of Api! nnoii o ' lo lb.' C. uut Hun Imlciii. of the in uní -i ; ¦ mainlng unDHld I ;iil m D plecaa 't or ptinvi ut land, ¦ uii'y "i V. tt-nt'-i'iw nd Siaic ni M ' uit : The wi ind Sixie.n, lo Kloek num Hnron 'h' A - ild Citv o A nu ' rbi i. JOHN BM1 1 II. li. D. KI! i li. Jk. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, . NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN AR3OR, si i MIXED C ANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. 15cc il t per oni'd M A. F. UANGüTERFER'e -- ScKlth Muin su FrencVi Mixed Canules for 15 ci'titw per poiinil. tí A. F. IIANiisi l.lil'K) Mala .-.neet. Klce OniBgei on!y 15 renta per iloze", iI A. F. HANOSTERFER'ti at 38 Muin street. kinds af XTTs, POS, DATES, RA18IN8 ad MALAGA QRAPES, at A. F. HANCSTLRFER'S, Xi. U Mi' r. Street, - Aun ArbmOPIUM HABiT! Suffeirre from this prniciom liiiiit will ilofll to write lo PR. the cures he hu mide during the part twelve w-ars. 1. points to be coni muoicated are the j-rrcTii. svi'u of henT; I of time ¦-. SjuItsiintn Tr.itT. i!i trom Ii1tiif ï'üjiivjui ¦:- '. ) . -red. i ---- Ha DcCLARKË 0 ril ( EBtablished 1851 i Merrill PatüBettrl ( DETBOIT, MICH. ) Block. HrrKnïS Thcr?g11laroliiestablished V3Í PJSNBIïiysician and BnrR-eon DB. vit Y% "¦ thc old ,numbcr Eli SiJSbt wcont'nues t0. trca with hs usual 11 V Ljf JHgTest skill all private, ll&fÉVllcllr0D'c perrons and special [[sjPlKjIdiseaBes. DK CLAEKE i the ¦- SfcSBjSj oldest Advertising Physician, as files of Papers show and all old Rcsidcnts know. Age and ezperience Important. Rervonj Siseases (with or without dreams,) r debility and loss of nerve power treated scientifically by new methodi with nevcr failing sucecss. It makes no ditïerencc wh&t you Qve taken or Who has failed to cure you. "Young men and middle-aged men and all who sutfer should consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once, 4 The terrible poisona of all bad blood and skin distases oí cvt-ry kind ' name and nature completely eradicated. Kerneni1 ber, that one horrible disease, f negieacd or improperly treated, ourses the present and coming I generations. .WUiseased oisohargcï cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes i consult oonñdentially. 1 in trouble, cali or write. Delays are dangerouS. "ProCraStination ; is the thief oí time." A written warranty of cure given in every case undertaken. " Send two stamp for celebrated worki on Chronio, Nervous and Delicate Diseasts. You have an exhaustiva symptomatology by which to jtudy your own Cases. Consuliation, personaljy or by letter, free. Consult the old Dootor. Thousands cured. Offices andpsrlors private. You see o one but the Doctor. Bcfore confiding your case consult Dr. CLABKE. A friendly letter i ' CiIJ "ay ave future uRering and shame, and ; add golden yearstolife. Medicines sent every where secure from Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sunday, 9 to ia. Address letters: F. D. CI.AKkl . M. -, Herrill Block, Cor. Woodwaxd and Jefférson Avei. DETBOIT, MICH. A lady writer il oul wirli an nii'u U titled Bow to Catch a Eusband.1 Bal her theorj s :ill wrnnir. A.--k any nmrried wouiuii ])ov to catch a hu8ban(t, and the wlU rejjly: " By tbe hair " We must teil of the great (petfle- Hunt's [Kidney and Liver[ Remedy. it mi-vit lails to cure Diabetes, Dr Dlaaate, tr. Let no man ever quarrel with ¦ woinan. If you are tronblea with lier, retreat; il' shenbasesyon, besflent: If sbeteanyour mi oat, l'cil your way to toe door, and- fly - without a word. The three ottfleti ofdheaseare the howt-ls, the skin and tlio kidneys. Kegulate their action with the best parffylng tonio Burdock Bood Bitters. Buckleu's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Gota, Bruises. Sores, Dlcers, Salt Rheum, Kever Sores, Tetter, ('li:iiped Hands, Uhilblalnt, Cnnis, and ;, skin Brnptions, and p tively cure l'il.'s. or nop} reqnlred. It Is gtüranteed to clve perfect satUfaclioo, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Bberbach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News