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M.'iita uot U excecd three ol (jOstaoa Kound, Houses for8aleor Baut, Wanta, etc, lnserted throe weeks for IMontai .situat ons wantod, free. 1-1, .1 OiK'spnn of good nouud Horae llvi-.M-ais ol.l. Israel Kuehnle. LOST- Betweeo liachifc Abel's corner and Maynard'a Store on Anu Street, on saluutnv last, 1 l.üi-c Collar, r ientuer-edgc bram. Return to ihls office, or to Mrs. GEL). BYUBAFT, liighNtreet. WAMKI A i.rminu salesman also 1111 Amvi [cao alomnui, saleMady and ludy uaanler- all expei euced- For new Dry goods 111 A 1111 Arbor. Kelereuces requlred. Addreaa Tuomey bios., Jackson, Mlculgan. IüR SALK-üne Sorrel mare seven years OW weliius l.iUOoui' buggy, single waiton ttud liarm-m and cutter. X A. Peebles, 8 Washington slieet. .") UOO wantcd on Drsl-clat farm, five years, Ji al ii iii vul iliose deslilug lo loan or buriow niumy, appiy to U. U. MalthewB, Anu Arbor, Aiu'ii. AKine Farm of 1U0 acre near Brlghton, Michigan, for sale clieap or excliange Lui city pruperty. Apply u o. 1-. MatUiews, lsmie Agenoy, Auu Arbor, Ucb. 1,-OR RENT-Two large houses In excellent 1 cuuuuiuii- uiiu ou itun streel and oue on liilzabuin treek Tarma low. Pimowlon iay lst. Kmiuii'u of J. A. Sesslous, NallOtanl Jiank lilocK. LOST- On Saturday afteruoon, March lüt, on División or llurou Blruets, a black lur coiiar Kinder wiil ba revranled by relurnluK 1 lio to 4s K, usiiingion streel. I7AXTKD- I wlll glvoone dollar each for W 111e ttMUgan Aianual of 1MU, 1843 and IMS. Must bc Ui good coudillon. Addres O. A. Jenlsou, Lansiug, Micli. WANTK1. All MM......R nj ui tn hxhu wurareeulltledto thieemunlli extra pay. Also iuauy peusluners entliled tol cruase. Apply to O. L,. Mallhews, Pension Atloruey, Ann Arbor, Micuigun. FOR HALE- The larm of the late James M. siniili, of Saleiu, ou tho T, A. A. and N. ( K. tour miles Matn of South Lyon, one luilu uortli oí Worden Slatlon. Consista of lïu acres- 8u acres luiproved, sultable for eltlier mock or grain. Well waleied, good üuildings, orcbard, large clslern al bolh house and baru, cou vemeut to mai ket, school and cburch- üeslrable propeity. Kuquire on pruiuist, or address M. A. ömlth, V orden. CllsTKRNS built and repalred; Masonwork j and Kalaoimug. 1 rices reasouable. Leave orders al wood yard and lime kllu office, cor. 01 Fiftn and llurun slreet, or P. O. box, 835. I}OV. SAJL.E OR RENT- on easy terms large 1 house, baru and EiKln acres of fruit land, 1 imltj weül oi Courl Houae. Apply to O. L. .Matlhere, Ann Arbor, Michigan. FOK SALE- A ürst-class farm containing OJacris, fcltuated ÏVt mlleswest of Dexter, Kood buildings, good (enees, and a turllty youu ¦ orciiarct Kverything lu tlp-top shape abOOt the preinlses, a reasonable payment on sale and Mme on balauce to sult purchaser. Knquireof A. H. HKAI,, at Coüriek office Ann Arbor, or (i. S, SILL, of Dexter. WANTKD to tko a farm of 100 acres or more. Enquirc of A. M. Doty or adilress Box ÍM4. LOAN Money to loan on flrst-class Rai Estáte Mortgageat Ciirrent rates of Interest. Sti8faotory arrangoments made wlth capitalista desirinu such lnvestments Every conveyance and transaction In aoMrncis of tlties caretully examined as to legal effect. Z. P. K1NU, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News