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Council Proceeding

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The new councll met Monday evenlng, uil board present, as follows: Mayor--John Kapp. Hecorder- Ueo. II. Poutl. Alderiuen- Ist ward- John S. Hsnderson, Kdwln 1!. ludson. Jd wiird- lolin flolnzman, John W nl7.. M ward- ( Ikis. B. Hiscoc, Thos. KeBTM. 4tli ward -John F. Lawrcncc, T. E. Kentng. 5th ward- Eail Ware, ('has. A. Poland. 6th ward-Wm. BlggB, A. F. Martin. The flrst business transacted was the lection of oflicers, which icsulted as folows: Trcasurer- lien. W. Watt. Marshal- Chas. S. Fall. Attorney- E. D. Kiune. RESOLUTION8. By Aid. Heiriznian: Resolved, Thnt the city marshall be alowed 865.00 per raonlh aud deputy marshals $50.00 er in mi h. Adopted. By Aid. Luwrence. ¦Vhbreas- The American Association for he advaucement of HClence has offlclally accepted the invitatloii extended by the 'oininoD couucll ou the 24th day of Repember last, tnd by the Senate of the Unierslty to hold lts next annuat meeting in lils cfly, theretore be lt Resolved, That a citizens' meeting Is hereby called to convene at the eourt room on the evenlng of April 22d, noxt at 7 o'clock for the urposo of appolntlng a geueral cominlttee o take su -h stei8 ns muy seem advlsabl for he complellon of tne preparatlons requisito ór the oontemplated muoiiug f tlie AssoclaIon. Kurthermoro be it Resolved, That the commou councll appoint acommiltee of slx persons to represent the City Government on tue general commlttee above provided for. Sala commltteo to be appolnted by the Mayor at the next meeting oi [he councll. A communicatiou was reccived and ihircil nn fil" Baan .1. II. McDonald, in reference to water works. RKPORTS OF COMMITTEKS. C. E. Hiscock, froin llnance committoc reported election Wils for $187.50 which vere allowed. Prof. C. E. Greenc. frura special coramittee on water works, reported as folows: Your f'ommlttee on W'aterworks, to whom was referred the matter ol arraneing details of a contract wlth Messrs. Ooodhue 4 Blrnie n accordance wlth the proposltlon prevluusy reported, b(g leave tosubmlt the accomanying contract which Las been drawn by he city Solicitor and which has been dlscussed at length between Müssrs. Goodliue & jlrnle as representlug the Ann Arbor Water Jo., an orgaulzation about to bo formed, and rour cominlttee- and has been mutualiy agreed pon. And your comralitee wouli recommend that thls contract be accepted ind signed by tho city, when the Water Co. s organized. Your committee would further recommend that a sultable ordlnance be passed by the councll glvlng the Anu Arbor Water Co, exclusive nght to lay water pipes in the sirceU, etc, of the city, as agreed In t h is contract. And'also that tho councll appoint some sultable person whoseduty it shall be to sue that the work done under thls contract is carried out accordlng to the sarne. A draft of an agreement to sell stock is also transmitted. Alpheus Felch. Philip Bacb. Chas. E. Hiscock. John Helnzman. Chriutlan Eburbach. E. D. Kinne. Chas. E. G reene. The followlilg aio cnearticles of agreement and the eontiact reported by the coinniittee: A i-i irles of agreement made this day of April and between Charles L GoodUuo and Wllllam Blrnle. Sprlngfleld, .Mas sucluisells. partios of the flrst part, and the Mayor Recorder nd Alderraen 1 the city of Ann Arbor, partiea of the second part: Wltnessoth: Whereas, The Ann Arbor Water Company. lias been orgnulzed uuder the statutes of Mloblgan, for the purpoee of supplylug the [¦iv .11 Ann Arbor wlth water. And whereas lt been deenled desirable that the cltlzens of Ann Arbor should ¦¦ come stockholders In sald compauy. Now therefore we the underslgned owners of a majorlty of the stook of sald Water Company, do hereuy agree and pro'iilse with the parties of the secoud part, that we wilt Bell and tramfer to any of the cllizens of Ann Arbor who may deslre lt, shares la sald company, not exceedlng six huudred, at any time up to Junuary lst, 1886, upou recelving therelor, the account that shall have been pald on saM shares. In wuiiess whereof, thepartiee horeto, have hereuuto, Het their hands and seals the duy and year flrst above wrltteD. . l. s. . L. s. Articles of Agreement : made thls - day of April, A. V. 18tÖ, between the " Mayor, Reoorder and Aldermen of the city ol Ann Arbor," partles of the tlrst part, and ''The Ann Arbor Water Company," a corporation orgauized and exlsting by vlrtue of C'hapter 81, of Howell's Anuotated statues of Michigan, parlies of the secood part, Witne88BTH: The partles of the second part, bereby agree and oontract wlth the paules of the llrst part, to bulld In the city of Ann Arbor. In the State of Michigan, a complete system of water works, on the reservoir and pumping plan. The top of the reservoir to be lixMied not less than one hiwidred aud titty-llve feet above the lntersectlon of Main and Huron streets in miJ city. or at the polnl deslguaicd on the map and plan of Prolessor C. ü. G reene, now on flle In the office of the recorder of the city of Ann Arbor. Tho reservoir shall be made of earth ; sball be puddled wlth clay, and paved on the bottom and the sldes wlth cobble stonss, und shall hold not less than two milllon gallons. The lnlel pipes to the reservoir, sball be so arranged, tliai the water pumped therein hhail pass In a pipe up through the same, above the level of the water and then fall over on a stone rockery, so as to glve the water more sereatlon. Tho parlloa ol the second part, ahall furnish aud set up pumping machinery of ampie capaclty and power tor all requlrements. A counectlou between the force main and the dlstrlbutlng maln, shall be put In to allow of direct pressure from the pump. In case of emergency. The works shall be capaLile of throwlng by reservoir pressure, slx streams, 80 feet high at the court house at one time; and by direct pressure. the same nuniber of streams at the same place, one huudred und ten feet high ; and again five streams, flfly-four feet high al the Uulverslty campus, and thesame nuraber of streams at the same place, by direct pressure, nlnety leet high. In the construct Ion of these works, the partles of the seconi part, sball follow the plans submltted by Professor C. E. Greene, for the slzes and locatlon of the dlstribultng pipes, except so far as they may herealter be changed by the mutual consent of the partles herelo. The sald plans and maps sojas afoiesald subtnitted by Professor C. K. Greene, now ou flle lu the oflice of the city recorder, tnarked exhihit 'A," are hereby made a part of thls agreement. The part íes of the aecond part, shall lay pipes ; slzes, sixteen inelies to four inehes Inclusive; not les.s than fourleen miles in leugth ; and au excess of sald fourteen miles as sbown on the sald plans and map, shall be lald dowu wlihlu the territory now covrred by sald plans, uuless the partles hereto, otherwlse mutually agree. The sald pipes, shall be Úrst-clau8,.cast iron pipes aud sliall be lald below freezlug polnt. On the leugth of pipes so coustructed, as aforesaid, the partles of the second part, shall lócate, set and inaintain one huudred flre hydrauis, whlch they shall keep In good order aud ready at all time for ase. The sald hydrants Hhall be elther Chapman, Ludlow. or Pattee & Perklns' nydrams, and sball all be three nozzlcd, one steamer and two leading hose, nul on these töuneen miles of pipe, the purtles of the flrst part, may lócate as many addltlonal bydranls as they may see tlt, which shall be set and raaintained by the partles or the flrst part, on the term herei natter named. The partles of the second part, shall also set val ves or gates, not less than flfiy In number, and the locatton of the gates and hydrants, Bhall be subject to the approval of the partles of the flrst part. The sald eutlre work shall be flrst-class In every respect ; suitable for all these requlre1 1 1 nts, ïull, emclent nd ready at all times lo respoud (uuavolduble accldents excepted). Nu hydrant shall be fed through more than one thousand feet of 4-1 nch plpe,where the ele vatlon Is less tliau one hundred and twenty flve feet below the reservoir, unless fed from two dlrecllons. The parties of the llrst part, shall have the rlght lo use the water to test their hose and to alloi il Lliem a reasonable practlce for thei flremen. The said water works, shall be coiupleted and the water turned on. on o bt-tore the flrst day ot January, A. D. 1880. For the service and contlnuous supply o water as above speclfled, the partles ot the flrst part hereby agree to pay to the partle of the second part the sum of four thousand dollars per annum, payable seml-annually from and afler the time wben sald wate works shall be completed and In operatlou and when turther hydrants shall be estub lishcd by dlrectlon ot the partles of the flrs part as above provlded, the partles of th nrst part shall pay to the partles ol the sec ond part, the flrst cost in place of such addi tlonal hydrants, and the partles of the sec ond part shall eupply such additlonal hy dranis with water without further charge And similar hydrants on thesame terms ani condillons. shall be put In on the line o said water pipes on the publlo streets, at th requesl of private partles and at the expens as aforesaid. The partiea of the second part shall extern the pipes above speclfled beyond the saU fourteen miles wuenever ordered by the par tles of the flrst part, and for every seven hundred feet of pipe so ordered In such ex tensión, the parlies of the Beoond part shal erect and raalntaln one hydrant: and fo each such hydraut so malntalned, tha piirlie of the second part shall recelve; tbereforta the rateof forty dollars per annum, payable as aforesald. The partles of the second part, shall fur nlsh water to tho luhnbltants ;of the city O! Auu Arbor, along the Unes of thetr wate pipes, when requested so to do by such inhab(tants, at reasonable ratea, and not excecding In amouot the average snms pald by Inhaollants In otner cltles of Michigan, slmllarly sltuated and of llke populatlon and ¦npplled by prlvute companles. The parttes of the Recond part shall proteot he partles of the flrst part from and agaliut 11 sults and (Iemands on account of any inury resulting from any defect in hluhways oranythlngconnected wlth Ihe construct Ion f the sald water works, by tho uid par tl ei of thu second part; and tliey shall protect helr exoavatlons and restore the Itreeta )roniptly toa good oondltlon prmotloally ia befon' Um wcrki inn begon, and thay hall secure the performance of thls agrea nentset fortli in thls paragraph, by u gwod md sulficlent liond. The partios of the. llrst part do horeby grnnl 11 i be puntes of the gccond part. Ibe rlght to ay pipe asabove provlded lor water supply, n any and all streeta of the city of Anu Arbor. Sald partles of the llrat partsliall not grantsuch rlghts to any other party or les untll such time as UM part les of the flrst art, may purchase Raid water workn; or the Ighlof sald partles of the second part simn ïave explred by Hs artlcles of incorporallon, or they shall have lost the rlghts and privleges by forfeiture. or thelr fallure to perrorin helr part of Ibis contract; provlded, however, thatall rlghu of laylng pipes nlivncly Kranted by the purlles of the flrst part nIiiiü ie respected and remalu In torce. The partles of the fiit part slmll have the rlght to purohase the entlre water works at any time they oho se ; and if the partles ïereto cannot agree upon the prlce tobe pald herefore, the Judges of the Bupiama Coqrt of the State of Michigan, muy award the rlce to be pald, and sald award símil be lndlug upon the parties. The grant to the partios of the eend part of the rlghts and privileges hereln pamM. seslabllshed by un ordlnance of the suld part lus of the flrst part thlsday duly adopted. n wltue8s whereof. tho parties hereto, by thelr respective offices, have hereunlo set thelr hands and afflxed thelr seals, the day and year flrst above wrltten. The followingresoluüonwasoflered by Aid. Lawrence: liciolved, That we, the connnon councll. of he city of Aun Arbor, do hereby adopl the contract prepared and reportod to uu thls eveuiukr, by the commlitee on water work : and be It further resolved, that the City Kecorder be aud he Is hereby directed to enecute ald contract wllh the Aun Arbor Water 'ompauy, In the name of the Mayor, Recorder :md Aldermen of the city of Ann, and to affix thereto, the corporate seal of tho city. Whicli was adopted. Tlie Miiyor announced the following Stfindin.o' onminittoea ¦ Flnance- Aids. Hiscock, Ware, and Martin. General Fuud- Aids. Helnzman, Henderson and Ware. General Street-Alds. Kearns, Henderson, Uelnzman, Lawrence, l'oland and Martin. Sidewalks- Aids. Martin, Hudsou, Walz, Hlscock, Keating and Klggs. Flre Department- Aids. Henderson, Poland and Martin. Pollcc-Alds. Helnzman, M'alz and Iludson. I.lcense- Mayor, Recorder and BlMOOft. l'arks- Alda. Lawrence, Keating mul lilggs.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News