
Charles W. Wagner has another boycycliht.
E. B. Abel relamed from New Yort Tuesday cvcniug.
A pleasaut social party was givru '¦' ' evening at John Ferdon's.
Mis. C. S. Millen and son returned from Chicago Saturday evenlng.
G. Bliss has bccn considerably andar the weatlier the past week. Mrs. Henry Sipley, of Lansing, is visiting relatives on West Hurón st. Miss Eva Beal of Northvllle, is visitiní relatives and fricnds in toe ity. L. C. Goodrich's pleasaut luce will be found at Wines & Worden's hereaftcr. Mrs. L. A. Howe is in Toledo attending a meeting of the Judies foreign missionary society. J. E. Bcal is spending a few days in Chicngo.ou business and iu attendance on the opera festival. Mr. E. J. Aston, of Columbus, Ohio, is in the city fora few day, visiting his sister, Mrs. Joe '1'. Jacobs. John Armstrong and family liave moved back to Ann Albor from Detroit, and t:iken a residence on Thonipson st. F red Ramsdell of Manistee haviug no email artistic taste goi'S to study next year at the Art League in New York. Judge Harrlman read a paper before the Webster Farmei's Club, upon "Early days in California," last Saturday. Messrs. Wood, Holmes, Palmer Armstroiig and Gco. Kempf, of Chelsea, attcnded connnaHdeiy work, last evenlnjC. Mrs. !N. H. Pierce arrlyed home irom the west a week or ten days ago, but does not latend to remata hcre but a short time. John M. Chase of this city has located at Denver, Colorado, and formed a partnersliipin the real estáte business witli his son-in-law, A. S. Pettit. Mrs. Alonzo Howe of Cbloago, president of the Woman'g board of foreign missions in the west (Baptist), was in the city yesterday while on her way to atteiul the annual meeting at Toledo. Hoi. A. J. Sawyer was taken down suddenly last week with a serious malady wbicfa lias totally incapacitated him from work. Uufortuuatcly it still continúes althoiigh therc are signs of improveinent He ,is having the best of care and his frienda are strongly in hopes tliat he may soon bc restored to liealth and strength. He has been a hard worker, and onr Óf Buch intluence and activity that lii removal from among our citizens would bc largely feit.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
John Ferdon
Eugene B. Abel
Charles W. Wagner
A. J. Sawyer