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A HELPLES3 MAN HELPED At Orecncastle, Indiana, an hour's ride from liiiliinnMli.i, uves Mr. D. L. Southirl, a gentleman, well known throughout Indiana. Amongother honorable positions wliich lie holds ia tliat of Trustee of the De l'auw L'niversity. llr. tkmthard is a !nitlicr-in-l:iw l Bishop Bownian, of the Methodist Episcopal (.hun.h. Fot iiKinv y -ara Mr. Southard waa a . martyr to rheumatism in ita iuost afflictive form. Un to July, 1883, he was nearly helpless, and could move only with great j:iin. At tliat time Bishop Bowman, havnig seen liow greatly tho Kev. Mr. Keely, of Iudianapolis, huú bien relieved by the new remedy, Athlophoros, brought Mr. Southard a bottle of that medicine, and udvi.sed, him totry it. Mr. Sónthaid'l experienoe, resulting from his trial of Athlophoros, was thus stated at a recent interview. Bishop Bowman liappened to be visitinj; Mr. Koutlianl it t the time, and the exchange of ideas and epinions as to rheumatiam and the radical remedy for it, was free and pleasant. Baid Mr. Southard: ''I had for years been Biilltring with rheuraatic pains. My arms nnd lega were swollen, and the pain was sliarp and constant. 1 was unable to diess myself, or even to put on my stockinga. My wife liad to lili ino and turn me inbed. Bishop Bonman brought me a bottlo of Athlophoros. I hardly dared to hope for any benclit from it, for I had taken so niany medicino. "Ibegan to take tlie Allilophoros first as dirccted. At tliat time 1 was sullëring frightfiil pain. In a few hours there waa a reniarkable change. 1 brukeout into a profuso perspiration, and had a strunge feelin ol'riliil". tn a few hours more all niypain was gone. I could stretch my lega and move uiy joints ns 1 had not been alile to for a long time. It seemed wonderful, altor all niv ezpcrience. tliat any medicine could have such Bflbets, I that tilia was of such power thiit it would go to my vital p;irts and end my life. Knowing not what miglit be the resnlt, I quietly prepared myself for the iinal change and calmly awailéd it. ]!ut intead of putting an end to me the Atlilophoros only put an end to the pain. What a new and delightful experieuce itwas to be without pain I " I gavo a letter to the Athlophoros concern, which was pnljlished. It brought me a great many inquirios by mail from various parta of the country" I wish I could show you some of those letters, but I was clearing out ny desk the otlier day, and I destroyed the whole pile of them. One was from a man ia Winchester, Indiana, whose wife was sufferine; agony. I directcd him wliero to get the medicine and it 8oon made her well. The wife of Prof. GoUn, of tlie l'mversitv, was mffèrng witli rhcumatUin, and AtMophoros cured her, as well as a good many others. "At times I would have return of my rheumatism, but nothing like tliat I lbrmrlyhad. Each attack wasligliter. Kach tie I fought it wil li Athlophoros, and got the better of it. Xow I Jmro for a jenr enjoyed good healtlx and freotlom from pain8. I took in all ten or twelve bottles of the medicine, and if I were ajjain to bo atlacked by rheumatism would take more. Bishop Bowman, oa being asked "iras the relief which Mr. Southard experieneed more than you had expected?" replied: "Certainly it was, for I had not expeoted anything. I brought him the Athlophoros because I had Been that it had done so mucb. good to Mr. Keely and others in Indianapolis. It seemed a last resort, for Air. Southard's case was such a severe one that I had little or no hope of even givinf; him_ relief. But seeing the completeness oí his cure I have recommended the medicineto others. I have not had occasion to use it mvself, for I have not had rheumatism and am in excellent health. Of all those to whom I have recommended it I have heard of only one nstanee in which decided benefit was not gained. I consider Athlophoroe a wonderful medicine." If you cannot eet Athlophoros of your druegi&t, we win send It express pald, on recelpt of regular prlce- ODe dollar per oottle. We prefer that you buy It from your druggist, but lí he hasn't lt, do not be persuaUed to try sometinnc elsa but order at once írom ua, as dlrected. ArauiruOROs Ca, na Wall Street, New York


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