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cunta ai.,, „=L=== DISKA8eS OF THE LJIlV?TC KIDNKVS. 'tT.WWjl'JJLIVEB, BLADDER, KIDNEY &-í ato .üiitliL!!L UBINARV OROAKS, -iVEMSISY DHOP8Y, Mc-WC-D '"ijñuií GRAVKL. DIABETES. "LL? !vV BRIGHT'S DISEASE, ÍS;Í; k,pain in the mïYïïi'i'iïftïti BACK, . r,orNe cm sidb Tfl NERVOÜS _ Ml DISEASES. jSuL. TONIC AND BITTERS, IT IS UNEQUALLED IN RESULTS AND PERMANENT IN ITS CURE. LIVING TESTIMONY. Illacksmilli. "Haylng liad occasion to use a reinedy for kidney timiblrs I pnrcliafeil a bnttle of Hdüt'8 [Kklucy and Llver] Remedy, Miul it conipletely curtyj me - Imve no indigestión, and am hoarty iind hcillhy foroneof my y eau (6ö)."- J F. Woodbuiy, Blaktmitb, Manchester, N. H. "Small b(-ginninirs load tolarge endings." Curpenter. "I was troubled witli a weakncss of the Cldiieya. I had to pass my water as inany as fifteen times daling the night. Aller hiiving used the second botile ot' Hunt's [Kikdey and Liver] Remedt I tound ttaal di my trouble was ione." - JosephO. Miller, Carpentcr, Xenia.Ohio. "Be a frlend to youiwlf, and others will.'1 Fi reinan. "I have been a severe sufferer with a wiakiiess of tlie kidneys, and I took a Rererecnld wbllo on duly with tlie lire department. I had terrible paing in my back, and my water troubled me. Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] Rkmedy eompletely uri'd me.'1- H. A. Olass.Columbus, Ohio. "To the good, nijiht is not dark." A Süilor. Captain John Kimtiall, Sailor, New London, Conn., wiiU's: - "I was taken with severe pains in thesniall ot my back In the reglón of the kidneys. I han the best medical uttendanoe without experleucing .my relief. I bought and used a bntlle of IIint's [Kidney and Liver] Hi.MiiDY. Four bottlisentirely cured ino. Prlce SI 55. Scnd for Phamphlet of Testimonlal. HUNT'S RKMEDYrO., Provldence, R. I. C. A. Ifl I I l, r.rnert.1 Agent. V11 ..lli. The following is told of i young gentleman who was pa.-sing m examiimtion in physics. He ;iskt-(l: " What planets were known to the ancients? " He respiimltil, " Well, sir, lliere were Venus and Júpiter, and "- after a pause- "I tliink the fiurth, bul I aui not quite certain." Curb Fon CROur.- Use Dr. Thomas's Eclecti ie Oil. It is the best remedy for all radden attacks ofcolüo, pain anu intlammation, and injurü. An Irishmiin, heing asked wliy lie left his country for America, replied, " It watll't fbr want; I had a plenty of tuat at home." A Walklng Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, ot Mchanicsburr, Pa., wi-itts : "I was afflicted with lunu; fever and ahscesa on lunjr, and redneed to a walking Skeleton. Got a free trial bottïe of Dr. King's New Difcovery for Con lumptioii, which did me so much gooil I boiiurlit a dolliir botile. Af'ler u-injj three bottles, found myselt once more a man, completcly restored to health, with a beartv appetite. and again in llcgli of 48 Ibs."' Cali at E herbacli & Son's drug ttore and (teta tree trial boMle of tlii.cer tain cure for all Lung Diseas-es. Laree bottles $1 00. An exchanre meotlom ¦ horse that eats meat Wtll, we thlnk it bout time, they have been nioniag lor stakes long enoujtb. General debility, (emule weakness, loss of physical power, Bi ight's DIsease, aDd nervous difenges, are speedily cured by llunt's licinedy. A gentleman wlio dld not trust to his mt mory, wrote In hm memorandum book, '' Must be married when I get to town." Cnre for Piles. The tirst nymptom of Piles is an intense telling at night :iltergetthiL wurm. This nnpleatant Mnmtlon is mmediately relicvcd by an appllcatlon of Dr Iiosaiiko's Pile Remedy. Piles in nll forma, Itch, Salt Rlieum and Ringworm can be permancntly curtd by the use of thls grnat renwdy. Price 50 cents. Manufactuied by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Coinpuuy. Plqua, O. Sold by Eberbach & 8on. 120&-1268. '


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