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A marketman wmb mercüessly swindled in the town of B . His misfortune gave liim a very tinfavorable opinión ol tile residents, and lie expresse'l liis opinión of üiem bysaying that if the angel Gabriel stopped at R rhere wonld be no resimection. "Wliy ? " asked a listener. "Bfciuse the people would iwlndle hlra out of hl born belore be had time to blow a single toot." Dr. Bosanko. Tliis name bas become so familiar with the mosl of people throogbout tbe United States tbat t is hnidly necessary to state that lie is the originator of the grent ür. Bosanko Cough and Lunr Syrup, the people's t'avorite lemedy, wlierever known, fop Coujths, Colds, Consuuipüon and a affcctionsof tbe Tbroat and Lnngs. Iric 60 cents and $1 00. Sold by Eberbach A, Son, druggist8. Our oíd friend PJckerlng says tbat h lias known ladies in whieh the instinc' o decoration was so strong tliat if tbey wer told tbey must be hanged n tbe presene of tweniy tbousand persons to morro thefr flrt thonght would be, "Oíi, dear and I haven't a dress flt to be liunfi in." There is nothing like Dr. Thonias's Eclectric Oil to quickly cure a cold or relieve hourseiipss. Written by Mrs. J. Felows, Burr 0ik, St. Joseph Co , Mich. A lady, not accustomed to rnisinp poultry, set a lien on sorae epps and, in diie eourse of lime, a brood of cbickena was liMtclied. A friend, cominjr In four d .-iys afterward, noÜGiDfl tbat Ibe little tliinl's looked weak and punv, asked bow otten tbey were fed. " Ped ! " was tbe reply, ' why, I tbougbt tbe lien nursed thein." Thiiusaiids Say So. Mr T. W. Atkins. Kan., writes: "I neverlirsitate to recotnmend your Electric B'tters to my custoniers, they give entice Mtitfnotioo ftod are i-ipid selléis." Electiic Bitters are tbe rurest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Llver complnints. Purily tbe blood and resíllate Uta bowels. No famlv Can aftbid to be without tbem. Tbey wiil save hundreds of dollars in doctor! bilis every year. Sold at litty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Son. A prettily dressed litlle girl fell on a muddv street crossinsr the otherday, and a gentleman hastened lo her assistance. After eleaning off her clotbes, be iked her if lie sbouldn't esooit her lióme. "No, thir," answcred tbe dirnified little danisel. "If you please we ain't been introduced." To encounifte sleep, créate an appetito, bruce up the system, and to purily the blood, take llie uiilailiug IIuiH'a [Kídney and Liiver] Hemedy. Sick licadiuhp. i Thousands wbo have sull'ered intensely j with sick lieadacbe sny that Hood's Sargai parilla las complettly cuied tbem. One ¦ gentleman tbus rtlieved, wrltcs: "Hood's 3araparilla la worth lts weiífht In gold." j [leader, if you are a rafforcr with sick g lieadache, glve Flood's Sar-aparilla a trial. C [t will do you positlvegood. Made by C. ' [. Hood & Co„ Lowell, Mass. Sold by all imggUts. 100 dosss On Dollar. t


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News