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TO BE AWARDED TO OÜR SUBSORIBERS I April 29th Next. I I j f f f g f f Has been awarded to our I ! II VX X II il eubscribera in the past 1 yaU O y WWW twenty-one years. The Detroit Commercial Advertiserl I WAS ESTABMSHED 15 1HC1, and in 1863 the publlsher adopted the plan of girio hls ¦ ¦ subscribers cash premiums tnstead of chromos, map, &c. The plan met with siich I ¦ oontioued prosixrity that it hos been kept up ever stuoo. The A'.ard to Utko plaue ¦ ¦ April 29th will be Uio EP 22d ANNUAL AWARD. The Award is taken In entlre charge by acommittoe of Rubscriber sppolnted f rom ¦ ¦ tbose prewint. Evurything ws prouiiüe we carry out, as our age UI bdow, lor fraudo ¦ ¦ do not last I. mi;. . TUE BETIiOIT {OMMKRCHT. 1DTERTISER is a larpe 66olumn weeUy paper, ¦ ¦ prlBted from now tvj, on (rood paper, and is one of the " old reliables." lt ia the beat ¦ ¦ familr wcekly pullisll in the country, and contaiiig departments for tlie LADIES, ¦ I TOUNG FOLKS h n. I FA KS KRS, and, in addition to this, furnishes tbs most lnteresüng ¦ ¦ SKWS of the day, stoi ;.s, poetry, and selected miscellaneoiu matter. SÜBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR, ¦ Eoch stibscriber partlcipating in the Award of $35,000 In cash. ¦ Tfl 'KTflT1 TVT A7 Send in your tcriplon at once, and wewlll Hend I 9 Ul IN U X U Li Li IX l . your nuiabered receipt, and stort paper at once. I rïOO n AP, FMT? Wanted in all parta of the United States and ¦ ¦ W U T.V-Í Uil i U Canada, to wnom a good commission is paid. ¦ SENT FR E E. -Sample paper and prospectus containinir full particular and I ¦ the nariiiw of a few who have received premiums, sent f ree. Seud for one. CVT TBI8 OUT, lt wlll not appear again. When anawerinj, mention this papar. I tMnm i WM. H. BURK, Publlsher, M DETROIT, MICH. 9


Ann Arbor Courier
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