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THE LIÏB BMJWTZD ÍY TE O. B. OOVf TO CAEBY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. ONLY LI1ÏE RU1ÏNING TWO THBOUGH TEAIN8 DAILY FROM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Türough the üeartof tbe Continent b way of Paci lic J uuctton or Omaha to DENVER, orvia Kanfuw City and Atriitm.i to Denver, conhef'iliiKin Union Depot at kaïisaa Cliy, Aichlson, Ouiuliu aud iHiiivur vviüi throjgli traína for SAN FRANCISCO, aiid all poluta In tbe Far West. bhortest Line to KANSAS CITY, And all polDts lu tbe Wem. TOURtSTS AND HEALTH-SEEKERS Bhould not forget tbefactthat Round Trlptlrkta at rwluft-d ratea can be purciiaswl vla this Üreal Tlirouffh ljlne. toali ibe Hmlth aud í i.'a-.ur.Kesorts of the West and Soutb-West, Itclnding tbeMountainsof COLORADO tbe Val ley of ihe Yoioiulie, Uie CITY OF MEXICO, aud all poluta In the Mexlcan Republic, HOME-SEEKERS Snould alo remember that this line leuda direct to the heart oí the Government and ltal . roiwl Lamls in Neoraika, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Washington Territorv. Il In krunvn M the great THROUOH CAK LIML ¦ f America, and U uulveraally admltted to be the Flnest Equlpped Rallroud in the World for all dunne of Travel. Through Ticket vla tuis line for ale at all RallrtQ Coupon Ticket Olllcuo in the Uuluxl btates and Canada. T. J. POTTKR, VloePra. and Oen. Manager. PKBCKVAL LOWELL, Oen. Pus. AB'l Chicago. JNa U. A. BKAN, Ueu. Eastem ak'i. 417 Broadway, New Yurk, and M0 Waahlimtou I., Bualou. IHortgugtt mi le. rKFAU:.T IIAVINfí ]!' EN' MADR IN TIIF I ) conditiOTiH ol a certain udenture of morti;ai?i' execnted by Laura Barker to John l.ynnh, both ul Ann Aror, m the counry of iishienaw in ititr Siatr ir Michi;in, loir ng date, tbe fiühieeuth da ol octolu-r. A. D., 1S77, nuil ri'cordcd In the office of the Hejnator of Dceds for ihe ConniJ of w. htenaw, ín Líber 56 of Mortgaye-. 9, aüdat ifned on the 2öth day of May 1881, "y wriiten M¦ignmMit tojotau Bmlth, nf Aun Albor townthfai ín tbe coiiuty itoit-Jind, and wirrh ussiiriirm'nl líp rccoidi-d in tbe ofllce aforepaid in Llbor Seven f AnHiument of Hurteltta, oi paue 162. md by which deluult, the power ot' palo contairud In 'aid morfpajío having become operttive, nfi no (uit or proceedin- at law nr i-i cqulty, haviní.' been inetituted to r cvcr the ainount due om smíii mortLage or 'he bond acc mpHTiv Ing tiu; hhih. and tbi re lu-inp mnv claimd to he due en suid himii and BBOftgtfffl the tara of Koar tiundrt'rt and eigb ty-nine dolían and ninety-tw j cents 489 NOTICI in therefoii' lieruby pivcli. thnt n1-l Mortti (; will lie foreloaod i)n Snui day, ihe 18 h (iay of April, A. I). 1885. at ten o'clnck in ti. e fu cti' muí ot Hat day, by a Hale at public auciion to 'h. hihipi biflder, Ht the EiPt D'or of ihe üoorl Houbp, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Coum afor(!íuid, (Mld ''ourt 11 uee, heiiiir the place ot holdlnir tha ctreolt (-'riuri for nidConot)) of the mortetúed pnnlsei, diícrbed iu s id mortffiffe r so much therc'f, & muy bt: Deccaaarj t riiii tbe amoant ot principal and iniercm rematain unP'iid npon eaid mortaje, witb reaKonaMc cofitt and ejpenses : which premlrea are de-crti'ed in eald mormase as followe : All rh (e ci-rtnin pieces or puree! tif land, iluited aiid beintr iu ihe ('itv ol Ann Arbur. Iu the Connty ni' Vavhtenaw mul State of Mi' hitríin. flnd de?c-ibed a lollo. to wit : The irett'hall i.f lutl number Kllteen anl Sixtei-n, in iilofk number Flve (") TOiub of Hurón atreot. in Rnnge nniniiir Ki'h ¦ bl y to ihe Ann Arh"r Lund Conipau)' addkloo to the cMÍd Cita r Ann Arbor. Dati-ri, Janua.y 19. A. 1 JOHN' 8MTTH. E. D. KINNE, Algneeol ic All'y lor Axsif USO-'tt Estáte of Dnyid -Güdfrcy. VjTATB V MICHIGAN, Couniy of Wahtenaw. Om. At ncei(i(n of the ProbstcOoort Tor theCounty o" "A'aahlenaw, holdao Ht ihe Pr'thate Office, in the city i'f Aun Arbor. on Wedsetday. he 8ih day of April, in tie year on tti-Ufiind eighi bundred and eijriity flve. Present, Wiiliam 1) liarriiuar,, lude' o! l'robute. In the nmtter of the estáte o! David G rlfn y il cea6d. On readinff and tll'ng the petltiou duly ventled, ol Marta B, Qodfrey, pnytDg a certain instrument now mi lile Ib tola cont piir. portiiiK io be ihe las wtll and textnmen, of Miid de ceaned, may be niimiited ro probate, and that sbc may be appointocl execn'rix tliereof. Therenpon lt ík ordered, thai Vonday, thi foorth dny of Vlay nexi, at ten o'clock in ihe forenoon. be asnigned for Ihe heuritiL' of 1d petitlon and that thc iln-sec-, sa ea, md rielrn ai law ot sald deceaned, and .ill niher peronn Ínter eated in said estáte, are required to appear nt a eeesion of said court, then to be holdei at tho Probate üfflco, in tle cily ol Aun Arbor, and show caue. if any th re be, wh the prayer of the petitioner honld not he srant ed. And it is fu rther ordered, ihai eaid petitione íive nottee to thepersons Intenated in eaid entate of the pendeney of said pctltlon, and the hearin thereof. by caaeing a copy of tbis order to be pan ÜHhed in The Ann Arbor L'ouritr, n newppapej printed and circu lated in said county . thrce sneo ive eeks prevloun tosaid day o hearlnt. (A tru copy.) WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, dudtíe of IVobiitM WM. O. DOTY. ProhBt Hetri-ter. 1236-1239 A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, SKLLS MIXED C ANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick Candy for 13 criiln per ponnd at A. F. HANQSTEHFEK'S, 28 South Main Street. French Mixed Candtes for ÍS cent per poiiud, at A. F. HANUSTKUFER'S, 28 Mala Street. Nice Oranges only 15 cent 'per doze-, at A. F. HANGSTERFEU'3 at 28 Malu street. AU kinds of iïUTS, FIGS, DATES, BAJtílNS and MALAGA GUAPES, ai A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Street, - Añil Arbor. OPIUM HABIT! "iinr, fr lhi" es" haWt win d c" "" BraKMI, of j,.l,„,,M„b., „bohaa.w.,,1,1 wid. nnuMba for the cures he haa made dunn the past twtjvf ypars. The main poinia t be communitated are the prfenl Btate of hedllh, lenijth of t.rneuíd, ml pnsoi:t annjunt of dru?U'cd vr celt. BaiJ. ttrliim Trfainimt hen d.íirc.1. S.nd for tesMniumals Irom leaaum i'bjsicinns aud repreaeatAtlTe uien ojid womeu curd. BBBQHf }&W Ap-nt. car.'i M:i.I „.,,, ,..r SB $60.5T0M HOTI WAGON SCALES. ¦ !¦ J Bram Box. Ture Bani Freicht ¦ B W M !¦ Pid. Fn Prtcf IAm. Evcry Sízc JBBÉBhM aüdrc-i JONES CFBIliaHAiiTOlT, ¦¦fc BüíanAMXON.ií. r. MLARKE ÍSfeSaSJS Thc "í111" old establiühed IAkJMWlCLABKE, t the old num"; Hl II Jv llicontinuci to treat with his usual 111 y Jm jlgrent skill sil private, ¦Mk -!15o0'lron0 nervone and special ¦JSyB KJIdiseasea. DE CLAEKE isihc ¦aWáBBHpolaest Advertising Physician as niei of Papen ihow and all old Rejidents know Aga and experienoe Important&" Norvon Siieaies (with or without dreams ) or ÜBDlllty and lo of nerve power trcatcd ' Uficalljr by new methodi with never Èiiling succets ! ST V t?,' f diffcren What you have taken or Who has fallcd to cure you. "Jonng men nd middle-aged men and all Clarvé f' ihou3 nul' the oelebrated Dr. w ti 2"" TThe terrible poisoni of aU J". bl0?d lnd tkin dislates of evcry kind name and nature i completely eradicatcd. Remem. Ser, that one horrible dUeaie, if negiecied r improperly troated, onriei the preent and comine g.nerat,on. -Di.ea.ed liioaargca cud promptly without hindrance to businesi. Both sexes oomult oonfldentially. If in trovtble. calí ÓÍ ,to„ %nly. I to t. Addres, letters: F. D. CLARKE , Merrill Bloek. Cor. Woodwardnd " ' - - . c i ylLWallt to deal with a strictK Om 'ricea House, cali on tha Two 8ann


Ann Arbor Courier
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