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The enervation and laultude of sprin time ure luit indications of the sluggis action of the blood, over-loaded withcar bonatos Mccuinuiati'il l)y the use of iieatin food in winter. This conditlon may b remedled by theueeof Ayer'gSartaparilli tlie best blood purifler knowu. A Safeguard. The fatal rapldity wtth which sllght Colds i 11. 1 Coughs frequently develop Into the gravest matedles of t'lie throat and lunga, is a conslderation whlch ihoñld hnpcl cwiy prudent penon to keep at band, as a bousehold remedy, a bottle of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Nothing clse givea sm-li Immediate relief and works o rare a cure in all affecttong of tuli elan. That eminent phyaiclan, Trof. f. Swestaer, ..f the Malne iludical ochüol, Bruniwick, Me., savs : "Medical elenco has proihlccd no other anodyne eipectorant o Rood as Aïer's Chbrrt Pectoral. Il i iavuluublu fur distases of the thiout aud lungs." The same opinión Is expressed br the well-l.nown Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicairo. lll., whoiafs:- "I have never found, In thirty-flr yeari of continuous study and prmcUoe oí medicine, any Íircparation of so (,'reat valueaa Atkr's Cherrt 'ictoral, for traMOMBt of disuasea of th throat and luntts. It not only breaks up colds nd cures evere couglin, but is more effcctlve than anythlng elao In raUavlng even the molt Ortotii üáiiiichialandpuluionaryufl'ectlon.1 AYER'S Cherry Pectoral ]¦ BOt :i new claunant for popular eonfideuee, hut i medicine whlch is to-day saviiifj the live.s of the tliinl f;eneration who have e. mie into heilig bince it WB3 first ofiVied to the public. There is not a houwhold In whlch this lnvaluable remedy his once been introducc.l where ita dm bai ever been abandoned, and there i.s not a person who hu cv. r giren it u proper trial for any throat or lung dlseaM susceptlble of cm, who hos not been mado well by t. AYÉR'S CHIOUIiY PECTORAL has, in numberlen Instances. cured obituute easesof chronlc Bronchil la, l.aryngitis and even acute Pneumonía, ana han eaved many patients in the earlier Itagu of Piilmonary t'onsumption. It is medicine that only require to hc taken in smal! doses, s pleatant to the taste, and ia needed In every bouse where there aro chUdren. as there is nothlns f cood as AYEE'S CHERRY PE TOKAI. for treatment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These aro all plain faets, whieh ean be verifled bv anruodv, and should be remembered hy cverybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ; PRErARED BY Dr. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maso, ' Sold by all Drugglsts.


Ann Arbor Courier
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