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Prof. Ford returns May lst. The sophs will not holt] .1 class supper his j'ear. C. H. Johnson, lit '80, medie '52, was in own on the 18tU. Two university i-tudents will never get niarried 11 fun {ain. Prof. Payne's people entertained a tea arty Saturday evenin;. Henry Ward Beeclier has canceled his Aun Arbor engagement. The Chequamegou band is in great deïiiuiil in the Delghborlng towus. The eo-eds constantly kick on Kingsey'e cianky quizzing in Algebra. And now it is said that the profs will lUichase a portrait of Mr. C. II. Buhl. The IJeta Tlieta Pi is to give a Gernan at its chapter house Friday evening. J. J. Comstock, lit "83, wlio is practicing w in Clereland, was in town last week. Van Valkenburg, '84, was in town on lie liitli, hiiving recen ti y come up from florida. Prof.Wiampcltnycr's leOtON on "Coalar-Product," lias boen postponed nn til he 24tli. Poorteen couples danced the geruian at he l'lii Kappa Pd chapter house last Frlay 11 hl. Iiodge, Killea, and Roscuthal went to janilog this morning in tlie interest of he gymnasium. The law lecture room is said to retemblé live board of trade with bulls and bears n a rainpagc, (juite of ten of late. A noted wedding is soon to be held at he Congrejrational church, in which the irlncipal participants are studenU. D. M. Angus, a junior medie from Toonto, bas been ordered to join his reginent and go the front, and bas gone. The Rucby association has Sppointed a ommittee to arrange for representation t tlie ooming intercolleglate contests. The Siilvation Army fiasco at the rink on the 17th was eonducted mainly by stueuts of the professional departments. Tliere aieabout 300 active Christian Asociation students in the university this rear, 140 having joined since last Septemer. The progress toward securing a picture of Mr. Uulil for the walls of the law deartment is much likeunto a snail's progess. Five students of the university have een subprenaed in a slander snit beween Messrs. Wiley and Dickiuson, book xiblishers, of Detroit. It has been eftimated bv an amateur Newton, that the books in the general ibrary standinj; all in one row would Mch nearly one mile. This is an iinortant discovery. A select program will be given this evenng in the general lecture room at the university. It will consist of selections from he opera " Der Frelschtltz," and esïayg m the author and his works. The V. M C. A. of the Uuivcrsity, vhicli has several lady members, has reused to separate its memberehip, and is hreatcned with excominunication thereor by the National Y. M. C. A. The new bufe ball suits, - eleven in amber, arrivod from Chicago last Saturay. They are of a bluishgray color, with ardiñal ti immings and stripes. A U. of I. monogram ornaments the right breast of tlie shirt. Oost f126. Ourestecraed contemporary was a trifle premature in its assertion that tlieuniver sity appropriation bill had passed the legislatura, when it had only passed tlie senate. But then, you know, niistakc wlll happen. The Jeö'ersonian society has elected otticersasfollows: President, T. F. Drew; vice-president, D J. Hosc; record i ng secretary, T. J. Adams; oorrespotidtng secietary, J. C. Cross; tteasurer, .1. W. Work; senior critio, F. P. Hettloger; junior critic, T. H. Kune.


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