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CHÏ UHE BKLKCTED BT TH O. 8. 60VT TO CABBY THE FA8T MAIL GOING WEST. OHLY LITTE RUrTHING TWO THBOUGH TBAI1C8 DAILY FBOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the Heart of tbeOontlnpnt b w7 of l'üctilc juuctiOD or Ornaba to DENVER, orvia Kunmw City and Atculso.i to Denver, conoeclliiKín Union lK-poU at Kaïwu City. AK-liiMin, Omiüui und Jjfiiver wlili throjgh traliis for SAN FRANCISCO, hi:i1 all poluta In the Far West. bbortest LIneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnta la tbe West. TOURISTS AND HEALTH-SEEKERS BI i,] nol rorgM tlie rart that Round Trip llekpta at reduceer rates eau be purdianed vla thm ;rcii Throuuh l.inr, to all Ihe Jlmltli and 1'lea.iure Keaurls of tlw West nnfl Houtn-Wenu li cliulini; mtalnsof C'UI'OUAUO, the Val ley uf the Yusemlte, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta In the Mexjcau Republic. HOME-STEKERS rLionld also remember tbat thls line leads direct to the beart oí the Government and Rallroad Lauda In ka. Kanaas, Texas, Colorado and Waslilug"Ttufkno'tSn'aii thogreat THROUOII CAK LIME r America, aud la univemally admlttd to be the l'inest Eqnipped Kailrond in tho World for all clauca of Truvel. ThrouKh Tlckeui vla tbls line for sale at all Rallroao Coupon Ticket OUices lu Ihe Uulted Ktaua and Canada, ï. J. POTTKR, VlcePre. aOj u)weli den. Pass. As'i Cbli-ago. JitO. . A. BKAN, (ien. Eastern Ag't. 417 Broadway, New York, and JUS Washington Ut., Boslou. Hortgage Sale. Dit T HAVINfl 1!' BB MAIIB IN TII1L i ondltinDi oí a cerUIn Indentnre of mortcage ¦¦! b ljiura Hsrkrr to Johu Lynch, bot h of AuiiAriuir, In the connty of Wiwhteuaw In the State ol Michigan, near Dg dati', tbe nlghteenth d:iy 01 Uctober, a. !.. 1877. and rnordfd in the office eroi Dtedi for the Connty of w -litenaw. In Liber 56 of liortoagea, lts, andas finiii n t ie "mi dnv of Hay, 1881, ojr wntU tlgnment to John Smith, ut Aun Arbur tewnchip In the loimty atoreaald, unrt whlch iissienmini irt'coided In the offl06 af'oreflld in Liber btvon of menta ol Mortgaiiei, on pai' 182. and by whfch power ol stlfl oontetiied In raio ñongado li :ii,' bi illY6, and no -uit or proi al law or i i ctputy, bsving been li atitutad to recovor the amonni dne on pain mi)'tL'.' .ml urri iiip(iii ini; tlie bum;, and .luid ii be 'lue lu suid bond and nitam of Foor humlrcrl and cighty-nine d Hars and ninety-tw j centi 148P.ÜS). ure bereby lmvi-h. fnicl Morij,1 ewlllbe roreloced on Snui'dav, the 18 b April, . 1. 188 al tsn o'( mk In t: e to'eniion of lliat day, by a ?alc at public auction to the blghrgi bidder, al tbe B i Doot "f Ibe 'otirt House, In Ibe City ol Ann Arii.i , m tbeCounty lid Coort Huow, beluc the piafe ol bolding il"1 1 Ircolt Uonrl lor aaid Conoty) of the mortttaired premiaea, dlacrtbed In morteaee or so tnucli ilicreof, a inay be n ' lij ; amoum ol principal Vuil latent) mnalninif unpaid apon f:iid mortitase, wilh reasonable cocts and ' ¦ , i' li pfeniüea are decrlt)ed In caid mortgase as followi : All th( ae certaln pleo ¦ or pureer of land, altaated and belnu In i h; ('Hy ol Ann Arbor. tn tbe Uonntyof Vaahtenaw and statv of Mlcbjfran. and deaerlbed bb follown. to wit : The weat-ball ol lots nwnber Filtren anl !Sixii" n. In hlock i uinbiT Iivii.'i) oiilb. ol Hurón uamber Eighi eaft, ngreéably to ih Ann Aiinir Land Coinpany'j arldition to the fuld city of Ann Arbor. Dattd, Janua.-y 1, A. D. 18S6. .hiliv SMITH. E. D. KIN NE, Aaalgnee of Mortwre. Ati'ylor Asiifneo. liiC-'l-i. The above - Ie iaadjon n-n r ooe week, to Satnrday. April 961 , A. li. 1885, :it tiie aame place,and h ur .f tne day, ;.,!¦ cl, Ano Ai or. April ISth. A. D. 1SS5. JOHN SMITH, E. l. K1NNE, Aatigneeal Mmtea-e. Alt'y for Mortgl 1-13. Esiale of Dayid Oodfroy. STATKOF MICHIOAN, County of Washteuaw. . BB. At a e'ion of the ProbateConrt for theCounty of ¦n at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. on Wedncsday, he Sth day ol April, in t'ie year one thonsand eight hundred and elgntyflve. I'reeeut, William D Hairiman, Jadge ol ('róbate. In the matter of the estáte of David Gorifrcy. il. On readlnx and filing the petition, duly vended, ol Mri tí, (iodfrey, prayinjr that a cerbaln Inatrament now on (Ue in tbi coart parportinj; lo be the las' wil! and testametu of Kui'i de ccased, may be admiited to probate, and that ne may be appointed executrix thereof. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Monday, the fourth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aselgned for ihe hearing of sald petitlon and that the devisees, legiteee, and lieirs at law ol I ü.l lU-ivised, and all other persons intereeted in sald eetate, are required to appear at a eession of said conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the cily of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any the re be, why the prayer of the petitioner ihould uot be granted. And it is farther ordered. ihat said petitionor ilve ootice to thepereon Interaated íd said estáte, Of the pendency of said petitlon, and the henrini.' thereof, by causing a cony of this order to be pubUslied iD The Ann Arbor L'ourier,& newspaper priuted nd circulated in said conuty. three succesllve weeks preriODa tostiid dayoi hearlnir. (Atrae copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKIU MAN, Judue of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY. Proht Résister. J242-1245 A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. mixed'cTandies AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick Cnudy for 15 cent per pounil at A. F. HANGSTERKEE'S, 28 Soutli Main Slreet. French Mixed Candles for 15 cetitn per Sound, at A. F. HANUSTKHFEKS, lw lalu ötreet. NIce Oranges onlj' 15 cent 'per dozen, at A. F. HANGSTERKKKS at 2S Main street. AU kinds of NUTS, FIOS, DATM8, RA18W8 and MALAGA 9BAPM8, at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Main Sticet. - Anti Arbor. OPIUM HABIT! Suflrrers from tlii Maklm li lUt vill do mll to rtt in DR. AUSHfVfOBlMr.miUwbohukworld ida rpöutloa fbn t!ie tuiM he hu made du ring the past twelvo yrars, Tl. main pointst.ecomiiiuiiicatd re the prevnt state of hwltli, lrnth of i-me ¦ itainount of dmj ust-d wt-ek. Sanltarinm TVftmnt when do-in-l. S-id for ttim.-nmli Irom lotdins ,i.i ,.. .a:. aaui i cfn touuutiv utun and women eured. DrCLARKE HO MI ( Eatablished 1851 1 Merrill PaÜlBttt )DETBOIT, MICH. f Block. ¦¦rajV The regrnlarold eatablished ¦lWitSSSjlPliy8iciari and Snrftean DH. 11 JiaJfiB)CIABKE, at the old number Ijf C[ fjff llMcontinues to treat with his usual iil V Jtt Jlgreat skill all private, IT4amchronio, nervons and special (¦¦Kldisease!. DE CLAEKE isthe BHBtb9HBaii oldest Advertising Physician, as files of Papers show and all old Kesidcms ksow. Age and experience Important. Nervoui Diseates (with or without dreams.l or debility and loss of nerve power treatcd aciea tiñcally by new methodt with never failinft sucecss. #"It makes no dirTerencc VTÜat you have takco or Who hal faikd to cure you. 48Toang men and middle-gged men and all who suffer should consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. ,The terrible poisom of all bad blood and skin diseaaea of evcty kind name and nature complete! y eradicated. Remembert that one horrible diseaie, if ntglectcd or improperly treated, onrsei the present and coming generations. Diieaaed disoharge curcd promptly without hindrance to business, öoth sexes consult confldentially. If in tronblt, cali or wnte. Delays are dangerou. "Procraitination li tne thief of time." A written warranty 01 oure given in every case undertaken. - Send two stampt for oelebrated workl on (bremo, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Vou hare an exhauítive lymptomatology by which to study your own Caiet. Consultation, personallyorby letttr, free. Consult the old Doctor. Inouiands cared. Offices and parlón private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before confidinE your case consult Dr. CLAKKE. A friendly letter 5jC1 " my save future uffering and shame, and aaa golden yearstolife. Medicines sent every where ecure from expoure. Hour, 8 to 8 ; Sunday, 9 to u. Address letters : F. D. CLARKE, " D- Kerrill Bloek, Cor. Woodward and Jeffersoa Avot. DEIBOIT, MICH. Bucklpn'H Árnica SalTO. The Best Salvo in the world for Cu(, Bruiseg. Sores, l'lccrs, Snit lüieuin, FcvtT .Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cbllblalns, Corna, and all tkin Eruptious, and posltively cures Tiles, or DO ]mv required. It is guaranturd to glve perfect Batltfaotion, or mutiey telundt'd. Pricc 25 cent per box. For Sale by Bberbach A Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News