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Michigan Centrat, The Niágara Falls (Route. Vntral Standard Time. N.n. lii.liM. KÍMTWAIID. I! if J i - !t ? K If rf1 __=! _ L I s2 A. a. A. M. P. M. P. M. p. H. p, M. t _ Chicago . I.v. 84S x 55 4 15 4 20 e 4U oso ' ' Tw'ty ser. Ht. 657 907 4 25 4 32 85i 042 "" Kenaliivlun. 7 35 945 4 60 filo 9 25 11 SO.'.'"' llamcioud.... 747 528.... 11:.'" Tollestoo 8 08 5 68 . ... a.m. . " Lake K 13 IOS 80 I 08 tft " Michigan City 888 1108 609 861 049 2 48 ' New Bnffalo... 20 1127 7 20 112 ThreeOaki 887 7 33 Burhi'nan 10 05 P. M 8 00 ti 53 Nili-s. 10 20 12 13 ti 59 8 15 1140 207 "" Dowiglac..... 1046 8 4H '132. "" LawtoD 1127 9 18. .. f305 '" (teiemo 1152 938 .,] P.N M A.W. Klamzo. . ÍS 08 145 8 10 9 50 loo 335 (g Qalr.bnrg .... 182' ,g tfsa 703 Battle Oreek. 1 on 2 as 8 47 j. 1 42 4 24 733 ,. , ,, I Ai. 130 245 SS Mnrsball f , v , 5ll ., „.- ,„, J„ 1M 46 g-: AJbion }U 8 28 -" 25 50n 845 Harma M N 5 2K 845 Jackson 8 05 4O3 1OUO 7 00 3 25 5 65 9 18 J.cka'nJuor. 309 705 Urass Lukt. ... 3811 724 617 9 39 Francisco -'t 88 7 32 ('helgra 1 355 7 4" 6 38 10 00 Dexler 4 10 8(1 .... ti 5i 10 13 Ielrn Mlllt... 4 -a 8 12 Aun Arbor.... 483 BIS IOS 8 9 4 35 7 12 10 33 Ypallanli 4 51 941 4 52 7 í 0 H.i'-Junc. 5 15 54t 9 1(1 5 15 7 5U 11 07 5 1' 9 12 rn 685 030.... 805 Sprlngwella.. 5 5." 6 I! . i 50 545 820 1185 l ir i ....Ar. 606 25 11 59 1000 5 5.5 830 11 45 Uetrnit Lv 7 30 12 15 ... . 6 15 11 5Ü si. TiiumaH U 15 3 25; II 15 1005 320 Weiland 2 u: BOD 5 lí 1 ai (H Falla v1 lew 6 34 18ü .... NiaKaniFall 2 29 6 3 155 6 25 S,ihii. Bridge 2 45 6 60 2 15 6 40...' Biiffalo 3 40 7 50 8 25 31 73 WBfTWAKD. á . ó 1 é H Bi é'í =i ,6. fió : : STATIONS. , gj. fe O cj o ; . 'íl ! 1 ; ; s_ 5_ o_ _ á_ L_ jj P.M. P.M. A.M A.M. A.M. .. BnflV.o 8 40 1130 ti 5 tt 16 11 30.. .. Suíi.. Bride.'. 940 12:5 7 30 IS 3B Niágara Kall 10 01 2 40 7 IH 12 I falls Vlew... 755 ,2 SU Weiland 10 2ó 1 Oij 8 14 ', 35 1 i Sr. Thomas.... 1 50 3 11 10 11 40 4 35 ... Detroit... Ar 6 00 7 50 24ÖP.H. r.M. 830 i.X. A.M. P M. Detroit.... Lv. i 80 9 W 4 00 6 00 8 00 9 00 Suni.irwellB 40 9 10 4 10 12 8 10 910.... Ucarhorn . . . . 6 57 4 2-1 6 27 8 25 Wayna III B42 WayueJnnc. 7 15 938 4 8 644 8 40 940.... VpKilanti .... 7 42 957 45 7 07 9 (K 10 02 AnnArhor... 800 10 12 6 ÍS 7 ï3 920 101 Delhi Milla 813 934 DextiT 82S 530 743 9 37 Uheltea 84 54s 80o 95 Francia.... 855 8 15 1010 (iií? Lake. 9UIP.M. 6 07 8 25 . . . . JackK'n Juin-. 27 4Í1028 ¦lackson 381130 6 W 8 60 10i 1166 Parma 1001... 71 5 1100. m Albion 10 22U05 "3 2 1122 12 41 í 92i a ¦ MarBhall.. - L ,„ 4C u Lfc y ' i of I Battle Creek.. 11 13 10. 84 alSU 142.... 1. ,1 -Imrg. ... 11 4" ... 9-.I as 124Í Kalamazoo. . . 12 03 1 4 j 4 4 45 107 2 27 p.m Mattawan.... 12 0 5 10+185 Lnwion 123S 18 145 Ijnwagiac... 115 t232 Nilea 2 1 3 10 40 110 4 05 Bnchanan.... 2 14 . , ... . S5C 811 ThrceOaks.. 2 40 3 45 Nt-wBuffiilo.. 255Í4 01.... 35 4 12 Mii'higai.City 32:) 4 27... I 3 4 8K 518 Lake 407 525.... tBU 5 3" 60"... 'l'nlleaton .... 4 19 DOö+S.'iö Hammond... 4 37 9 27 14 20 Kenaington.. ifá 600 945 B -io 7 0" . . . . rly-a.t. 5 83 6 38 10.3 7 18 74 ... C'bicago...Ar. 5 4o 6 SO' 1 10 86 7 30 7 5o + SiupH only to let iff pane ingerta Ï Stops only od sígnala. O. W. RUGQLK8, n. W. HAYES, G.P.&T. Agent A.-t.. Ann Albor. Chicago. Detroit, Hackiunc & Mafquette R. I!. Jl'LT 27, 1864. Over 300 Miles Bhorter tbHn anv otlier 'Line to all Points East. WKST. STATIONS KAST. 0." a o-So-3 S 8H 8 I S_ p. M. A.M, " P.M A. M. 8 00 6 55 Marquette 2 80 7 00 1 303 Seney. 5 40 1100 T. 1. 12 45 2 25 McMlllan 6 10 12 46 12 86 1 1Uollnrvllle. 6 28 i 9 12 05 140 iewberry. 6 33 145 A. M. P. M. 9 oti 11 22 Palma. 8 00 4 45 7 88 10 10 L.St.lgnace. a 8 50 6 Tralns run by Central Standard Time. D. McCOOL, F. MILI.IOAN. Gen'l Sup't. Oen'l f rt & Pass. Agt Marcjuette, Mlch. Marquette, Mich. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortii Michigan Kailnaj. time scnKprLK. To take effect at 12 o'clock. noon, on Sunday, Marcli lsa1885. (Soiilliern División.) Trains run by Ce.itral Time, GO1NO NORTH. GOING SOCTH. 1a STATIONS. Ë. ó í &L g 2S zSíSoL tm.lI'.M. A.M A. IP.H.lP.X. íi SO 2 00 7 05 Toledo 9 30 4 555 9 51 2 07 7 14 anhat'an Jnnction 9 26 4 48 5 V 10.0 2 2 7 23 Alexis Janctlon 9 164 3 5 20 10. 7 2 82 7 85 Bawthnn - 9 10 4 30 5 U 0.13 a 44 7 4ti Samarla 9 00 4 22j5 10 2öi8 03 HOe Lu'n. 8 47 4 04 4 5S 1 .: o 3 10 8 15 Monroe Junrtion - 10 37 3 25 8 30 Dundoe S 30 ¦ 50 4 41 10.48 n 82 8 87 Macón. 8 26:3 4513 41 J0.A7I3 40 g 46 Azalia I " i " 11.00 3 54 X 59 Mtlan .Innctlon 8 O'i 3 25 4 30 AKÍ3 57 9 03 Milán 8 0R 8 Hnv . _ 4 05 9 W Nora .Vi 'i 17 ; 'S I 4 15 22 Vr.inia 7 52 3 10 f ¦Tu 4 25 9 32 PltUHeld Jnnction 7 40IOLi ff 4 42 9 50 auh Arbor 7 27: C . 5 05 0 JO L lan 1 7 12 2 30 "" m Tí 5 15 10 22 U orden rS 5 35 10 35 Sutiih L on 6 602! rl I _ C'unnoctlons: At Toli do, Ith rallroirta c ins; at Manbal an Jnnction, itb Wheelini! Lake Brie H. II: a' Alexia Jancilon, with M.C, l. K., 1.. S. M. Ky. mi í.sP.a H. K.:t Mcinnio Jonctiou. with L. 8. A M 8. !(.: at Pand,c, wltt 1.. . A M. . Ry., M. S o. Ky.; al Milán JuncUon, with Wabah, St. Lonia paclñc Wj.; . 1'. 1 r-iifld, with L.. ..!. íj, Ky ; at Aun Arbor wllh Michigan Ceutrnl 1. I!., and at Sontb Ljo .vith Detroit, Lar,aing & Northeru K. K, ad G.and 1 rank Ky. lí. (V, 18IILEY. OeneralSupt. W. II. BKNNE1T. Gen'l. Pass. Aeent. 'I II I I ,-tiA uh 6 cents pv.eW,M Ib. mailyou wlll gettMt work that m!1 at ouce tirina vou n inonuy Icr ilia:i anythiog elac in A m, rica. All alom iJ 1 200,000 m i h . ach bo.i. Axccta wantel verjwbere. of eiiher -ex. or all aí'Jí. f f H ID.e time, cr .-pare only. to work lor u1 at thetr ownbnmes. Koi tunes lor all workers absolmel? ed. Don'tdilay. II. Hai.leu i C., P land, Mmíhc A EINËSÜJÏTE OF Rooms fop Oles - üVKB Tin; NEW POST-OFFICE. SUPPLIED WITH WATER AND STEAM. Tliose receutly occupled by Db. WilsoX mu now be rented by lnqulrlng at thê COTTRIEK


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