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MASOSIC KIKll 1OI1V. AN'S AltHDR COMMANDERY, No. 13 Mlfi't v flrst Tuesdavof eacii moiuii. W. O. üoty, K. C; W. A. Tolchard, Kecorder. Washienat Chaiter, No. 6, R A. M.- Meets flrst Mnnday each inonth. Isnac "Handy. H. P.; Z. Koath, Secretary. BoT.nKX 14IJLE I,oiok. No 160, F. nnd A. M.Meets flRf I hursdav of each month. L.C. UolrlctvW. M ; N. I). Unies, Secretary. AATKB!lWWSltfÜr. NTo,ft(t,F. and A. M.- Meet flrst WeutiesdHy ol eacli inonth. K J. Morton, %. M. Will Hollands, Secretary. BUSINESS CAROlL U . H. JACKSOs2ftL IDHEïllKrilTIIIIISIIII..'' Ovor Bachs Abel's Dry (Joods Store. Kntrancb by First Nitionál Bank ' ' GEKMAN CLASSES by F.mll Baur, formerly teacher of Gerinan Id the Ann Arbor High sctiool. Beglumng and advanced conversatlonal classes wlll be arranged above sheehan & Co's book store on Street. Slgmon Hleeu's "Studltnund Plauderelen " will be nsed for conversatlon. Forgraramar classes any Rrammar the student deslres, motiorn lancaages are pood forKptleu if not practlced. Remember the great advantage of knowhiK Oerman lu basfness as well a llterary pursulM. Beginn ng tbe 12tn of January. Refereuces: Dr. Henry F. Frieze, Dr. Alexander Wlnchell Dr. E. L. Walter, Prof Ellsha JoneB, Supt. W. S. Perry. For easy terms enqulre of Messrs. Sheehan Co., Ossius A Co., or address PROF EMIL BAUR, City. WILLIAM IIERZ, House, Bign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Pftpering, GUzing, Gilding, and Clcim(nlne, and wurk or every defcrlpttou done in the bt!Bt style. and warranted to glve natlifaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. C. SCHAEBEKLE, Rksidmcï, 57 Sooth Maim St., Tkachkr or Piano, TiöliniiitejrfMiisic. iiirsTTJCTioisrs Olven on Plan of the Royl Conserralory of Mnelc at Leipeic, üaiony. W. W. & A C. NICIIOLS, 1DE1TTISTS. New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. lacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Adminlsterad for the palalese extractlon of teeth. JOSEPH BERRV, The Practical TAILOR AND (JUTTER, Of the late flrm oi WINANS BKRRY, bas located hls place of business at NO. 7 HÜRON STREET, WITH A FULL LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would ay to hls old frlende and tiew ones that lf they want a GOOD FIT and a NOBBY FIT at REA8ONAHLK PR1CES, cali on hlm and thej will be snre to eet one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held fot the protection of the pollcy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresents the followine flrst-clas compsnie, of which one, the JEinn. has alone paid $56,000,000 flre losses in slxty-flve years : tna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Assurance, London.. . 1.416,788 MichUran F. & M., Detroit. . . 287.608 N. Y. Undcrwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losse liberally adjsled and promptly paid. Policies Usucd at the loweet rate of premium. lliltf J. J. GOODYEAR S PHARMACY! IS THE PLACE TO BUY H ANDSOM E TOILET GOODS! ELEGANT BRIC-A-BRAC, Statuétts, Mirrors, Plush Goods ETC., ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. No. 5 S. Main Street,


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