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POWDER Absoiutely Pure. Tlils powder never varíes. A marvel of purlly.strriiKth and wholesomenetis. Alore economlcRt thau the ordlnary kinds, atidoannot besold in competí tlon with the multtliident lot test, sim t welght, alnm or pbospbate Sold only In cana Royai, Hakinh PO-WOEB Co., 106 Wall st. N. Y. INFANTILE SKIN HEAUTIFIEKS- AX APPEAL TO MOTHERS- TRÏ TIIEM. 170H Oausini; the Skin and Bcalp of liittli . Humor, for üliavinir 11chi:iLr, Bunili" and li.flunnvit'on. lor curinr the lira' nyinpton1? of Resem t, l'-oriaei. Milk Crunt, kchIíI Head, ímio ula and otbef mherited -k:n and bleod dtaeaM, Cuiicur.i, tbe ffreac Hkln rurv, and Cnilcnn s(.p, an exqnlrtite ckin lieautiiicr, exteriuüly, aod Cuticura Ii-(oUeiii, Ibe new lilood Purifier, iutt-rnaily ara 1 1 1 a.iible. Absolutuly pure. ¦'TEItRIBLY AFFLICTED.'1 Mr. mid Mrs Everett Stebhin?, Belcbertown, Mhp., writt : '()ur lltrle boy ni tcrrihly afHited witb Scrofiila, Sak Rheum and Erveipcas ever plnce he was hom, and DOthiDg we cou.d jjive hiin heloed him. nntll we triud the Caticnn Hemedie?, whicb radiiHÜy enn-d liïin, nntil he is now aj l'air ad any child.". '$2OO FOK NOTIIIXG. Wm. Qordon4P7 Arliniíloii Ave., Charleítown, Man., writea : f HaTlog pald about $J00 1 1 ürt doctor to cuie my baby, witliout puceca-, 1 iried ihe Cuticura Remedie, which completcly cured, after usin' throe packujjes." FOK I-ALK. I,Ai.l ID, Emaciatert children, witb pimply, saüow pkln, tbe Caticura Bemedtfll wil] prove a perfect hlcppint:, elesoalDS the blood and skin of Inbcrlted impuritfes and expelling the perme ot crolula, rheuDu&tiem, cou-tuniptioü, and eevi-re -.kin dtoóftlöA. ¦BKSr FOR TUK HKI1V." Toni Cutirnra Kfmi'dics are tbe best r. r ckin dipeast'B I have ;vi-r sold, and your Cuticura Soap the ñiK'Ht medicinal toilet eoap in the mftTKet. C. W. STALEi, Osceolí Mill, WS, Druffgist. Sold everywhere. Prlce, Cuticura, 50c; Ba ol vent, tl.CO: Sold, 25 cents, l'repared ly Potter Dkuo and l'iiK.vii.'Ai. Co.,iioetou, Mass. Soiicl lor "llow to cure skin DlHcases" Bi BV Ufltl Tulirnra nap. an cxqulritely fiAfil perfiimed (kiii Itraullller. CATpRH Complete Trcatment, t1!i Iiihaler, for Every Form of Catarrh, $1. A9K TOR SÁNDFORD'S RADICAL CURE Ilrnd Colds, TVatery DIschnrRes from tho Nose ond Eyes, Ringing Nolsc In tlie IIc;i'l. Xervous Hcadache anil FcviT Inslamly rcllcvcd. Choktng imicuH dtelogod, mrmbranc deaaaed and hoalcd, breath Bwectrned. ünicll, taëte. and hearing rcHtorcd. nfl ravaKcs ohecKed. CouRli. Bronchitis. DroppinK lnlo tbe Throat.Palns In the chest. Dyapepda, WamlnK of Btrength and Flesh. Loss of Sleep, etc, cureil. One butth' Hadleal Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr. Sanforcl's Inhaler. In one packaRe, of all drugiilst. forlt. Ak for Sanford's liadlcal Cure, a purcdlstillatlonof Witch Hazel. Am. PIne, Ca. Flr, Marlgold, Clover Dlossoms, clc 1'otter DBCa isn Ciikmicai. Co., Boston. Potter Urn: aml Chemical o . ItoHton. ' I iKl H'w I'fti for Shattered -- l_ 9 l CINervei, Palnful Mnscii'" and .'" _ . ,i Wenken, -I OrgUM. 'Ol V'OLTAIC ï'n' Voltaic Bleetne "" fSk I'IiiHt-r Instamly alTects ; ) t? Vï ""' twnxu cyt-ti-ni and ' Ci xiA banishes pain, nervotinneni 'vN." iSÍEVnnd debility. A perfect 1 rr.L,lc Kl'ro - ialvaulo . lLCCTRIO Katiery oomlilned 'Ai A CTCRS"1"1 a h'sh'y mortl.O fc oliial 1'lUHtor wr 5 Cis. All drufrglsta. ilfillí: A HKALTHY AND EXCITINO EXERCISE Can be had during the winter moni lis by playlng TEN PINS. COCED HAT, Or any of the games of a bowling allcy. On FOl'KTIi NTRKIiT, oppoMtto the Court House, Ik Bowlins Alloy, whloh baa n 'ly l" ¦, fluely ileroratedand dtted itp In good style. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. St iidrntH here can get ono of the ba vantaiics of a íymnaalom. The exerclsfl glvóRood c "cula.lon. lu-lp .Ugesllo and appctlte. COME AND TUYIT1 A. C. I1LISS CO.


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