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"some Day."

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11 So:t 6 day," a merry school-boy sang. As forth from his toll he strode. And over the fleldn hls shout rang, A mi lar iilown the road. " Konie day a malden clmnted low, As she pliukcd ¦ rosebnd lalr, AndhernUM grew grave and her footalp slow As abe bound it itli hor halr. Hut i he thotixht of both were lar nway, Idly dreajnlng of that " some dny.'' From tlic ¦cboolboy'g Upa tbe gay song dled, Whlle the malden cust the rose aslde. " Somip day." a hopeful youth dld say, . Aa ba looked ni ibe mornlng sky, " I Bb8l] bn rlch and great some day, If 1 only work and try." "Soma "iy," the maidi'n softly sald, Whilst Khe looked at a xwlnglng blrd, Theu blushlngshe dropped her pretty head, And the wish was never heard. The fonth'a swlfl ibongbta were far away, lïuildlng castles on that " some day." Krom the muiden' Ups there dropped as'gh, Heard by the bird as lie fluttered by. "Soms day," said the youth, to raanhood grown, " I '11 barveet the fruit of my toll ; WeU miusl 1 reap, for well I have sown, or will heuven my Hfe-work Hpoll." "Wome day,'1 slglu-d Ihu maidon, u womïin DOW, " My love will roine back to me." And ii look of bopa Ut up her hrow, As she (nzcd lar over the sea. Hut the man reapcd not as he had sown, Kor lort une from him had Üowu ; Aml the ahsent lover never came back To jolu the malden iu llfe's rough track. 'Snmeday," sald the man with locksof gray, "Oh. will my soul ne'er be Uhuklened with that louged for ' some day.' " Will it. never ooms back to me? '¦ Boma díiy,' ind a woman's peaceful face Looked up at a rleecy cloud Bui she turncd witli a slgh from 1U soft embrace, And bar head on lier bosom bowed ; And thu man in his heart wondered why God Had ordered such palhs by bis teet to be tr d lint from a wornan's heart ascended a prayer Haard ouly by oue as it arose uu the air. "Some day," the old man slowly sald, "AHhougli in lifelfail, Although ihe soul's loud hope seems dead, There' frultion beyond the vail." " Some day "-and trom uuder the whltened halr A womau's eyes looked clear - M öome day 1' 11 khíii sweel rest up there; At last il teema so neur." The old man bowed hls forehead white And lailh trom hl soul drove forth the nlxht, u'er the woinan's face spread a pallor gray, And her soul lound rest in u glad " u.m' day."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News