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Geo. Earl, of Salcm, has gone to Dakota to live. The proceeds froin the Chelsea art loan was over $100. ( h;ia. Pray ie now janitor of the WüllïiKire Lata M. E. church. The Milan village council p'issed 20 oTdlnances In one evenlng recently. The drug business of Reed & Win ana, Clielsea bas been bought by Mr. Wiuans. Mn, Balterfleld and daugbter, Jennie, of Clielsea, have pone to Detroit to live permanent! jr. Minnie King WM diowned in two feet f water it Wnltmore Lake last week. Slie bioke through the ice. The brldgde of the Toledo and Aun Arbor railroad, at Dundes, over the raging Raisin rivtr, has been rebuilt recently. On opening their bees thls week Messrs. Shorlrldge & Vincent fouud that 2J nivcs out ol 28 weredead.- Miiau Leader. Well, What about the bees? Twenty-five thousand ynung (Ufa were put iuto the York mill-ponü and Arnold'l lake, last Saturday.- Milan Journal. NTavlgation Iris opened up on Whitmore Lake, and the inhabitants thereat are anxiously waltlng fot suinmer boarders and mosquitos. We uuderstand tliat A. Day, proprietor of the hotel at the junction drring the past few uionths, has sold out to O. (j. Stever, and will go to Chicago. - Milan Journal. Saline's supervisor, Mathcw Seeger, baviog been classilied wilh the democrats very properly kicks, aDd desires to be placeil with tlie republicana. Good tor Seeger. The state railway commissioner pa.ssed over the T. & A. A. road, last Kriday. lic WM mi a tour of inspeclion as to the c&aM of the receut accident just south of the junction. - Journal. A iliivu well 161 feet deep in the Chelsea schoolyard had to be abandoned, becausc the water itruck wis full of galt and mineral. That's right. It would uiake the cluldren healthy. Brldgewater has an applicaut for the consuUbip at Colofine, wlmsc principal reconiuicndation ií said to be that he can gpeak severa] laníruaj;esand beheves hiinself like Cleveland, a son of destiny. H. II. liiiiiUtrlioff, of Ypsilanti was found dead iu bis bed last öunday morning, trom heait disease. Deceased had hved in rpVilautl 20 ycars, was highly respectad, and a brother-iu-law of exüov. Begole. It is becoming quite the style for partles OOntemplatlng imirriage toglve thelr Irlend a surprise party, by gulng awiiy single and comiii? baak marrlaa. Mr. Charles Parker and Miss Kiuinv Neat gave their Irlends such B larprlM last Krlday uu a trip lo Detroit.-YiMkuiti ïentloeL It can't be denied that Parker did a oonnnendable and Neattbing, can it? Chelsea haa oiganizeil a club lor tlie purposi.' of enforolnx the Sao laws, with tbet'ollowing offleero: O. Thatcher, pre?.; Wm. Martin, vice-pres. ; 1Í. B. Aiiiitroiijj, sec; S. J. Guerin, treas. Hurrak for Clielsea. Otber towns sliould go and do llkewlse. Hvv. P. Wherhelm will preach his farewell sermón to hiscongregation next Sun day. One weck trom öunday the new pastor, licv. O Schoettle, of Liverpool, Ohio, will be Installed by Hev. Werheini and will then taku charge of this pastora(L. - .Manchester Enterprise. The Bohemiam oats business stillflouri-lics. Oertlfloate of great profits, froin an averajre of one farmer in a township, are enough to keep the hall rolling. But it sliould be remembered that if possible the afrcnl sclls to at least fifteen farmers in eacb townibjp. Wby are not the rest beard f rom ? - Y pillantl BenÜneL John S. Jenness, a well-known and highly respected cltiaen of Ypsilanti, died there tart week, Monday evening, from a nervous affeotlon resulting f rom a lall from a carriage whJcb occurred sevcral ycars ago. Mr. Jenness was favorably known thrriughout tlie county, and an old pioneer. There appcars to bc troublc in the Bobemlan Oat oompany. Stipt. Brasington Iwued a dodger with the announceiiient that they bounced Mr. Armitage who has been actlng as agent for them, and also says that Frank Btrong, who has been putting in his time in this section for several weeks, la uot and never was an agenl appolnted by them. W. W. Hcs and S. V. Dorr are tlie legally appointed