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Short mlveriixemenla i.ot to exceed three luifs. ui l.ostaiui Kouud. Houses for Sale or Beul, Wuuts, etc. Insertod three weeks for L5 oents. siuiatlons wnnted. free. F OU 8ALB ('HKAP.-Offlce Furnlture- TuIjIi's. Desks, ilc, ")S Humn slrret. WANTED---ROOMS. I wtsh to Beoara eltbw furnlshed or unfurnkshed roonu lor liglit housekceplng, for ihe collegaye&r or '88 and "SB. Address box 3S6 ti 1 1 rhor, glvliig locatloQ and descriptlon ol rooms. IpOU SALE- House, lot and barn, S9 Wash' iDKlon Street, uu easy terms. Apply to I. II. l'ei'bles, on the premlses. FOB SALK-Teu acres of land on Miller A-., good for gurdenlngor Hraall fruits. 'i !)¦ lold obeap. Apply to Jiw. Kearos, KegisUT ol lt'.'(is uIIhv. For ShIc- Onespan of good sound Horsen rlveyeais old. Israel Kuehnle. L is T- Bet ween Iiach A Abel's corner and Mavnaid'H store on Aun Htreel, on naluidiu lust, 2 Lace Collars, of featlier-edgo bratd. ltt-turn lo ilils office-, or to Mrs. OEO. BYCRAFÏ, HigliHlreet. WANTED- I wlll glveone dollar each for the Michigan Manual of 1S40. 1843 ana lüi Mum be in good condltlon. Addrets O. A. Jenlson. Lanslng, Mlch. Ld MNU-Money to loan on flrst-class li ai Mongage alUurreut ralea ol luierewh Saiislaclory arraiiKeincnts madu wi U cupi lallslh detslrlng sucti inveKtmeuM. l.viiv ooDveyanoe and transactlun In alMiriicia ol lltles curefully examlned as to legal ili-a. Z k". K1NO, Anu Arbor.