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i'ii derlck Sorc was broagbl boine from Detroit tliis week. Supt. E. F. Conely of Detroit, wm In tbc city yesterda] . Dr. W. W. Nichols and lamily moved back to tht'ir farm Monday. Hon. C. 1!. Qrsnt, of Houghton, was In the city the (irstoi tlu: wrok. Mr. and Mis. H. K. White have returned trom their winter' stay in Florida. W. AV. Watts, of Anu Arbor, wu in town Wcdncsday. - Fenton Independent Dr. Artbiir Ntchols' ife and motber re tu raed í'rom i winter stay at Alnena, yesterday. Miss Anna B. Ladd, is at home lor a few day, but expects to return iigain to Detroit short ly. Mrs. A. II. Bhelnrire, of K&lnmaioo, 11 spending a few davs at the house of her unele, B. F Watts. Mrs. John Thompson returned from Florida, Frid.iy mornlog, oonslderably ImprOTrti in heulth. D. M. Finley and wife, are about movrnjt to Clinton, Iowa, wbere lie goea t praetice medicine. Mi-8. Dr. T. J. Eaton, of Kansas City. hns returned houip from .1 yisit wltli her brother Henry B. Dodsiey, and family. Mr. and Mis. A. V. Case of Ann Arbor spent. the Sibbath here witli their daush tir, Mrs. E. C. Bassett.- South Lyon Kxoelsior. Mrs. Jane M. Root, of Detroit, wlio has been visiting her eousin, Mrs. O. BCliurch, the past week, retnrned to Detroit on Monday. A very pleasant progressive euchre party was given at the rpgidenee of Mrs. Judsre Beakes, Friday eveninp, in honor of Miss Henriques. Rev. T. C. Pitkin, of St. Andrcw's church, contemplatcs a three inonth's vacatlon tuis summei1, wliioli will be spent ut Martha's Vineyard. Ed. L. Seylcr, son of Adam D. Seyler, Ims been appointed thipptns clerk for Plnpfi-ee & Smltb, of Detroit, beinr selected out of 225 competitors for the place. ( 'ounty Clerk Robison lias been swing-ídí: around the clrcle for the past ten days or so, on business of Importance at Lausing, Detroit, Manchester, etc. J. J. Goodyearwas callod Sundny nigbt togo to (Jroton, N. Y., by the -udden death of bis brother's wifc. It will be remenibered that only a few weekl go Dr. Mills Goodyear and wlfe ere here on their wedding tourto New ürleans. Bhe was all estimable lady, and death under those cireumstances is espeeially ud. C E. Worden who bas been home a short time, lias returned to California. Whilc east lic made arrangement in Detroit for aone-balt' Interest in the tirm of Stearns, Worden & Co., manufacturing pharmaeists, with a laboratoiy in ban Francisco. [cis three rtoriea in heiglit and 185 feet loiijr. The buslneaa was ttarted ouly flve years ago by Mr. Worden as manager, ind it is now the largest house In that business on the PaciflC COait Hon. E. B. llaves, of Tuseola county, B member of the prefent (and prevlous) lefislature, took a day or so reet from lefrisative duties the latter part of the week, indepentSaturday and Sunday with Hou. E. 1'. Harper, 01 Lodi. Sftturdiiy both ciitleni'ii looked over the university, and 'tudied into its wants .-onitwhat. Mr. Hayes tells us that this is the first time lic Ims visited Ann Arbor in a perlod of .'!2 venís, and is one can eusily imagine, Uogt have changed since those days.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News