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C. L. Carter, lit., attended the wedding if.Mi-s Paisons. at Detroit, Wednesday Ktt. Tbe university Rugby team and the Alion college team wil] play a giime at Alion, Saturday. Alpha Nu gave a WhltMer program Saturday evening. A Fishei -man played Loa the otlier uight mi late tliat lie carne near getting stuek in lic tand on hls way home. The freslunan dan topper is to take jlace May 15th, at the rink. Since the catalogue was ssued, the lit., lent. and hoineop. departinents have each lad a uddition of one student. Miss I.iinc. junior Ht., has been visited iy her biother trom Detroit, during the veek . The uuiversity base bal] elub failed to n ikc the neceseary arrangement to play lie Detroit league club last Saturday. The alumni dinner will be held in the ¦hik thls year. But it will Dot be necessary lor atteiidlng to put on skates. Chas. A. Towne, lit '81, of Lansing, was n the city Friday, looking as l( lie had eeu ill used by ill health up at tlie captol. Dr. Angelí went to Lansiug Monday norning to meet the legishitive commilee apon the university to talk over ajiropriations. The committeeof 100, tomakearrangenients tor tlie coming meeting of American Science Association, meetel to-niyht at he city hall. The lOth ot a mili tax, if secuied by he university, will torever set at rest all st'hemes to remove the two medical dclartments trom Anu Arbor. H. A. Davis formerly of '81, lit.. and also f luw department, is, die junior member f the Arm of Hes A Davis, Chicago, and s dolng a big law business. The lecture assoclation boyado not have any Biicceu In securing a famous or infanow1 personage to iupply the vacuüm eft by Bei'clier's uot coming totimc. The casi; of nalivi' hirds of Michigan, at the head of the fiist stairway in the niiscmu. is the floeit colleotion In the )nlldiiifr. Look it ovor and Judge for yoinself. Mr Hobaon, tbe taxldermlgt, who hRt )barge of tlie museum, is eonstantly and 'ontinually adding to and ImprOTing Ilie various departments, especially in tbe )ird siecimeiis. Bx-Goy. Jeiome was In tbe 'il.v last l'rilay, and made a speech to the Mudentl of tlie law departinent, pralslng thelr quiz work, and oomplimentfng them apon thetr ¦neral rtudioatneaa. Prof. M. E Cooley is anxiously awattnjr tlie decisión of the House at Lansing, n reference to the nieohaalcal laboratory kppropiiation, He Is desirous of seeing hintis move forward. Out of the 10,000 university calendara ssued trom the Cot'RlEK pressp.s. 4,000 were dibtributed in one month. Man of tlicm have been sent to Europe. and several to Zululand, in África. Those blank and silent dlals on the lilrary tower speak in mute appeals for a ¦lorie. Cerlainly tbere shüuhl be one alowcd by the legislatura, if they oxpect ;he university folks to come to time. About B0 delfjrates are expected at tlie state inter-collegiate llterary assoclation, wliich is to meet lu tliia city on the 7th md sth of May. The tesslons will be leid in the Unitarian Is expected. Some of the university buildings, and especial ly the main one, needs repuiring badlv. It is not good cconomy on the part of the state to allow lts property to jo so lonj; beforc re-painttag and j inp. The followlng exticmely surpii.-intr, but extraordinary ood neus. (f true). is from last week's Clielsea llerald: "The min of $100,000 has been appropriatcd for the use of the uuiversity for the next two years." The boys who have the gymnasium scheme in charge are making a good glit for the sume, and il Ihey do not win it will not be from any lack of sensible, praeticnl, hard work on their part. May llieir effortsbe crowned with success. Wiiliam II ill, a late gradúate of tbe law departinent, now a resident of Marquette, is at present in tlio city vlsltiufi his parentsand man y oíd frionas. He reports the Ice as yet soiid ut Marquette, and the prospects very good for the silver and gold minine operatlons In thnt vlcinlty. The baso ball diamond on the campn is beinpr removed 75 ft. sonthwest of lm present locution by tlie uuiversity authorities. The object is to niake room for tho Rugby playera on tbc east sida of the groundt, and uwa.y trom the regular hospital. Librarían Darla lias itruck a MhenM by wblcli be secares lo the llbnryati Incorae. ín preparing pamphlets and perlodlcala for binding he carefully s;ives all the covers and advertising pagea and sells them to tho rag man, applying the funda to tbc purchusc of new books. D. M. Angns, of the medical depart¦ ment, junior, did not goto join bis regiment at Toronto, as reponed last weck. Ou the contrary he is abotit taking out lila naturallsatlon papen hete, aud joining Co A. to co out to island Lake, next aummer to fl rlit tlie moaqaltoes. John Hlbbard, orthe bigma Phifraternity, lost li is society pin white playing base ball abont a yeiir ugo. A few days since tbe jcwel was discovered resting plncldly on the bosom of a colored maid, who was reliK'tant to give it up, as it was h present tVom ber sweetbeart. The 33ü annnal convention of the Alpha Delta l'hi fraternitv, is to be beid in Ibis city, with the Peninsular Chapter, on the 1 3 1 1 1 and 14ili of May. Sevvral notables from abroad ure expected. Among them belng Prof. Swing of Chicago, Theodore Kosevelt, of New York, Bishop Harria, etc. At tlie concert glven iu honor of O. M. Von Weber last week by the School of Ututo, a Mibsorlptlon was raised to send inoney on to Geimany through Dr. Ziegfeld of Chicago, as á contribution to a monument finid. The ainoutit reeeived was eigbteen dolhir, and will be duly acknowledged on roceipt in Chicago. Prof. Hennequin bas written a play entltled "Hooks and Eyes, or a Danger-oua Husbnnd," and Ha'rrison & Gonrlay havo secured (he rijfht to play the same on a royalty, we are informed. Tlie Prof. is at present enjraged in writing a play for Minnie Midclera, to be broufrbt out next seasou. The concert at university hall Saturday evening, was fairly well attended, and lovers of classical, music were dcli"litfd wlthOarreno'smanlpalatknioftheiTory's. Th rain cuve the audleoce a damprecoptlou aa the entertainment cloel, and inany a nice bat, and inany a nice feat hef ' bad to laffer a severa wettig on the wy ! home, wliich took the edge oflT the iIímísurc somewhat. A tablc bas been publisbed tbe minimum expense a student can he to yearly in taking a courae of study at the varloua collfgea, of the land, aud also the maximum, for legitímate expenses : Bowdoin .'3OO to $800. Amheret $350 to $1,000. Vastar (g.W) $r00 to fl.000 Brown $:jro to l.dOO. Yale, Uarvard and Columbia, $100 to f60, and ;us blih as 3 000. Beloit $1.50 per week ! Cornell, TO0 to f1,100. The university temperar cc society hfts aecured the services of the Hon. John B'. Finch, R. W. G. T., of Lincoln, Neb., for r lecture on the rablect of temperanee ín Unlveralty Hall on Friday evening, May lst. Mr. Finch s one of tbe moet pleaeiiifr, eloquent and loirical advocates now on tbe platform, and it is boped that the people of Ann Arbor will pive lim as bearty a reoeption thls time as tliey have in tbe past. In relation to the p:iss-i;re of the Univeraity approprtation bilí by tbe sánate, one of the Detroit dailies gives tbe followlng interesting account: The blll to increase the mlll-tax to the UDlveralty cnme uii In the senatecominltlee of the whnle to day. It was opposcd by Hekan, Pbelpi, Mamrarrlng aud Pulver. '1 lic increuse wus favored hy Merars .Shoemaker Moorc, Kempf, Hawley. Belknop. Hubbell, Austin aml Woixfrufr. Thespeechea of the last three wero amollé the best In matter and manner liiven lnthesenate thl season. Hubbell wns real!) eloquent and hl plea one of the most lonvlujlng yet heard on the topic of the dnty of the state to the fniv.rslty. .Mr. AUHtln Kave polnted ultraoce to a businc-BS man's view of tho question, anti Mr Wüúdroff ,..-l.i.. .,„.i muul appeal from Ihe .siand-point of a farmer. BxSenator Koon, wlio wus among the llsleners. sald that he was convlueed as he had never oever been convlueed bcfore of tho oblieaI ons whlch the people were nnder to susVatu the great University of Michigan- the pilde and glory of her citizens - tlie cherisKing mctlier of her chlldreu.


Ann Arbor Courier
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