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Rheumatism lt is an estaMlshed f art that Hood's Sarsaparilla has proven an iuvaluablo rarnedy in many severo cases of rheumatism, effeetiiiK remarkablo cures by tts powertnl action in oorreotinK ttie aeidity of the blood, which is the cause oí the disease, and purifyüig and enrlchlng tho vital fluid. lt is certainly fair to assume that what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done íor others it wlll do for you. Tlierefore, li you suffer the palns and aches of rhenmatism, give this potent remedy a faii trial. A Positlve Care. " I was troubled very much witli rlieumatism in my hips, ankles, and wrists. I could hardly walk, and was ennflned to my bed a good deal of the time. Belng recommended to try Ilood's Sarsaparilla, I took four bottles and ani pcrfectly woll. I chcerfully reeommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as one of the best blood purlners in the world." W. F. Wgod, Bloomington, 111. For Twenty Years 1 bATC beun afllicted with rheumatism. Beforo 1883 1 found no relief, but grew worse. I tlicn began taklng Hood's Sarsaparllla, and it dil me more good than all the other medicine I ever had." II. T. Balcom, Shirley. Mas. "I suffered from what the doctors cnllcd muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and am entirely cured." J. V. A. I'roubfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. We 8hall be glad to send, Iree of chareto all who may deslre, a book contalning many additional statements oí cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Rold by all dniggists. $1 ; six for $5. IM.kIo only by (J. I. UOOD & CO., Lowoll, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. - -ir-TT' ''''"¦ ""''"t tonlc HPTlTfPM. rr uiTViiMs pcoplc f f llNI L I I r Rf l Ilo-nii.r'B StoiuHUcitTDTrninA'h BUtere, which P1" CtltBRATH "H ii'Biires pi-rfcct diáíT perlormance oi'thclr Ml Jr-Á m 'ui pyptem nt'qtiirca k STOMACH JP ity'of tho spepOe i 1 ¦ mt' lifh hcalthonamiro foundation, nee tue peerlese iovigoraut. Pot vale iy al! Drnggifta and Dralcrs generalij'


Ann Arbor Courier
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