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Tnï forty-mnth anuiversnrv of the batUe by which Texas established her independence was generally lelebrated tbroughout that State 011 tba 21st A FiRi a few days ago in the Pullman palace car shops at Philadelphia iwept way the repair buildiiraud sovou coachs, the loss being 1 .".(, hi. An incendiary Ure on the 22d wiped out the village of Perryvillc, on the Tenue9see Rlver. Thbkk prominent Mormons, S. Al. Smith, E. D. Davis and Bishop Stewart, were arrested at Salt Lake ou tho 22d for uulawf ui cohabitation. The forest Bres near Wilton, N. J., were ander control on the 22d. The new gettlement known as Chiseluurst was entirely burned over. fHK Louis Cook Carriage Company, of Cincinnatl, with liabilitios of $200,000, made an assignment on the 22d. A Bukricane swept oyer Dallas, Tex., between two umi four o'clockon tüe moriiing of the 22d. Kour housos were leveled, ereral stores unroofed, nnd fruit trees and shrubbery shorn. A deluging rain converted the streets inió rivers and submerged the country, doiug immense damage. Navioatio! on the Mississippi is now open from the Gulf of Mexico to St. Paul. A BI.AZE on the 2Jd at V'icksburg, Teim., caused a loss of Í2.r0,000. It was fewrad that twelre persous perished intbe flamea. Tú malea a test case the catcher of the Cleveland base-ball club was arrested on the 22d for playing ball on Sunday, and the law and order people would inake a rigorous prosecutiou. A TUO made a trip of flve miles into the lake from Búllalo, N. Y., on the 22d, and found the ice loóse and porous. The opinión was expressed that propellers could easily make their way through Lake Erie. A waterspout swept over Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kan., on the 22d, causing great destriutiou to property and the loss of sevcral lires. Amoag tbose known to be lost are the following: G. W. Paddock, wife and four children; Jerry Gibbs and daughter; Mrs. Harris aud daughter; Mrs. Maddox aud four children. Foor wagons contamina "raovers" had not been heard froni. and it was thought aü had perlshed. The bodies of flfteen persons had been recovered. Two hundred converts to Mormonism, mostly English and Scotch, arrived at New York on the 22d, en route for Utah. There were one hundred and twenty women among the number. The heaviest rain on record at Austin, Tex., feil on the 22d. Many buildings were flooded and the water ran three feet deep in the streets. It was announced on the 22d that frosts had Uillorl the entire wheat erop along the lake shore in Pennsylvania, and farmers were plowing the land for other crops. The total values of the imports of inerchandise during the twelve months ended March 31, 1885, were $596,191,334, against $683,298,251 the preceding twelve months. Valué of exports, J.743,765,990, against $761,6tí8,G91 during the preceding twelve months. The heaviest snow-storm ever known ln Colorado closed at dark on the 23d. The fall at Denvnr was twenty inches, and the roofs of numerous buildings feil in. North and west of Denison, Tex., railway travel was stopped on the 23d, heavy storms having caused washouts and weakened bri Iges. The Ked River was rising at the rate of four feet an hour. Buddensiek, the flimsy house-builder of New York, was on the 23d reported as having jumped his bail of $30,000 and started for Canada. Captain O'Brien, of the steamer City of Mexico, was arrested in New York on the 23d for carryiug anns and munitions of war to the Colombian insurgents. Frank Roland, a younp student spending his vacation at his home in Erie, Pa., was crushed to deatli reeently under a ponderous iron and stone land-roller. An incendiary flred the barn of J. K. Hansen, in Hand Couuty, D. T., a few days ago, and sixteen head of fine cattle and other valuables were burned. Thronos of people were on the 23d flocking to the newly discovered silver district near Pledmont, W. Va. The assayists pronounced the ore, which is near the surface, a very rich quality. Martin Mjtchell delivered himself np at Memphis, Tenn., on the 23d, claiming that in an affray in St. Francia County, Arkansas, he had shot and killed three men who opened flrj on him. Forest flres were raging on the 23d in the Welsh Mountains near New Holland, Pa. Fires also had caused serions dainage in the Ticinity of Williamstown, N. J., and in the región about Mt. Carmel, Pa., thousands of feet of valuable pine timber having been destroyed. Incendiarles were said to have caused the conflagra - tions. A otólo on the 23d at Frairlo Grore, Texv killed a fourteen-year-old pirl and fatally injured three other persons. A school-house, church and four dwellings were demolished, a nnmber of cbildrcn receiring seyere wounds. An lncendiary flre destroyed thirteen buildings at Sharpsburg, Pa., early on the morning of the 23d, rendering sixty persons homelest. Hot weather prevailed on the 28d in New England. The mercury registered nlnetytwo degree8 In the shade in several places in Vermont, putting a stop to sugar-niaking. Thb bodles of six persons who lost their lives in the recent Vicksburg flre were recovered on the 23d. It was believed that from fifteen to twenty others were still in the ruins. Ninb BCNDRED reports from the wheatgrowing States were published on the 23d. Illinois was the ouly State not reporting an improvement. The resignation of Treasurer Wyman makes it necessary to count all cash and securities in the public vaults at Washington. This task is to le performed by a committee of three, and will probably consume three weeks' time. Albkut Jenki.vs, aged flfty years, a well known and wealthy stock broker of New York, conunittwl suicide on the 23d by blowing out his brains. 111 health vaa the cause. While parties were engaged on thi. 23d in rafting logs on the ICoutucky River, near Frankfort, a quarrel took place ovei a colliaion of rafts, and rturin tho fracas two men named Parker were shot dead and four ethers were mortally wounded. Thï American McAll Aasociation, the object of which U to "rescue France from the Infidel," began its second annual sesslon recently at New York. Among the delegates in attendance were Mrs. J. A. Garüeld and Mrs. R. B. Hayes. %;. L. Moitfitt was executed on the 24th at Dallas, Ark., for the murder of VVilliam Wehunt E. C. Hibbard was hanged at Trinidad, Col., for the murder of a man named Knowles, and Hamp Nethus (colored) was executed at Union, N. C, for the murder of Adolphus Abrams. Peter Brazil and James Flynn, stock ranchers, killed each other in a flght near Lewiston, Idaho, a few days ago. A cyolone at Peoría, Tex., the other day swept aivay many houses and killed several persons. N. G. Evans, belonging to a private detective forco in New Orleans, finding nis wife asleep on tbe night of the 24th in the armsof a young clerk named Casper VV enger, killed both wlth a revolver. Information on the 24th from French source wa to the effect that El Mehdl's men had attacked and defeated the Italian forces near Mas9owah. Attornet-General Garland has reversed hls decisión that the Commissioner of Agriculture has power to purchase and slaughter cattle having contagious disHIML The total imports of dry goods at New York during th seven days ended on the 24th were valued at $1,028,388, and the amount thrown on the market at IT was nnnounced on th 24th tht th Apache Indians were again on the warpath In the Sierra Madre Mountalns. The entire surround ng country was aroused and in arms. There had been a larg nurnber of cattle stolen by the Indians, and several persons killed. HniAM J. Clawson, a Mormon Bishop, was arrested on the 24th at Salt Lake City íor unlawful cohabitat ion. The extensivo boot and shoe factory of Bridges & Co., at South Frmmingham, Mass., was damaged by flre to the amount of $200,000 a few days aLo. Georqe Smitht, of Pittsburgh, Pa., a young married man, died on the 24th from over-exertion caused by roller-skating. Thk health offleers of the chief Atlantic ports held a conference in New York on the 24th and rosolved, os a protection from cholera, to permit the landing of no rags except ofter thorough treatment by the superheated steam process. In Ohio, opposite Credo, W. Va., the other night Toni Wilson visited his flanee, Miunie Jacobs, and his rival, Jacob Hefner, also putting In an appearance, Wilson became joalous and flred at Hefner. The bullet missed its mark, but struck and Ulied Miss Jacobs. Wilson again ftred at Hefner, shooting him mortally, and left for parts unknown. Amono the settlers on the Dakota lands openod by President Arthur and closed by his successor great activity prevailed on the 24th. Meetings were being held, societies organized and funds secured to test the validity of the Government's position in the courts. In the whole district in dispute, it was claimed, there are but nine hundred Indians, wliile the numher of tettlers is placed at six thousand. Nkaklt one-half the business portion of Willoughby, O., was destroyed by flre on the 24th. In the United States and Canada there were 219 business failures doring the seven days onded on the 24th, against 215 the pravious seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 34; New Kngland States, 22; Western, 70; Southern, 42; Pacific States and Territories. 30 ; Canada, 21. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mr. Frelinohuysex, ex-Seeretary of State, was on the 21st still lying in an unconscioua condition at Newark, N. J. Indictments were found ia Chicago on the 21st against five men charged with stealing Third Ward ballot-boxes at the recent municipal eleetion. Their ñames aro KeiCo, Filio, Gold berg, Connors and Condón. Anthony M. Kkiley, of Virginia, anticipating objections by tho Italian Government, bas declined the appointment u Minister at Rome. General Graxt and wife drove out in an open carriage on the 22il, and. subsequently the General walked from hia residence to Madison avenue. The phyuicians examined his throat by means of an electric lamp, and found a grat iniprovement except at tho main jioin'. A. V. Wyma.v, th Treasurer of the United States, resigued his office on the 22d in order to accept the V'ice-Prcsidency of a National bank at Omaha. C. N. Jordan, formerly cashier of the Third National Bank of New York, was appointed as his saccessor. Rev. Leonard Withinqton, D. D., the oldest Cougregational clergyman in the United States, dled at Newbury, Mass., on the 22d, aged ninety-six years. The President on the 22d appointed Lewis McMullen Appraiser at the port of New York, vice A. P. Ketchum, mispended. The Legislature of Ohio bas passed an act requiring that all executions in that State tako place within the walls of the penitentiary. General Grant, his wife, Mrs. F. D. Grant and Mrs. Sartoris went for a drive at noon on the 23d. The General showed continued signs of improvement. HU weieht at present is 141 pounds. Three mooths ago it was 162 pounds. FOREIGN. Eiohtkkn cases of mall-pox were reported on the 21st iu the Hotel Dieu at Montreal. Courikrs from Fort Pitt reported on th 21st that Riel's forces captured the placa and burned the houses, kiüing two policenien. The troopers and settlers, numbering nearly one hundred, left five days ago for Battleíord, but no traca oí them had been found, and it was feared that they had been massacred. Middleton'a men were suffering for want of provisions and forage, and the bad coudition of the road irapedod their progress. Nearly ten thousand Sunday-school children of Dublin raarched in processioa to Phoenix Park on the 1 lst, with bannor and music, to pre9ent an address to th Prince and Priucess of Wales. Thbre was on the 21st a very gtrong force of American marines and sailors on the Isthmus of Panama, and every possilile precaution was being taken to protect lie property of the railroad and steamliip lines. The revolutionry leadr wa preparing to resiat a throatened attack at Panama. Serious trouble was expected, and work on the caual was much retarded. The British War Office on the 22d ealled out the first class of reserves, comprisig flfteen regiments, for permanent service. Sweden had decided to remain neutral in the event of a war between Russia and England. Finland had protested to the Czar against the issuance of letters of marque. Rus9ia had sent word that she would pay no more attentíon to demands for investigating the Penjdeh affair. Advices of the 22d state that a volcanio eruption had occurred at Passarvean, a province in the east end of the Island of Java. A number of plantatious were devastated and it was thought that over a hundred persons were killed. It was announced on the 221 that the garrison at Fort Pitt eseaped in safety when that stronghold was captured by the Indians. Ueneral de L'Isi.e telegraphed on the 22d from Hanoi that hostilities had beea every where suspended by the Chinese. The 321st anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare was celebrated with tuuch coreinony at -Strutford-on-Avon on the 23d. ÍIünners frora Riel were on the 23d among the Indians in Montana, advisfng them to join the Canadian insurgents. THKmembers of the English Government on the 23d maintained the strictest silance in regard to th negotiations which were still actively progressing between England and Russia. The Czar had twenty men-ofwar in commission to protect hu capital and the Baltic ports. A mtsterious explosión occu red abotif noon on the 23d in the basement of tbs Admiralty Office in London. Edwin N. Swainson, the principal clerk, recelved a severe scalp wound. Windows wore broken and an iron rolling wat loosensd. It was supposed that dynamite was i cause. At Frog Lake, in tho Northwest Territorios, recently bfce Indiana invitad the settlers to attend choren, aart after the service fluisue 1 shot ten of tha whites as they left th cbapel. Tiie savages then took the two prlaata who oillciated, murdeied them and burnud their bodies. It was reported on the tlá that cholera had reappeurcri at Cairo, Eypt, uud that seven deaths l'rom thoilisease had occurred there. persous wero killed by a recent avalan he at Seydisforl, Iceland. Aizpurn, tho rebel leader at Panama, has eight hundred men. He issued a pronuuciamento on thei!.;i:iniiist Americana, and flred upon their picketc The (iovernment troops were onibarking at Bneaaventura to suppress the revolt. News was received on the 24th from Cambodia, by way of Saigon, to the elTect that the insurgents had surprised a Frenen post, captured several guns and massacred many Europeans. The Americans arrived at Panama on the 24th, knocked down a strong barricade which was being erected, .ind took possession of the town. Aizpurn, the rebel leader, and thi ee of his staff, were captured. The rebels were completely surprised, and threatened to burn the city lf Alzpurn wm - .fllfin-t. &tABTO!B on th 24th nmwered nn Inqniry by Labouohor by saylng that the Government had deei'lod to rnake no further declaratious to Russia through Parliament. It was annouueed that large forcesof Russian troorw wero advancing toward the Afghan frontier. The movement of the ice on thf 24(h above Victoria l.ridn ut UootTeaJ snhmerged a large islaivl .ut the foot of the Lachine Rápida, tore up the Orand Trunk track and iunndatod Point Kt. Charles. N'kak Botoche on the 24th the right column of General Klddlatun'l romuiaud engaged the rebels, the battle Usting all day, the Canadians losing half a dozen killed, and a large nnniber wounded. The loss of the rebels, who fought Iudiau fashion, partially con-ealod in a ravine, was not known. LATER NEWS. The position of General Midlleton in tha Northwest Territory was on the 25th reCarded as most critical. He was afroid to proceed without reiuforcements, and the only arailable forces could not reach him before ten days. The river was said to be so low that neither supplies nor troops could be turnished by water. His loss in the recent battle was seveo killed and thirty-threo wounded. Up to the evening of the 2T)th thirty-seren bodies had boen taken from the ruius of one buildiag in the burnt district at Vicksbur;, Miss., and other buildings were known to have bodies buried in them. Isaac W. Enoland, publisher of tho New York Sun, died on the 2Tth at Ridgewood, N. J., of dropsy of the heart, at the age of flfty-three yeara. Advicks of the 2(ith etate that an avalanche at HomostakeMountain, Col., buried eleven miners. Ten of the bodies had been recovered. General Gt.ant was said by his physicians to have been better on the 'Jüih than at auy time since his condition commenced to improve. There had been no radical chaue in his tbroat. A flood at Montreal had on the Stith inundated the uianufacturing section of the city to tho depth of five or ten feet, and people living in the upper stories of houses were being suppliod with provisions by tho authorities. Dürino a fracas a fw days ago near Trcnton, Neb., four settlers were killed by cowboys. It was reported on the 2Cth that Osraau Dignm's followers, who nuniber six hundred, were willing to surrender Osnian if they received a guarantee of English protection. Count Kalnoky, the Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed the gravesi fears on the 25th that war would be the issue of the straiued relations exiating between Great B, itain and Russia. The force of American marinea on duty at Panama was withdrawn on the evouiug oí the Mth, apparently owing to an agreement by General Aizpurn to protect property and lives. He was unable or unwülIng to carry out his pomises, and the town on the 2fith was reported in the hands of the rebels. Barricades were again erected in the streets and iharp fighting was anticipated. A FIRE a few days ago at Grundy, Va., the county seat of Buchanan Couuty, degtroyed sereral buildings, including the court-house and all tbe records. The exrhanges at twenty-sir leading daaring-houses in tbe United States duríng the wt?6k ended on the2Tt)h aggregated 5S6,81fl,ö30 against $730,2(0,832 the pretíous week. As compared - ith the correpondlng period of 1884, Lha falling oflt tmonnti to 90.3 per cent.


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