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jAE2W& OKLY TRUE S'lRON QTONIC Hf LIVGR . ¦¦¦ KIONEVS, _ aml ItKïiïiiK TUK HEALTH HA atld VIGOK of YOUTH. Uysv v, HL pepnfa. Want ot Appeiite, lus" J3 difïcstion, ot Strenptli, ' 2. nl Tlred Feellng tbsolutelT - B9w curcd. liónos, iiiiisrlt'3 ana BHh_ ncrvea recelvo nuw force. JCnlivoiis tho lulnd and S „_. - rmT supDlifS Itraln l'owcr. ÍK Bal ET W Puti.-i nijiirom tM.niplnlnts bML# I b O peculiar to tlteir B-x will ü-kI h DR. HAUTER'SIRON TONIO a fBÍ Rnd peed jr cure. (Ivés a deur, liealthy conipU-xlon. Preqneiit attcniptsat coiinti-rfrittiiK only aId to tlie jiojuilarlty oí the orlKinnl. Do uot experiment- pctlho Original and BkIT, C;iond your nddressto'I'ho lr. St.I.otiis, Mo.,ior onr "DREAM BOOK." 1 I'ulluf atrange nad u&eful iniürmution.iruu. LAST CHANCE To ohtain Govemment Lands free - that are suitable for peneral farmingand stock raising purpMcs - before change of laws as per bilis now pending in Congrcss. 0OnIN THE DEVILS LAKE, ll! TURTLE MOUNTAIN, WfcU And Wlouso River Country. north jmproï'r DAKOTA HÜIILO ÏÏÊTèSSÏ Over 2,000,000 Acres of R. R. Lands in Minnesota at the low priceof $3.00 per acre and upwards. SectionalMapandfuHparticularsmailed ¦¦¦% V free toanyaddressbyC. H. WARREN. W Gen'l Pass. Agent. St. Paul, Minn. and r W f f Manitol.a R. R., St. Pacl. Minn. I II lak Thongh ffettin apon the pólice forcé muy be a sure cure tot nsoimnia, it does not follow that gelting run in by them wlll core a man of the habit of sleeping iu cliurch when the collection is being tiikeii up. - Fall River Advance. " I was üll rur. down, and Hood's Sarsaparilla piovedjust tlie medicine I needed,'' wiiic limidreds of people. Take it now. 100 Doses One Dollar. It luis been discorered that A. Chnrcliman Invented the game of draw poker. We always liad otir supicions that a climclituan liad something to do w'ith inrentlDg tliat gamo, it dopendsso mnch on liberal eontributions to keep it runnin" - 8t. Paul Herald. Eberbach & 8on the Drujrgists.who are ilways looklne al ter the LQterMU of tlicir ciIBtomen, have iiow Koored the sale of Dr. Bosanko'? Congh and Ln"iX Syrup, a remedj' tlpat fails to cure Colds, Pains iii the ('licst and all Lung Aft'eetions. Forproof, try a tire sample bottle. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. A i'aiv Irishnian, on liis first sight of a a locomotlve, declared it waa the devil. "Nu," snid bis conipanion, ¦' i i's only n steamboat hiintiiig tor wather. Erysipelas and Salt Rlitum were driven cntirely away from Mis. J. C. Andenon, Penhtlgo, Wlaconsln, by Burdock Blood Bitters. No equ:il iis a blood purüier. An End to Uonc Srntuing. Edwarrt Shepherd, f Harrltburjf, II), tai i : "lliivinir r eeived su much benefit from Hu drie Bitten, I fee! it my duiv to let suffering humanlty know It. Have bad a runniBg ton on my le„' for eisrht years; my doctora told me I would have ii ii ac ilic bone sei.ipcd or leg umpurated. 1 naed, Initead, tlirae botUw ot Elrctrie Bitten and HTen bóxet lUieklell'l Aiuica Salve, and inv lei; ia DOW Bound aml well." Electric Bitten are wld at liitv cents a boute, and Bucklen'a Antca Salvo al 260 per box by Eberbach & Son. A bachelor cynic remarka that t is tinguiar how enrly h life a clilld gnins tlie reputatlon o( resembllnf; rictieit and best looking of bis relatlveg The Root of thp Evil. To tboroughly cnre tcrnflila t is necess:u to strike dlrectly t ibe root of the evil. 'I'liis is cxaciiy wii.ii Hood's Sairapaillladoea, by actlnar upon the blood, thoroughly deanslng t ol all Impuritlw, aml learing not even s talni of scrofula by 1 [ood'8 S irsupai illa, tistit'v to lt wol - derfn] blood-purlfying quiilitlen. Soldby all dTUKRiStl Eleclproclty is all very weU In its way, but. wlicn t cornet to wlfe wnntlng yon to reciprócate a pair of ftfty-cenl bracos witli a Hfty-dollar ring, you've got to brace up and nirureoal jusi where toe reciproeity hits you on ¦ ipot. - Fall River Advaoce. For Rheumatlsm, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colie tlieie is no reuiedy superior to the genuino Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil.


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