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The roller milla will loon be in operation al Milan. BuikInv school convención at Cbelaea, Jlij lüih. Dezter reporta no rink elopemente, aaya llie Leader. Geo. P. Gliizier of (Jhelse.i, feels proud of Uie horse flcsh lie owns and drive-. The Clielafca Coiigregatloualisti lmve bren Improvljig the looks of their editiee iniei nally. Win. Gialiiim, of Whitmoie Lake, is goinjj luto tli (.'lei y business exteiieively tuis slimmer. The largest fliipment of furf ever made froiu Clielsea, was made l.-ist week by A. A. Van Tyne. Ki v. A S. Wrlght is to be formally iostallt-d pnatvr of the Presbyterian ciiuich ai Milau to-day. The WaihtPiiaw Baptist BMoeiation is 11 -c-.-idii t Tpailantl, concluuing Uiroiigh muil to-iiiurruw ulgbt. Farmers In the uorthern part of the County aie coutemplating raising umi e field ijeaus than forme rly tliis yt-ar. The exact figuren nf the Ohelsea art ure, rece pts.íl ¦ 1 ' expeiÉe$ 17.95, leavlDg a ImnUtoinu balance Ot (124. Únele .loe McMahon g't Üirown out of his Uuug.v aiui coiis'uleralilj' Imit at Mlicli'tei' ihe otlier day, by leason ot liis h irai) beuoniiug fiiglitéiied. Ua anybody heard of any movement iM'infi made tuwaids gettlilg the Toledo, A M 11 Aih ii and Xoillieiii lailroad at tliis point f - Dexter Leatler. Well, we'il give ¦ t up. Duu'i lik sucli puzzles. Prof. Kiigene Ureory will discontinue lus ilUlitM heie as l'i lucipal of our BOllOolu vv.tli the close ot tliis HOhool year, wheil he will visit Geniiaiiy for a two years uuurae of studv. - Milan Leader. Muttie Dtveart, daughter of Petei Dl S"T of imr city, is tiiking vocal lessons in Detrwli at preaeut We learn that Ith Ali-s Mattie' iiiteiition to travel with iu opera couipany next season. - Ypsilantian. Wm J. Tinte, son of the late 1 raented Peter Luite, oi ü'Xter, died on the 23il uf April, at his horae i'i Detroit, aged 23 eais, an.I his i'eui.uns werc brouyht lo liexler for nt-rineiit. H wa8 greatly lovtd at lila old home. We learn that there hns been 570 bushcl- ut Bubemiali oats tuU iu the town-hip of Uridjfewater, Sharoii and Muiclie.-ter tliis piiiiii, and 9. W. DolT lias Mild '32 busliela, nearly half the araount. - M .iiicbfHler Enteiprise. Chas. Loitkwood of Salem township, h, is bouilit his farm bnek of Geo. Sutton foi f 1,UÜÜ more than he sold ït fol ; and pnlU $400 tor the privilege of backinit uut of a purcliasu whicli he had made iu üie meaiitime. - South Lyon Excelsior. Prof Nel-on, lately appointed to the ¦Siate öupeiinteiideney, vvis on Tuesday (lio-cu liv the State Board of Coriectious and Charitit-8 as their secretar}1. A bilí to ubolish the board has passed the Hou.-e and is pending Ui the Senate. - Ypsllanliau. A poor man who is willing to pay his bilis is a mijílity siglit safer to trust than an able man wlio can pay but won't until he is torced to. Our expeiieuce with a b.idly mixed subsciiption list during the lasl eifiht. inonths has taught us tliis.- S.iliue Observer. The Miebijian gynod of the Germán Luihran clnirch ara talklng of establishinjr a sennnary, and think veiy favoiably ot the propositiou to havo it locateil in ihis viliage. A sultable location and j.lenty of land can be proeured. - Manchester Entc.3 rise. Charle Throop had bil right hand suwed in a (rtghltul maiinrr ou Wedneaday aflemooii, by coming Iu contact with a Circular saw in gawing pickets. Tlie tliiimb was entirely severed, and the cut hCioss the hand M-vered the cords and bonus. - .Milan Leader. We ure (lail t amioiincc ttmt the Clielsta Creameiy expects t OominuDCe active Dpaiatioo i week f rom tmtxt Houinj. I iii.-tiuition giveseinploj ment to quite a litrtfe DUOiber ol peopie, and we Hope farmers will give Uil 8)tem a trial. Fr. m all leports the farmers rcoelve inoie benefit llmn any one ele - Uerald. Lust werk we stute'l tliat the w 11 nthe chool yard had reached a depth of 101 i.i-t and Uie waterwas siilli.-h. A tew diiy folliiwinji, Piudde.i Bro. OomtUe'ICcii di ving a well fbi Mr. Kuiler, on ly oue Ij.ick au;iV, and at a deptb "f 30 leet, rcaclnd a ood snpply ot nice water. A weJI wu il rive n i numtwr uf year mg in the .-chtiol yard aOout 120 teel soutli of the pivsent one, and the water was not ril tor use- Clielsea Heiald. 'l'h Chelsea M E. babbath school will he i.fflcered as tollows tor the eiisuing year : L. Wood. Assmt nisupi.- MlssCora E. Lewl. Srcivliiry- V. K Babcock. TreaKurer- Mm. Sliuw. Mis Tn'iisuri-r- HlW tram Kempf. OrgHiiUt-MlMs Kditli t'on({.lON. Ansí, orifaulul- Mms Celexli-t ïayl"r. MlHN Iviiiinii I.t'W.s labrarían - MIsm Klurence Huclituan. A-Mt. l.ibmrlan- .MIsh HatLiu Cüipiuan. otan E. Duraiid. Twenty-tbree nn ajjo Judge Ninde jrave a liltlc girl. Miss Nona Cook, üaujfhter of Jumes R. Cook, then an atiorney and Juttioe "f the peace, here, a one-dolliir gnld pleca as a birthday trift. The little srirl défKWlted the eold ilollnr with the banking tiiin of E. & F. P. Bo(tariius, and reoeiTetl in exchanjfe a cerllflcate of üepolt. About seven or eljlht ears atlcr, Mr. Cook ifinoved to Washington, D. C, tl! bankinff firin ilissolved and the transaction was entirely tntgotten, until yenterday, when a letter was n ceived by the castiier of the First Xa timial bank containing tile certificate o depoult mid lequesting New York ex uhange for the name. The letter wa bandeil to Mr. F. P. Bnjrardus, wbo een Mis Nona, now a Washington belle tlnce dollar?, a few cents more than lesa