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Itis eeliinatcd tlmt proper care of agricultural machinery would cave us annually no less than 15,000,000. Kemember tliis. The Sparta Senünel has changed from a weekly to a sewi-weekly. That's enterprisc and grit, and Spaitu people ouglit to apprciate it. Lit'Sseb! Wasü't there a man named Benj. F. Butler connecteil with the cainpaign last fall ? Tlie name seenis familiar, and yet we can liardly place him. Rev. F. B. Cressey lias bought the Michigan Prohibitionist and clianged its name to "The Center.1' It will be publUhed in Detroit as formerly, and devotwl to the same cause. A MAJORiTT of the Detroit board of alderuien seem to think that Belle Iale park was purchased by that city for the especial purpose of allowing tlie Detroit brewers to sell beer thereon. The republicana cairied Wisconsin. and every VVisconsin apointment made by President Cleveland, so far, has been a republican, Ravo Villes. In Michigan Deltber republicana or democrats are giyen tlie lo ives and fishes. The Jac.kson Star calis the Ann Arbor papers "sleepy." Aside frotn the Star- which has quite a bright twinkle - we should like to know in what category the Jackson papers could be classed ? Sleepiness doesu't express It - they're stone dead. A bilí passed both houses of thelegislalure postponing the sale of tax lands that should hare taken place lust Monday.until a new bilí or law can be provided. fhis is done toavoid any unneeessary complications, also to save the people the pense of re-advertsing the same. Mayor Carter Hakrison, of Chicago, has sued the ínter Ocean of that city, for f GOO.000 damaíes to Uis character. Bah! Carter! ynur whole carcasa isn't worth the six hundredth thousandlh part of that - except for medical students' use. We hope the mayor wilt be In der Ocean before he gets any judgment In iiiis case. As csdal the Detroit base ball club starts off with a boom. The boys won their first league-game which was played with the Buffalo club at Recreatiou Park, De troit, Friday last. Thcy will probaply be successful for a month or so, and Uien a dull, sickening thud will be lieard, and the poor Detroits will be f ound at the bottom ngaio, pounded all to jelly. Senator Eustis, of Louisiana, lias become tired of' waiting for President Cleveland to doie out the crumbs of plunder which he claims as due himsulf, and lias issued hismaifectodenouncing the adniiuistraliou. Wouldn't it be surprising now, if Ihe republicans should reuominate Mr. Cleveland forasecond term, and thedeincrats take tip soine sucli man as Eustis? TllEd -mocraticlove forthecolored rare is akin to that of the wolf for the lamb, and the fiivors granted to it daring this administration will be like unto the jilorv reaped byEnglish arms in the Sondan miglity güín. Ex-Confederates are rapWlj takingall the places liold by colored men un. Ier the government, anl none of that race neecl expect a favor,- without, it may be a few lo menial positions, just to blow ahout. If me weather don't spoil this item beibre the paper comes out, it is a goud one: ''Hereis spring witn all lts garclening opportunities. Improve them. ünlarge the buunduries of the garden, and cnlarge your idea9 of gaidening at the sume time. Plan wlth liberal views, and plant with a liberal hand You will never miss the time, and even if you do nut reulize iny profit from it, you will live better than you have ever lived beforo. It used to be that when a young lady got married she united her fortunes with m poor boy, and torether they worktd and accumulated a competency, each helpinr the other. But to-day the situation is far difft-rent. Unless a young lady inarries a rich man she doesn't "do well." Instead of marrying a man to help him lay up a fortune, she mames aman to lielp him spend a fortune some oneelse has laid up. Siill we are forced to the conviction that tlie old way is the best way. The following bulletin from the igriculuirul college in relaüou to rxperlments with seeds, rnay be of some interest to our readers just now : Bulletin No. 2 of the state agricultural college relates to tesltng seeds purchased at the seed atores and placed on tlie market by some of the principal seedsroen. i he experimenta were conducted la ihe college green-house, under the most favorable circumRiances oí solí, temperature and mol ture. Samples of all ihe seeds were plan ed at one-third Inch and one Inch In depth. TliepercenlaKeErow I"K range from 2Öto 100 Cabbage. lettuce, onions and carrols prefer a liglit coverlng. whlle most olhers grew allke well in either case. Tlie result shows that wlth most seed liberal sowiug Isrequired, even under favorai'le coudi luns. The following item from the Cadillac News may interest some of our readers, as it refers to the extensión of the Tolido and Ann Arbor rond: "It is rumored that the F. & P. M., the O. L. & N., and C. & V. M. have pooled on a little game of bluft', and liave even sent representatives dowu to New York, to teil the big bu-rs of that town that if Mr. Ashley comes to Cadillac with his road they will come with theirg. All right, come on, we'll lind accommodations for all. These roaiU eacli had their opportunity and rejected it. Now, Cadillac feels very frieiully to Mr. Ashlfy who seems to be our Eli to loud us out of our trouble, and jriv na a show to be Somebody. We guess we will stick to Mr. Ashley." Angus M. Camión, a brother of the Moimoi) eOBfraHlonal delegóte, Geo. Q Caunoihusbeenconvictedot uiilawfulco liabitation. In otlier words Ofpoljgamy in Uiah, and in consequence thervof the ' Saiuts " ot Salt Lake City, are all takiug to the mountain to avoiü arrest. The li rat man who had backbone sufll ciant to convict these Mormon " Sainu' lor this vile piactiee tuey sanction under the narae of religión, was Hon. Sumuer lloward of Michigan, in iiis position as ehiüfjnticof Arizona. Having set the exumple, the Utali justice follows, and the euteriug wed;e into the rotteuness of Mormoudum is fast belngdrlvea home. Il is but just to the Mormous to state that inany ot them do not believe in polyj;amy, and are peacea Ie, law-abiding citizens, but the leaders who have grown rich oft' tlie tithes collected from the muinni are the ones the enforceiiient of the law eifects. All honor to Judge lloward for hit courage and manhood, and all honor to (hu state that lurnisIniShUch men. Tukt a slip oí paper aud place thereon In figures your age in years, dropping months, weeks and days. Multiply the sum by two; then add to the result obtained the figuren 3, 768; add two and then divide by two. Subtruct frnm the result Obtalned Hie i.iimbcr ot your years on eaith and see if jou ral not oUtaiu flguiei you wilt not be likely to forget.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News