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Saturday was a busy business day for Ann Arbor. The inspection of Ann Arbor's G. A. I!. post occurs Fiiday (veiling. Thos. F. Leonard is building new fences and slicking up liis premlsea on Ann street. Those who attendcd Bob Ingersoll's lecture laat erening found out hia idea of blasphemy. Water rorka and anti-water vrorki arüiiments (?) have been flung abont in great sbaje the past week. Memoria] Day wlll be observed in tliis ciiy bj Welch poet (;. A. i;., and the L. D. Society of the 5th ward. A meeting of the conncil was held last Tbursday evening, to take actlOD npon the druggiste and tiquor bonds. The flre departmeot is in need of new hoee a facl whfch is denionstrated more and more at cvi-ry lire we have. Henry Binder is making thorough repalrsln bis store building on Main t., wiiidi Adolph Bof&tetter is to oceupy. Rrv. i: ]J. Pope gave liis congregation a rlchtreat Buuday, in the way ot telling lliem what lie saw uu hia trip to New OiWe learu tliat Patrick Wall, formerly of this place, and tor niany yean supervisor of Northfield, will soon tuke up bis resideuce in Lansing. In talklng by teleplione the past week, we have oaoglit bits of conversation from variousother line. The new board must be giving us an in(tei)duction. The May social occuis at tlie M. E. chureb this erening. Tea will be served at %% o'elock. The ladies will endeavor to niake this BDOWlally entertaining. The Saline Observer placldly remarks: "Aon Arbor people are talking oí purchastag a new location forthe county jail, further nptown. It 4fculdn't be abad idea." J. M. Jeannerctt, has leaed the store in the St. James bloek formerly occupied by Sbewcraft's baiber shop, and bas opened therein a store for hair woik and dreaa making. Wedneaday Ja-t, at the residence of O. ('. Sweetland, the ceremony was performed by which Mr. Lewis Sweetland, and iü.-s Katie Richter, both of Lodi, became man and wife. "Look out for $20 counterfeit bilis1' says au exchange. Wby, bless your heart, old boy. il' we sbou d tínd a $20 bilí anywhere in our pocket we sbould know at once that the thing was counterfeit, of course. Bel a two-cent stamp tbat will be the next postmaster. Watch and see if this predioiion fails. - Adriin RecordFake the bet, and are glad -n this opportunity of denying the extravagant and excuseless and inexcusable aaaertton made aborel The next postmaster will be (?). The Rutlcdge PablUhlng Co., of Easton Wno„ i,nl-il tonend iha bouk they agreed to r iba lood noiice we publlstied for iijciii Home time itnoe, und we are lncllned u ilu-ni afraad. We wrote tiiem regardnaatter bul have reoel ved no response to our coininuuicaUou.- Mauchester EnterThe tirni bas usually .been prompt in ding, bot our last "ad" bas no{ settled rr as agreed. The OODBIBB made another mistake 'i.-t week, and was very p. euliar the error appeared in the columns of Deurly all oar esteemed contemporarics , Joitaa tliu prevloua ones have. It was CC. Warner and Dot C. C. Warren who purchased the lot on Aun st., and who is 111 bttlld a new residence thereon. 4 certaln etteemed eofitomporary, wliieli shall be nameleM, wants to know hy a certain member of the council doesn't expresa bis opinión ofthlngiat tlie council meeting instead of in cold print:' The answer, probably, ig becauae Hld memoer Im't a blarated fooi. Evenmanto bis owu calllog. Blacktmitb are u good newipmper men ; neltberar uewpaper men oruton. Uooday evenlog, an old gentleman ¦uuned .Mr. Quinan, went to the depot With hli sou, who was golng we-t on U 8 o'elock train. Por tome reason be gOI upoa the can, and before he could iet off tlie train gol onder considerable hwdway, and thougb warned not to attempt to jninp off he did 8O, and was terr'bly ent and brutead tberey. üefore ing fuund be liad wandered to tlie H" i cro."elng of the road and was "awling ap„n iii, banda and kneei in a ooudltlon. öreal green lawnt are Indeed beautlfbl, lni yardu wüh an occMional bed of flowittered througb thetn are Ftill more ttractlTe. Ann Arbor is noted, the itate beauty of heratraets, and the Plntlmt lier citizena take with their oandsome lawna and yards. The beauty 't in.niy u great plat of green would be ¦ 1 by the Introductlon of a flower two. And now is II, e time to sebed. Don'l put It off any longer. "" Jelight which the existence of flow''¦¦ witli v.nird and beautlful blosalwayi glvea, wlll '"¦"H! wortli the trouble it pobIs. Sow ml bulba and roota now, and ;' rieli harvetil a little later. Take ¦ - ¦ 1 1 . . r there ia little enosjrh neautiful tbat duda Ita way Into it, '-¦¦ ¦' little pnina to enjoy what l," forth from the riefa,siorere01 mother eartb. QWe na more The Cth will soon have a new englne. Tlio east end of W. Washington st., looks vcrily like business. The postoffice now keepe open tul f an hour longei i nlogs, to 8 i. m. There is to bc a ftower festival at the Baptist churoh Frlday evening. Snow fUkes wiih the rala, Banday, sent a shiver through young gardens. There ure many complHintsof sore throat tliroughout the eitv. Look out for an epidemia Sunday, May 8d, the flrsl peal of thunder lieard in these paris tliis spring rolted down pon DS. May Day was the usual on - cold, sour ami disagreeabie. We have seldom seen a really fiue one. The old pioneer clerk, Wflliam Fisher, is now on iluty t the nuw dry goods store of Tuomey Bros. The Ladles' Charitable Union meeta Thnrsday afternoon at the residence of Mis. Jaycox, on S. State st. The re-building of the De Yamv store, on Huron st., is progressing iinely, and will be a grand iinprovemeiit. The building oocupled by Bllu A Bllss as i bowling alley on Main street, is being refltted for saloon purpi The foundation walls for Jolm G. Kocli'a new dwellin house, corner of Liberty and Flfth sis , are being laid. Rev. Mr. Nichola, who is to occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's churoh daring July and August, is a professor in Yale college. John Defoe mude the matting and fljrures for the handsome pietures of the leut. clrfst of'8ö, Bbown in Watts' store window. That street scraper is dolng good service, on Washington st. Don't let up until all onr streets are pat in good condition again. The chnrch social given by Miss Clement and Miss DooglaM at Sl Andrew's Mtreonage la-t Frlday nlght, was an en oyable affair. Civil englnecn ander Prof. J. B. Davis ofAnnArbor are in town establishing he building grade on Lafayette and Lake streett.- South Lyon Excehrior. A package of sweet and beautlful tiailng arbutus was snit to Mis. Wm. II. Potter a few dys slnce, bv her daughter, Mattie, who is visitinji at Ludlngton. Btere Webster, formerly of A.nn Aror, cameout ahead in a uit at Detroit o recover good seised by the Bheriff, on vliich his rife had ;i ohattel mortgage of over $4,000. County Clerk Kobison, ifter ridlng hrough the eonntry considerably, teilsus hat wbeat s in prime condition generally peaking, Chougb there are a few lieces cilled out somewhat. At i meeting of thetownship board of Ann Aibor town, ln-M Monday, John C Mead and Belden W. Shortleff were aprointed on the board of review to look over the assessnient roll. After a long live months of a hard winer and the frosts still llngerlng in the Lip of spring, Martin Clark had the pleasare on the 8d of May of gatherlng a mea) of sparagos trom hisown garden. Wm. 15. Dowd, of New York city, the ildi'st son of Wm Dowd, a former famoos nu Arborite, was mxrried April 30th, it the Wiu.lsi.r liotel, Xiw Voik ciiy, to fus Batella Bastón, of Philadefphia. C. H. Sparks, repretentlng tin; lirm of '. J. I'auly ai I3ro., of St. Louis, was in own yesterday, ihowlng the steel celis nade and pat In by that company. The ail coinmittee will meet to-day to receive lids. In the Wayne cireuit court, Gteorge Vandeckar asks a divorce trom his wife, cniiie Todd, to whom he was married In Ann Arbor last November, lie claims o have been married bj' force, and that ennie was a decelver. Many Aun Arbor people will learn of lie death of Will J. Tulte, formerly of )cxtcr, at bis home In Detroit, on the 8d uit., witb frreat regret. His father vas register of deeds of this eotinly at one Ime, and a verv popular man. Rev. Dr. Marquis, of Chicago, delivered al the Pretbyterlan chareta l;it Sundav, two very learned and excellent diseourses on "The Bible and its iDBpIrstlon," to a very large and appreclative audipiice. Rhv. Dr. Seirick Johnaon, of Chicago, will follow liiiu on the 24th of May. No and then some of our merchante arc remarcable fr thelr display i mother wit. 'I'ho other day a newspaper agent was Introduced to one of th m by a friend, whosald: "Wehave no gmcerles to how you l)iit brains." The inercliant coolly remarked: 'It isa plty yon have no tamplet wlth you." What cowards winnen are when there Is a gun or pistol in their vicinity. They will "O dear!" and O, don't!'1 and "O, for mrrcy's sake!" and will tremole like a poplar leaf even thnugh the pun or pistol be without lock, Stook, and ba rel. Uut a man, liow diffi'rcnt ! H will takc up thtt wcapon witli a clianninfr DOHcbalHDOf, cock it, peep iuto tin mnz.le, and :iva fiíst-class j"b for eillier tlie doctor or undertaker. Man is comtantly and in numberlesg ways gbowiBg biSVaSt Mipen oiity over woman. It is botli a sin and difgnstlng to Bee the number of bovs that are allowed to loal on the st reets and idle away tbeir time out of school. These l.oys are bnmirlit ii p in erime and inorance wlieu at the 'amo timo the tax-pAjera are jiaying thousands of dollars annually to rastaln ur free schools. What can their purentiink of or ever expect thelr sons to mount to in this world? Kiiherput tliem o work on a farm or at a trade. No roune man is fitted f'r tliis world uulil ie bas icMined a nade, no matter whetliei ie be riel i or poor. These iioysara beinji irought 11 p loaleí and Iheivcs and edil ited to Oecome strikern and rlotsr. 'arents, ene and all oí yciu. botb lich nd poor, bjnorant and vise, who allow 'our boys to neglecl their ichoolliijf, hac do yon expeol f tbla young mob ot )oys runnlnü at large P The Ladles' Llbrary Anoclatlon will ivu an entertainment ut tlie Opera House, Priflay, May 15. The Berious Family of Morris Baroet is to be presented by tnemben of the Uuiversity Dramatic Club, under the direetion ot Prof. de Pont. The play is a translat ion froui a Frenen comedy calleii "A llu band In tl.e Country." It is bii;i]t and ¦parkling, well fltted fo production by amateurs, There mu numeroiis "sltuations" In It, and sonie good cbaracterpintlng. one of the beal parta being that of AniMiiiiib Bleek, a hypocritical philsn tbroplst, ulii.h is laken by Mr. E. T. Lee. The jolly mililaiy mal , ('api. Magnire, is taken by 8. l Todd) Chas. Torren-, by Xed Cai'rlqneSj Frank Vincent, by W. A McAndrew. The parí of the geiious l.ülv Oreamly taken by .Miss Minnle Converse; Mra. Torreng, by Mlst MaryL. Wood; lira Delmaine, by Mím Carrlques; and Sinma Torrens, by Mi.-s Elsle Jones. The seats ill be on sale at Moore'a and al Osslus'at ihe usual time.