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At AI. C. Pcterson'a Saturday night prog. euchre party. W. A. hovcjiiy has moved to Detroit to reside permatiently. Miss Hoy of Dexter, is visiting Miss Gaelic, on N. Main st. Mrs. Oscar Tuoker spent last week among Dundee frienda, Mr. J. Z. Batten, of Philadeiphla, spent iSuiiduy wilh C. S. Millen. Joho Nadelhofler of Joliet, 111., spent Sunday with D. F. Schalnr. Miss Uillan Thorapton, of Lansine, is visitlng at Rev. Dr. Steele's. Mn, Dr Merrinian, of Painesville, O., is rlalttng friends in the city. Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, lias been attendiue court tbil week. E. 13. Pond and family Lave moved into their raddenoa on State Street again. I). Cramer went to Detroit to-day to teftify in the famous Meyers will case. -M is. Helle Cleveland, nee Chamberlain, oi Hartford, Conn., is visiting friends in the city. Qeo. L. Moore and wife spent Saturday and Sunday with relativos and friends in Ypsilanti. Mrs. Josie Henion Iihs gone to Bay City to enter the store of her unele Newell Henion. Dr. Dading was called to Port Clinton, Oblo, by the death of his brother-in-law, A mos Payne. Aaron Henion, who has been ill so many months, has improved so that he can sit up a little each day. John Remick, the M. C. K. R. train dispatcber at Detroit, spent the Sabbatb with his nu. ther on E. Catherinest. Hon. Geo. H. Grangerand wife, of Unionrllle. Tuscola Co., have been visiting relatives in tlie city tor a lew days. M. 1). Fohey, telegraph operator at M inhattan Junction, on the T. & A. A. 1!. li„ sient Banday at his home in tbil city. Editor John N. Bailey, of the Argue, is taking a short vacation tliis week, visiting his mieles, his cousins, and his auuta, down east. The marriage of Shong Tsuda and Magoya Sapporo, at the Cougiegalional chureb, Friday evening, will be a celestial affalr. Mr. Goodhue, a eastern man of buainen has been in towu this week makingarrantrementa for the water works. 11e is the leading; mainber of the company. Mis. C. J. Kintner, nee Miss Viola Pack, uill return to Ann Arbor from her Washington home, in a few weeks, toieni iiii cluring the slimmer with her paren Is. Mayor K:ipp, C. E Hiscock, E. II. Hud¦on, John lleinzmau, and Earl Ware, OOmprising the common council committee on water works, were in Detroit baturday, in search of knowledge. Mis. N.H. Pierce, and her son Natie, li li Ann Albur for Iowa on Tuesday, departing sooner than she exected, on account of urgent apppals from some of her many patiënte in Newton of that state. They will probably be jrone a year.