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XSfi U5fi 8E1SCTEB BT TH 0. B. GOVT TO CABEY THE F ABT MAIL OI1V WEST. OHLY UNE BUIÏNIHG TWO THBOUGH TBAIN8 DAILY FEOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Türough the Heartof tho Continent b Wfty of Fucllio junctloD or Ornaba to DENVER, -Hrvia Kanniiü Cltv nnd Atchlsoj to Denver, conüftctlngln Dulon Jx-potsat Kauaa Cliy, Aichlaon, liiiihiiu Huil ifiivur ith throjtcti tratits for 8AN FRANCISCO, and all polots In the Far West. bhortst Llneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnts In tbe Öoutti-WesL TOIIOIGTC AMO UPAITU..QFPKPDC % %f T ¦ 9 i rwv ¦ ¦ air-m ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ v Uhould not forget the factthat Round Trip tlckPts at redu'4 rata caa be purcnaawl vla Hila Graal Throunh l'ine. to all lüe ihidlh and f'ieaaurt ltraorui or lüe West and HouthWcet, IiciuiIikk ti.é-M.iuiitiiins of COLÜUADOi tlio Valloy or ilie Ycwouilie, Uie CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta ia the Mexlc&n Republic. HOME-SEEKERS S.10UVI al o rernoraber tliat thfs line lead-s direct to the taeart oí theUovernment and Raliroad Lmuóh lu N -onvska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado ana WaslilngI jon Territoir. Il Is knovfnaa thegreat THR0UGI1 CAR LINK f America, and 1 uní versal ly admitted to be tbc i linear Eju1pped Rallroad In tho World lor ail classes of Travel. Tbroogh Tickets na tbls line for sale at all Hnllroaá Coupon Ticket Ollloes lu Uie Untted btauo aud Can ad a. T.J. POTTKR, Vlce Prea. and Oen. Manager. PKRCKVAL 1X)WELI„ Gen. Pass. Ak'i flftiTWp JNO. O. BEAN, Üeu. Eastern At, 17 BroaUway, iNew York, and 16 WasblutflOQ t6V„ lioaiun. Mortgage sale. D'AD tii.vim; iï i:n madk iv tuicooditlona ol a certelo Indwitnre of niortL'ftt' . i niri Barker to Johii Lynch, in tbc connty fi iVaahteiuw In ih ? MicbiipWi '' 'T iil' dat'-, t lu' ufjrbteetitb h ; ui October, . 1.. 18T7, and recordad In tht; uftlc i f tbe Her liter r b'-i-da lor he Couiiy of w . tb Sof Mortga e- pag B8,aodai i on the 'J"!li dav of May 1K81, 'y wntteD n sttratneni to John Hmltta, l Ai n A,ibor t vrnshlj In uie mntitv ut"1 e-nil, tnd h'Ch HB0lffHlB(llt I r &ided in tti' offlcfl aforeaid in Libcr Sevcn o : Ansleumeni i ol on 163 rwd b .t!:iiri , the power "j" ule rontaiiifd i al . i b yiog become operitivd and d : kuH Ol r i i i[iniy, l.tiv n tUuu-d to recver tbearaonmdne on fU moi U'hl"1 ur h' bood tcoi np ibj h tr ttie Mme, uh i tii re bftng n'v claimt d tu due t mid hont : iiiid mi -u n of Konr nndr rt nd elsjl l :tr ai-fl otodtj -tw cnts i489fit). " NOT1CE the re U ie hereby uivm. tbat pni Hortjc e will tM Forrlnsed on Baui dayttb 18 ¦ April, A. l. [885 al ten Vi. ck i" t e Fo ¦ ni ii ui ol' ihat day, by a vale at ptibhc anciion lo th der, at the Etct Dnor of ibe ron Bonse, In the City of A nu Arhor, in ibe Coom roreüHÍd,(fld í'oort li u-t-, W' tbe place l holding i'cnit Uonn for safd i'onnt.i } of th : nr rvjaj' d prcmist'i", dipcrlbi d in s iid mortsage i o mucb tbereof, n may be nee sar) i 1 imoonl "i prli dpal anti iEteresi r mainlnu ut ; pü Tfl ¦ Ie Cii d i xpeost ; whlrfa i cribed i atd in iDki e follow : All th' e ctrt1n piec I a d, ftitQAted ai d beinfi In ihe Cll 0 vriTi Arh t u ibe r iitity cf Waphttü i aiu State ol Ml bitnn. nl deecMberi p uilio. (o wit : Tbe weM-ball l iota numb r Pilteen and 3h ie n, i'i 'loi'k i umlitt Klve ("0 -ouih ï lluro In R agQ nomber Elghi eupt, . greei b ) i the Anu Arh r I;ml üompan)fd addltloD t th i-aid Clt] Of Anti A i li'T. Dati-d, Jnoua y 19, A. l .loHN 8.MI1H. K. D. KINNB, Asslfcnvta ; xt "t ff lS3O-4ft. Th a n d for one wiek, urd ¦, vpril Sol , A.D. 1883 at fie same placean in nr n ihc diiy. :. A d Ar or. April is-s. . D. JOHN MJTH, K. n KIWNH, AsaxüteorMortea Ai'v lor Uortpa UM. Tbe mboT iale i" adjonmed lo Batnrdny, y& 21, A. I). If86, lor one week, at ih piae ¦ am h ¦mr ¦ fthf day. Uated, Arin Ar or, April 2Trh, A. O. 1885. JoHN SMITH, E. D KINNR. AMlgueu ofMongftfer. Af' for Uortffafe. i2i hove sulcis mJon ned to Sitn'dav. Ma 9th, A. I. 188% oroneVe k, at tue auie place anu hunr if tho day. Üau-d, Anu Ari)"or, Maj 2ï. A. t. 18A5 .IOIIV 8 1TM, E. O. MN'E. ArêigUMOi SlwXg&get!. Att'y lor MortwaKtio. 1215 Estato of Darld Godfrcy. TATK UF MIC'iiUA.N, Connty ot Waühteuaw A i h ?oi8ion ot the Probate 'onrt fur theConnty o A'aahtenaw, holden at ihp Prohate Ufflrc in th city of Aun Arbor, on 8dy. he 8'h da ut April, in fieyear onu thminand eigln hundre md eiltyflve. Pre-eut, Wiihain D Hairima lude1 ot l'iuhate. In tbe niatttr of the eBtaie of David Godfrv d r- i'fttt. On reading and AHng the pftition iuly vnfli'd, ii M.iiin K. Godfrry, prujiiip thst certain instrutneiit i.ow on tilt in cou-t pa iioriiiiir Lu bc Ihb wtll and tentanit-ii. of aid de C'-aeed, may tidnihied to prohHtf, and tliat sh raay be appointfd execmrtx ihercuf. l'hereupon it is ordt-red, thwi Monday, th foortb day of May nex', it ti-u o'clock in tbr fore inxiii. be atwiffn?d for ih bearini; of fald peiition and that the dev aees, ton et-8, and helm at la 01 lald dea a9e 1, and all other perpon inte untad in eaid estáte, are required to appcar a -sion of said court, theu to be bolde it the Probate Office, in tlie city ol An .Vrbor, and show cauce, if any th re be, wh the prayer of the ptiiioner Khuutd not lu i:run od. And it ie further ordered, that eaid petitioiu uve notice to theperëons intcre(ïed in eaid eetate f the pendeno; -"f Mtd petitinn, and the bearin 'hereof by cauning a copy of thte order to be pah itshed In The Ann Arbor Vourier, newepape rintei! and circo lated in said rounty . three sncccc ¦Ive weeks previoiiK toeaid day o' bearlnir. (A tru opy.) WILLIAM D. HARHIMAN, Judtit of Prohatf. WM. G. DOTY. Prnhutp Register. Ifltt-UM5 A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR SELI.S MIXED CANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. Fresh Stick ¦ ancly for 15 cent per pond t A. P. HANGSTERKER'S, s Soutli Mai Hireet. Frencli Mixed Candín for 15 cli pc lioiuid, ut A. F. HANliSTEHKEHS, W .Mam sir. Xloe OrangeH only 15 cent per dozpat A. F. HANU.STKUFKK.S at 28 Mail street. AU kind of XUTS, FIGS, DATES RAltiLNS and MALAGA 0RAPJS8, a A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, N. 28 M;iin Stieet, - Ann Arbor DtCLARKE nVïln . í Eitabliíhed 18S1 ( Merrill OatllBottMl IDETBOIT, MICH. f Elock. ISjl The regular olde6tablishcd Wíí SKliP'aysician Md Snrireon DB. m( rtk-}lIICLARKE' ' the old oumbcT ril 4 nV lllcontiDues to treat with his utual lll J& lilgreat tkill all private, II.ISAAlchronic, nerrous and special IÉflBslldiBease' DK CLAEKEisthe MHUËESoBnloIdest Advertising Physician, as nies of Papers thow and all old Residects koow. Age and ezperienoe Important¦¦ Nervons Dieae3 (with or without dreams,) c debility and loss of nerve power treatcd icicntifically by ncw methodl with never fáilinK succeis. SIt maket no diffcrence wllatyou have taken or Who has failed to cure you. ,"Young men and middle-aged men and all who tufar hould consult the celebrated Dr Clarke at once. 4-The tenible poieoni of all Jad blood and (kin dlS.asei oí every kind lame and nature completely eradicatcd. Kememr, that one horribl diseaie, if neglected or mpropcrly treated, curses the present and comme generaiions. - lUseaitd Oisohargca cured promptly without hindrance to bunnen. Both exes consult oonfldenüally. If In tronble, cali or "" %i ',re dangerou. ' ' Procrastination s tne thief of time." A written warrantv of cnre given in every oase nndertaken. Send two stampi for celebrated worki on hronio, Nervous and Delicate Diseasti You have an exhauitive ymptomatoloey by which "nd? yur own casei. Consultation, personHy or by letter, fre. Contult the old Doctor Thoutands cured. Offloesandpgrlors private You tee no one but the Doctor. Before ionndine yourcase consul, Dr. CLABKB. A friendly letïe ;Hal,B1T future tuffering and thame, and add golden yearstolife. Medicine. Sent every where ecure from Hourx, 8 to 8 ; Sunday 9 to ij. Add res letter.: T. D. CLiRKlÜ t 'tf " 1íerrU1 B'0. Woodward and JcfferionAvei. DEI80IT, WCH. Obtamodln tho United Sute and ForeignCouo. TO Ort.wol, t., Dutroit. bieb.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News