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Twin Foes to Life Are Indigestión and Constipation. Thelr priniary Kvraptoms ure umoug the most distressiug of jniuor human ailnicnt, and a host oí diseases, speedily resultant frora thciii, niutually aggravate eueh otbei and assail at once tho whole marhincry of lifc. Nausea, Foul lireiitli, Sour Stomach, DizzinesB, Ileadaohes, liilioiis Kever, Jaundiop, Dyspepsia, Kidney Diseases, IMles, Kheuniatism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, nud various Skiu Disorders, are among tho symptoms and iualadies cauted by durungêinent of the stomach and buwcís. A Thorough Purgative medicine is the first neeessity for cure. Then the cathartio effect must be maiutained, in u mild degree, uit Bufflcient to prevent n recurrence of costlveneM, and nt the unie time the liver, kidneys and Itomacfa must be stiinuluted and strengthened. Ayer's Pilis Accomplish this restorative Work better than any other medicine. They aro searchin and thorough, yet mild, in their purgative lotion. Tuey do not gripe tho patiënt, and do not induce a ooattve reaction, as Is the efl'ect of othor cathartics. Withal. they possess special properties, diuretie, ho))atfc and tonic, of the highest medicinal valué and Absolutely Cure All diseasen proceedin; from disorder of the digestive and assimilatorv organs. The prompt use of Ayer's tiLLS to correct the flrst Indlcations of costiveness, averts the serious illnesses which neelectof that condition woukl inevitably Induce. All irrepularities in the actlon of the bowels - looseness as well as constipation - are controlled by Ayer's Pills, and for tho stimulatiou of digestive organs weakcnrd by longcontinued dyspeptla, one or two of Ayer's Pii.i's duily. nfter dinner, will do more good than unvthing else. Leading Physicians Concede That Ayer's aro tho best of all cathartlc medicine, and many practitioners, of the blghett standing, customarlly prescribe them. AYER'S PILLS, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytlcal Clicmists.] For sale by all Drugglsts. LU MEER! LI7MBSB.! LUMBER! lf you coiitemplnte building, cal) at FERDON Lriui fin! Corner Fourl h and De))Ot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lamber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES 43'Givc us a cali and wc will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone Connettions with Office. T. J. KKECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, OTFF1CV. : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HUBON AND FOURTHISTs.. North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburg. ICnpital, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Pire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Aesets êCOO.000. Springllold Ins. Co. of Massaclmsetts, Caeh AesetB $1,SOO,IK'. Howanl Ins. Company of Xew York, Cash ABïetB fl.lXJO.OOO. Ins. Co., Watertown, N.Y., CaghAssets $1,200,000. Lonses Llberally Adjustert and Promptly Pald. Rose Leaf, Fine Cut, y NavyClippins fLt?-.. andSnufís &t


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