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(f ROYAL'pS&'ÍÍJ J B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty, strengt hand wholesomeness. Moreeconil than the ordlhary fetndg, and cannot be snld in eompetiUon wiili tbe imiltitiKle ol low lest, Bbo t relghv, lum or phOBphate powdem. Bold only In cana KuïjiBakko PowDbb Oq.i u wall st. H. . TTCHÍÑC" Skin Disetuea ImUnUj Beliered by f'iiHoura. IHRATMENT. - A warm bath with Cimc dra Soap. and s single aiplicatlon of Cur oora, the groet Skin Cure. 1 nis repeated da ly, with twoor tbrea do-es of Curicca Kks.ii. vent, the Blpod Parlflec, to keep lbo blood cool, the pe nplnatlon pure and unirritailnL, the bowels 'M"'" loe Uver and kidneys active, will speedily !r Eczema. Tel ter. Ringworm, sorlais, l.ichen, I'ur ui-, S -ld Heul, D.iudruft'and every spec a ol Itchinu, scal. and I imply of the Soilp and kin, wlien the bum paysiclane and remedies fat!. KrXE.UV TWKSTÏ IE.IKM. My gratttode to (tod is nnbounded for the relief I tmve obtalned trom the u-e of the Cuticuka RiMsfiiBB. 1 have beuo troubled with Eczema on ui leftïToi twenty yeara. 1 liad ñuta eomlortable üighi iwvi-ai. (he bnrning and itchim; uere m inteoae. Now, I urn bappy it mj, I bare qo tronóle. Only Kveroo]ored patcbea óu my limng remain aa :t tuk' n ol niy lurmii mmerv. llliNKY L. SMITH. 188 West Avenue, Bocheater, N.Y. BC BOT A ON A 1III.D Your uoal ¦ iTic'jHA RiMSDtCfl have doue iii i ,iir] sn inuch good ihoT l Oi ' lllvc eaJi"f ,, ,,,, i„.„ ,.,u ..r u se no are iruuhled with tiktii i;i:L-ii-f. My little yirl waa trounk-d ith Eczuina, and I ui' il several doctore and medicine", hut dld ui)t do her any t-ood antll I iied the CütiRekkiiies whfch apeedlhr cured lior lor wbich I owe yon nmny tliank- and many nighi of rest. ANl'UN UOSSMIER, EJinburfc', Ind. TETTKB ai F THE SCAE.P. I n nlmost perfoctly haid, caused by Tetter of the topoi iheacalp. I oaedyonr Cdtioüba kem ehikb aboat al weeka, biJ they c.ireii my scaip neriecilv and now my nair it cominu' hack as thick aaeverltwa. J. P. C1IO1CE. Wbllaaboro' T sas. COVEBED WITH BLOTIIES. I want to teil you thït. yonr CuTicritA Rksolvent ia magsdfleeot. Aboutthree months ai;o my face wae covered with blotches( and atter using tbree boules of Kksoi vent 1 was perfectly cnred. FKEDERICE MA1TRK. 28 st. Charles Street, New Orleane, La. 1VÏ POISOiVING. For all case of poiaonintr by ivy or dogwood, I can warraot (,'dtioi'iia to cure every time. I have sold it lor llvn yeara, und it never fall. C. il. MOKsK, Draggiit. Ilolliston, Mass. Sold ererywbere, I'rlce, Caucan, BOc. Re-olvent, $1.00: Boap, SS centa Prepared ly Pottek Drcto and Chkmua!. Oovtdoêton, itaaa Mrnd for "Iluv to fiiro Mtln IlM'aw'" SABIIFORD'S RADICAL CÜRK - - FOK CATARRH, Wrcli-HazH Amrriran l'iiu1, Canada Flrt Jtlurisold, ('lover Bobhoiu. A single done of HaniorU'x Kadlral rure lHHianiiy relieves the moat vioh-nl or Head (Jold-i, oleara the head a It maRic. i-t'p watery d-charge. froin ihc N kb and BTJ, preveiu- RiSKing Notse. in the head, cures Nervous Headache, aud aanénea Chili and 1' In Chronlcl ataarn It cleanses the nasal passages of Toni macac, reetnrea tn aenaea of smeli, tasie, and h'arint; hen aileri -d, frees the liend. throat, and bronchlal tabea of i ffnoalva matter, awaetena and purifles ihe breath, stops the couïh, and artests the ,.! o anh towardu Ootipnmprtoo, One bottle Radical Cure, one i" Catarrhal BolTenl uu. 1 Banford'i Inhaler. 11 In one package, of audraggtata -'. ¦ AakforfliiiFOBD"! KajjioaxCi uk. Pter lniü aul li'iiil-al o., Montón. -.M I Ui. Kor ihe rallar and prevention COUL! iV,?' i ik iiiHtant It i upplied, VOLTAO "l Ith. uinnliHi", NeBrallcia, 8Cl,X,lJyy ""¦" CoiiKhi'.ColdW.-iiklïnrk, 7Vrfe-siiimiich, and Kouei-, ghootlng V . Lft Ca ii f, Nunibiii-, II) r-n-ria. Feïf- . "í male PalDB, Calpiiatiuii. Uyspcp¦r$S&!))- n. Llver Complalnt, lililimis -ÍÍX'X Fever, Malaria and Kiildinncs, h L?SFV liuttry oom bloed A5TE wliha Planter) and lauiiii at patn. Wc. araTywhere. OPIUM HABIT! iSfli I U.S.STAHDARD. T O JlÜ TONrQ WAGON SCALES, „. 1 in IMIU Bo, BnGHAMTON $6Omd JUNKS bn pafl tli#tilrhl- f"' fl' . TTnTnn Send six cents f'ir postago. 1 il J I L ¦"¦il recelve '"¦fifí31 A K K I H of gooda wlncii wlll niilp you H II llU 'onioM-n, yrlghtawaytbaii 11 1 illlJAJiinyl ,,,.,, „ ,h,s world. ah nf i-lihcr ffi oucceed IroBJ tir-i Bonr. TM gLg S-jsKfirtss Aogoata, Manu'. _____ aTTTilT more rooney thanatanythlngelaebTtlit I 11 I "ganaKencj tor tb. mg book VI 11 i Beginner snecoed grandly. Ncm II lil ,,l'. Tima free. Hai.lktt üook. Co. ilSCRÍBElorliCOFR] M.


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