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Prof. Olney is iniproving slightly at the Battle Ureek Sanitariutn. Special meeting of the Univereity Society Friday eveniug at 6:30. Coiiiineiicemeut week music will be furnished by the Chequamegons. The picture ol Hou. C. H. Buhl has been ordered through Ruidall & Burnhain. The annual encampmeiit of the engineers cominences uext week Wednesday. The senior medies are now on the ragged edge of iheir final examinations. There is to be au election of Chrotiicle editors in room A, on Saturday, May Uth. The Nu Sigma Nu, medie society, held a banquet at Hangsterfer's last Fiiday ïight. Those desiring to to visit the art gallery mist do si ou MoaCIiiys, vrudiiesilays or Satunl.iy-, Is it the glee club of the university that gives so inany open air niglit concerts hese dayst The University Dramatic Club in "The Serious Family," Friday eveuing, at the opera house. Fiiday eveuing the university glee club s to sing at a concert, given at the Baptist church, Ypsilanti. Wonder how the sanguinary conflict over that cow, between two of ouresteemed conteinporaries, cameout? Lewis & Gibson will furnish the Webster society of the law department, a f 50 Dicture of Judge Cooley. Members of '85 will have to stand an i8 tax for the various doings of commencement week - payublo on or before June lst. Members of the class of '82 will learn somethlng to their benefit by addressing H. E. bpalding, sec'y, 58 Congress st., W., Detroit, Mich. The astronoiny class has been studying clock-work this week. It isexpected that sometime uext tnonth tliey will ïeach the object of the course.- Chronicle. A number of the senior engineering class under Prof. Cooley, made an examination and test of the dynamo, engine and boilers of the Couribr establishment last Thursday evening. Conundrum by the Chronicle: " Why does the university notadd its share to pay for the rent of the tent used for senior reception, as it has the use of it during couiniencement week?" The Dexter Leader remark.s: "The univeríity shooting club recently sent some of its members lip this way, who buggeil sorae 20 ducks." And the Leader leaves us In total darkness as to the kind of ducks. Eacti prolessor of the law department wil] l)e allowed seven votes for or ftgainftt any candidate for a diploma at the coming commencement. The re being tivc processors, 25 votes are neccssary to secure a diploma. Dr. Stowell has just receired a copy of au old woik on microscopy, by Mftlplgbl, published in 1687, and bound In vellum. The doctor has a large collection of these old rare books, and the above is not the oklest one either. By gum ! it's gum now. Tobacco is abolished among the boys and the vvaxy chewing wax employs the surplus energies of male and femiile jaws alike. This 8 oue of the natural dflteriontiog eonsequenees of co-educalion. Many people have been expecting this for years, by gum! The Rugby Asoclation held its annual election last Salurday with the Collowing rcsult: E. L. Dorn, president; L. P. Jocey n, vice-president; P. II. McNeil, manager _ Parks, secretary ; J. R. McComman, treasurer; executlve committee, D. Goss, Q. C. Schema), J. M. Jaycox, R. W. Beach. i The May meeting of the Western Association of colleiate alumnae - feminine - is to be held at the Chicago Women's club rooms, In the Art Iustitute building, on Saturdny. May lOth. Mrs. Louisa Reed Stowell, of the Michigan University wii: reaii a paper on: "Opportuiiitles aüorded for Pust üradu:ite study ut the University of Michigan." The " Commencement Annual " will be published thisyear as usual on commencement dny- June 25, 1885. Several new feature will be added to former attractive features. It will be larger than ever before and will represent 11 the departments. It wlll besides contain a list of al the graduates- interesting matter tliat the Annual has never before contalued. Senior cla meeting Saturday evening to consider arrangcmeuts for commencemeut week. All succcssful contestants for prizes at the flcldday sports, neit Saturday will bc sent to the intercollegiato tournament, to bo held in New York city, on May Consequently somo extraordinary trials of skill and iiiux-U inay be lookod for. The following liberal offur is worthy oí emulation by our citi.ens and business men : Ann ARDOR, May 11, '85. E. A. RoTHAL. Ksd : Pres. siuiIkiiis' Alhlettc Asnooiatlon. Dim Sir:- We wl 11 glve you $100 towards theequlpraentof aKymDHsluii, provided you ecu ra the present (10.U00 approprlatlou. We belleve no greater boon ouuld l)e conferred upon tlie studeiits mid the universiiy Ilmu Uie erection of a gymnasium. Yours respectfully, BLfrZ 4 LANOSDORF. The BSd annual couvention of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity convcnes to-day ld tliis city. The public exercises will be held in university liall. Judge Cooley delivers thu address of welcome. Ulshop Ilanis opens diicussion of the subject : "The Relations between Public and Privatu Morality. There are eighty visitinc; delegates in attendance. Among the notables present are Prof. David Swing, and Mr. A. Sehuinan, of Chicago; Bishop Harris, of Detroit; B. M. Cutcheon, of Manïstec, and Prof. T. M. Cooley, of this city.


Ann Arbor Courier
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