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Washington Irving never gave to tlie voild of letters a more bi;autiíul thing than "Rip Van Winkle." living lias ong siiice passed into the land of spirits, Hit the story lived and deserved to be iraniiUized. The story 8 never inspirad. 'X bcgins in the Hudson Valley, famous n poetry and liistory. The CatMH nountains are in the background, and Rip Van Winkle is handed down to us in uarltal Hneage as the hero. He was beoved of the village wives and children, jut a jealous wife could not see his virtues, and like many a man, before and since, failing to receive kind words at lome, drowned his troublea in the flowng bowl. AmoDg the many untrue, Schneider, his dosr was true; he didn"t scold - an odd bone and the companionship of his master wa9 all he asked. It Vil natural that when Rip Van Winkle wandured off into the ïnountains that Schneider should follow him. Whether thpy found odd fairies at nine-pins, or whether it wns Holland gin, does not detract from the story. Rip drank the mixture as indeed he was addicted to drinkng anytliing above the suspicion of water. [Ie elept, the story says, for twenty yeara. In that sleep he liad outlivecl lus dog, his gun had grown oíd and rusty, and he liad also outlived the woinan who had driven him out into the storm. To attempt to change the plot is to mar it. Popular prices, 50, 35 and 25c. Tickets on sale at Boughton's P. O. newsdepot. The two lectures at High School Hall, Frlday and Saturday eveninga, this week, on astrouomy, by Prof. II. F. Bailey, promises to be of more than a passing interest and value. The largest globe in America will be used for illustrating the lecture. Endorsements of the lectures are many and hearty. For instance: LaPortk, Ikd., Mareh 15th, '85. Pro. F. IT Bailen i in. ai: sik- Your talkswith ourcliildren on the ANtronumlcal facts, lliuntrated by your lugenlous apparatug, have done much to stlmulale Interest in the matters concerned. [ learn from th teacher that the children In the primary grades have returued wltli renewed zest to thelr obxervatlous orthesun, moon, stars and weatuer, and that they are lull of queations and suggestlons on these thingK. In the gratnmar grades, too, aatronomy Is uppermost jusl now, and crops out In all the les.vins. Kespectlully, W. N. HAILMANN, Supt. LaPorte Pub. Schools. Lectures for the children will be given Friday afternoon at 3.15 p. m., and for grammar grades, at 4:15 p. DOL Half the proceeds go to the High School library. THB following gospel trutli we flad in the columns of the Isabella Enterprise. As many of our subscribers are of tha class referred to, we commend it to their careful perusal : " ' Spot cash' ghoulü be, above all others, the farmer's rule in all business transactious. No one has better credit than the farmer ; no one can lesa affoid to use it. The credit system always means an a?sumption of some portion of the risk of other men's carlessness or criminality. It always means paying for something you did not get, and do not want. It alwayg means insuring other men against losses for which you are not responsible. It always uieans interestand alwaya on the wrong side of the account. In its wakefollowsleeplpss nights and rheerless days. Lawyers delight in it, for ti pon it they wax fat. Hheiiffs fatten upon it, for by it are thelr f ces increased. Farmer's, you can't afi'ord to trade upon the credit systein. Turn iway from it; eschew it; cast it out from amonte you. 'If you can"t pny as you go, dou't go.' 'Cash reduces prices faster than co-operation ; knocks out middlemen quicker than a grange store ; makes friends instead of onemies; brlngs peace instead rf distraction; starves the iberlff; cripples the lawyer; and is the beat nnd cheapest book-keeper In the world." No other preparatiou soeoncentratesand combines blood-pnrifving, vitallzing, enlicliingandlnvigoratingqualHies as Ayer"s Banaparllla. Quality shoukl be considered when making comparlsons.


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