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AYER'Sx ; Agüe Cure contalni un antidote for II maUrlal dlorders wliich, ao (ar as kaovn, li aiad Ín no ' other reinedy. It contatos no Quinina, nor any mineral nor deleterloos substano whatTer, and consequently produoes no injurióos effect opon the oonstltutlon, bot loares th tvitem ai healthy u it was belor the attsok. WE WABRAHT ATEB'8 AOUE OUBB. , to enre erery case of FTr and Agüe, iBtermlttent or ChiU FeTer, Eemlttnt FeTer, Dnmb Agüe, Bilious FeTer, and LlTer Complalnt causad by malaria. ín cas of f alluMV i fter due trial, dealen are authorlwd, by onr circular dated July lit, 1882, to refund th moiicy, 4 Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,MiM. Sold by all DruggllU -jujgg C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. i Sonth Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest ageney in the city. Established over a quarter of acentury ago. Itepresentlng he íollowing flrst-class compatlitjs, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and Asset. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INi3. CO.. of New York. GIBAKD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. )RIENT INS. CO.,of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBK. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MARINE, of Boston. Rates Low as tlie Lowest. Losses Líberilly Adjnsted aud promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. THOSE WISHING m fue h CAN GET BED ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDINC, CROCKERY, STOVES, ETC., At rare Bargains. The furnlture of the ST. JAMES, but recently uew, Ís l)oiuí disposed of at prívate sale. Apply at THE COURIER Office wbere the Qoods are shown. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BAM, ANN AKBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Oreantzcd under the General Banking Lw of thi State, ihe stockhnldors are indivldnally Hable for an additlonal amouut eqna! to the stock held by them, thereby creating a onnrantt'u Fund for the bencSt of Uepositors of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest i allowed on all Havlng Depoíits of one dollar and npward, accordine to the rules or the Back and interest comp nindod semi-annually. Kouey to Loan on untneumbered real estáte and other good security. DIRECTORS : cnRISTIAN MACK, WM D. HARKIMAN. W. W. WINES. DAN1KL UISCO( K, WILLIAM DKDBEL, WILLAHU B. SMITH. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WINES, Vice-Pres. C. E. HISCOCK.Casbter. RINSEY & SEABOLTS IÜÍ.UÑÉÍI AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trnde. We shall also keep a enpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kye I'lour, lincl. i.cii! i'lour, Corn JUeal, l'eed, Elc, At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock or GROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS OOBlttftiy on hand, wliich will be o]d on as rofmoiiable torms ae at any other house In the city. Cuta paíd for BITTTER, EGQ. and COUNTRY PRODUOB jfencrally. Ooods ddivered to aoy part of the CHy wlthuat extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. TTT"IT riui workniL' people. Si'nd 10 centt I ij I Mpor-Uge, and we wlll mail yoa fret a H n I y royal, aluahle sample box ol goods I iliát will pnt yon in the way of mak luk; more mouey in afewdaystban yon ever thout'ht poulbl at any business. Capl tal not requlied. Yon can live at homo nnd work In ppare time oniy, or all the time. All of both ni', of all Hj.-es, ifiaudly HCCt-ssful. SO cents to $6 easily aamed vrrv eTeolnff, That all who want ork may wrX the business, we mako thtnunparal ! lelcd ofTur: To ail who are DOI veil atlifl'd we will i send 1 to pay for the trouble of wrltlng ns. Pull parilcilars, dlroctlone, etc, sent free. Immense pay ubiolmely sure lor all who start at once. Don't (lelay. Addres Stinson & Co., Portland, Malne. An l'idianapolis barber who abandoned liis tuulnnil and went into the mlnistry, 1 wassuddttiily callad apon oue Suuday tü lüipli.e thrce candidatcs. He got Hlüng very wcll, but alter bapttclagthe flrut, he I astouislied bie congrcjiatioi) b}' lustlly houUuf, "Next!"' Have used Dr. Thomas's Eclectric Oil for croup and colds, and declare it a posltlre cure. Contributed by Wm. Kay, 570 Plymouth Ave., Buffalo, S(, T.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News