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A (JAN; ot MslGttd llueves iill the niffht of the .th visited the house of Juiuh Cogaus, au dld Irish f;irmT, at Paaco Sta tío, six miles (rom VVhtH'liiiíc, W. Vu. and aftor uil; and to. turing Cogan and his agad wife, asci-rtained the where niiouis of i,.:ni an,i decampad. A PLASUK similar t that at Plymouth, Pa., settled upon the villaje of Coldapriu JV. J-, on the fith, where every atUtok proved fata), wiMi oito exception. Si deaths had ocvurred, nnd no oue dnrer viait the town. No NEW drmonstrntion were made by the striking qaarrymen at Leniont, til., on tbe fth, and the trouble was considerec vii tually at an end. Tuk paople of ('harloütoii, W. Va., m tht'."ili calebrated the rn atfinhiithrflont ol their towu as thu Capital of the Stkto. Whii.k ins me trom fcha use of intoxicants at Newark, K. J., thu othw niht Hn, Lucy Cilchrist decapitated her sixmonths-old baba with an axe. A. imuinst' orowd Lrullicr'-it in front ol the court-house at Richinoa'l, Kv., on tht .'t L h , to witntMs :i public gala of uo_;r'8 at MiKtion. One man broaght thlrty-ighi dollars tor twelve montbs' Bervice, on, fourtt'i'ii dollara tor 6bree mom ha, and n woman twcnt -live cents for twelvi ¦BOBUu. The sales were made undor thu ragrant laws uf the State. The earniugs of tho Union Paolflc Kailroad for Marcli, 1885, vera íl.i'TV'l"; expenBcs, $t,Sö4S68; surplus earningSi $730t!4! - au iiKTeusi'of the latter over the s:uihinonth last year of fïl,l IJ. An atiempt on the öth to raise ono of the wni'S of a flve-stoiy in Atlautic avenue. Broklvn, eauied the wall nnd roof to fall, nnd tlfimcs insla ntly broke out. Tho building ai occupiod by twenty ¦mail maso facturan, who omployad hundredfl ol m n, womeu and irls, aïniut thirty of whoin wara belleved to have lrst their Hvbs. Tli' peonniary damage was eaUraated at 80 Tuk jury in tbe cata ol Richard Short, for stulib ii ¦ i 'aptain Hiiel n In O'Donovan Eoata'i i :li e In New Vork, retornad a verdict 01 ihe i!tb of "aot goilty." The .Iii'l .;c i-x i i - i i . 'i s i ment at the verdiot. Tuk i il ¦ b al acreage in Ejuiaas tln mi . reportad on the 8th, was seventy-thrt-i p ,i. of last year'a area, i ent -xeven per cent. of the erop go wn heilig killed. Tlii leavei only 1446.000 acres, the product from wliich was expectd to reach but flfty-two per cent. of last season's yield. Unitkd Status Treaburkr Jordán said ou the Bth that the treasury co'jnt was practically over, and every thing was fouad to be most satisfactory. The only discrepancy was two cents missing from a flve-dollar pacKago of pemiles i tb ..uiu. room. Advicks of the öth state that the Mollie Maguires in Tazewell County, Va., were committing flagrant outrages on person and property almost hourly. Any person makiug a complaint against the lawbreakers was immediately served with a "coffln notice" and compelled to quit the place. Thk Commissioner of Agriculturo has called a conveution of delegatcs from State agricultural colleges to meet at Washington June 24, to consider the best methods of promoting agricultural education and of harmonizing the interests of different (State institutions and the National department. Gkorue W. Tripp, seventy-nine years old, of Freeville, N. Y., hanged himself the other afternoou, on bein informed that his wife, whose age is seveuty-eight, had b cáncer and could notlivo. Mitchell Anderson, a Choctaw Indiau, seventeen year old, was exeented at Fort Smith, Ark., od the Gth for the murder of a Cnoctaw boy last suinmor. Okorüe Frey, of Atlanta, Oa., who married üve young ladies in the vicinity of Ii-i-J, !-. U'l l.lrkyU:l f„.. ....... .wo convicted in the Criminal Court at Erie on the Uth, and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Up to the evening of the 6th fourteen dead bodies had been taken from the ruiiis of the recent flre in Brooklyn, N. Y., and a number were still missing. At the iniuing camp known as Conito City, K. M., Martin Nelson on the (ith killed Dr. Wilham H. Flynn, Mr. 8. Maberry, his wife, two sons and a daughter, and Peter Nelson and Herman Beek. The citizens then shot Nelson dead in the street. He was supposed to be insana. James 8. Asdïusuj, a well-known lumber-dealor, had his right arm torn from his body by maehinery at Holton, Mimi., a few moruings ago. The mercury feil several degrees below freezing-point on the night of the 7th in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota. Ice formed iu many places from half an inch to oue and one-half inches thick, and snow and cold windgwerereported. It waa thought that small fruits ana garaen vegetables had been hurt in most places. Snow was reported from Kansas. The Sea View, Atlantic and Ocean Honses at Hampton Beach, N. H., with several cottages, were burned early on the morning of the Tth, the loss reaehing $100,000. Acoordino to the 117th annual report of the New York Chamber of Commerce, Usueil on the Tth, the imports of the entire country during 1884 dejreased 167,812,806, while the falling off in exporta reached $45,809,273. During the same peiiod the coin and bullion imported was ncreased by $7,2o3,ll(j, and the exports were augmented to the amount of 100,000,064. A revival in many bram-hes of trade throughout the count y was also reported. A tkrrific wiud-storm prevailed in the vicinity of Mount Scott, I. T., a few night ago. The storm was many miles in breadth and leveled everything in its path. A.n explosión the other day in a mine near Lebauon, Pa., killed three men and seriously iujured several others. A keward of $1,1)00 was offered on the "th for the capture of Abe Buzzard, the bumlit of the Welen Mountaius of Beciiktary Manniso on the ïth directed that the issue of one and two-dollar notes be diseontinued for the present. Blanche K. iiiu e, Register of the Treasury, tendered h:s rusignatiou, by request. FoUL water mus oh the ïth said to be the cause of the epidemie at Plyuiouth, Pa. Over one hundred pe sous had di d, and many others were still duiiL'erously il]. SrvKRAL more bodies were en the 7th taken from the ruins of the recent flre in Brooklyn, N. Y., making eighteen already recovered, with several more missing. A virdict for four hundred dollars was rendered recently against Prof. Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen for slapping a boy at West Hampton, L. I., in 1883, causing him to become deaf . Reports of the condition of winter and spring wheat received by Mr. S. W. Tallmadge, the Milwaukee statistician, on the Tth showed no improvement whatever, Michigan being the only State that would probably raise an average erop. The deduction was made that the loss in winter wheat States would be the greatest on record. Rïports received at Detroit from the west of the lower península state that a blinding snow-storm prevailed there all day on the 8th. Thk Plymouth (Pa.) epidemie was on the 8th believed to be under control, the cause haring been discovered and removed. Funds for the relief of the afflictd poor were rapidly comiug in. Thk new luinber district in Chicago, located on the south fork of the soutli branch of the Chicago River between Thirty-flftn and Thirty-niuth streets, was visitad by an extensive flre on the afternoon of the 8th, which gwept away over 60,000,000 feet oflumber, causing a loss of about f700,000. Hïavt rains along the Rio Grande River on the 8th flooded a large portion of the city of Laredo, Ter., to a depth of foar reet. Hïpörxs of the 8th to the DeDartment at ARrlcoilüre r. Wasr.mgwm erawja ma the injury to winter wheat in the principal whoat-growing States was muoh greater than had been antioipated, and the reduotion wa estimated at ¦W,(m,f00 bushel. The Iowa ludinns, locatod on the Neninha Agency in Kausus, havo made preparaUona to amlgrat to liulian Tarritory taf body. They number about oue Imndred and flftv persons. Advicks 1' tlie 8tli to liradxtrrtl's report the general business sitnation throughout the country as being very unsatisfactory. The industrial outlook was for a coutinuance of the full average of labor distnrbancei for soine timo to come. Tuk soldiiTs' memorial building at Toledo, O., which wa uoarly ready for the recoption of war relies, was on the Ntli gutted by Hamel arising from a solderingpoti Kddik Kanardi, a Chicago lad of fourteen years, who had been jilted by Tressy Kurslaml, one year younger, tired throe shots at her on West Twelfth street on the Htu, und ilii-n lodged a bullet in his left side. Tliw Duiids were uot considered fatal. Mosks Cato.n wdg executed on the 8th at Morj;niilield, Ky., for the murder of hiwiic. ÏN the United States and Canada there were 180 businen íailures durin the BfTflB days ended on tlie Sth, aaiust li7 the previoan Mren dys. Tlie dlatribatton was as follows: Middle States, 'l't; New Knlauil s, Sb; (Vmtem, li: Boatharn, tl; Faeifle States and Territories. 17; Canada, 88. The post-ollice at Newport News, Va., with its contouts, was destroyed by Ure the other uislit. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A memorial to Kdgar AMn Poe wns on the 4th unveiled at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, in .Wv Vork, Kdivin Booth miikiii tbr }r''srntation speech. Oknerai. Ih in McDowiLL dted in San Francisco on the. 'ith, in his sixty-seventh year, from dUease of the itomach. He graduated nt West PoLni in I,":'hS, servad in the Mexiran war, and nt the alose of the rebellion was grwnotsd to Major (ieneral in the regular ariny. .lt dl k ORKBHAÜ has (ïx'-fi May ISas the date for hearing argumenta in th case of i Mackin and flathighnr. coirrioted of election fruiuls in ('lina 'i. at ï.ne annuai ineotinj; in lïamntore on the tith of the Suci tv ¦(' tin' Ariny of th Potomac General Grant was l''iit. b M'-fi.-i 'millón. 'I'hk Ohio Hpuhlit':iiis will holil thoir State dmve-utiou at Spriugfield June 11 next, astead of ou the loth, as prevkmsly reported The President on the 6th appointed S. Corning Judd postmaster of ('hictto, in place of Frank W. Palmer, suspended 011 charges of offensive partisansbip. Advicks of the Tth announce tbe election of W. A. Weaver (Rep.) as Representativo from the Thirty-fourth Illinois District by n majoritv of 3Üü. to fill the vanancy caused by the death of Mr. Shaw (Dem.), giving the Republicana a majority of two on joint ballot in the Legislatura. Mux. Ellen V. Libby, wife of Charles A. Liuby, a prominent Chicago mercuaut, who disappeared so mysteriously several davs ago, committed suicide by taking poison on tbe night of the "th. Slje had become despondent over the fate of her husband. A. P. Swinkfokd, of Michigan, was on the 7th commissioned by the President as Governor of Alaska, to succeed Mr. Kincaid who was appointed by President Arthur about one year ago. At the anuual meeting on the 7th oí the New York Civil-Service Reform Association George Williara Curtis was re-elected Fresideut. General Grant worked on his book on the 8th, dictating to his steuographer and Colonel Fred Grant. His auxiety to finish the work seeined to increase. The awelling had uot abated, nor was theGeneral's condition on the whole improved. Arthür A. Lkki'kii, the defeated Democratie candidate in the Thirty-fourth Dlinois District, stated on the 8th that he Weaver to the Legislature. The President on the 8th made the folowing diplomatic appointments: George V. N. Lothrop, of Michigan, to Russia; Boyd Winchester, of Kentucky, to Switzerlaud, and John E. W. Thompson, of New York, to Hayti. The fourth annual Congress of the Workngmen's clubs of the United States convened at Boston on the 8th. All parta of the country were represented. FOREIGN. The cholera was spreading on the 6th in the province of Valencia, Spain. Advices of the 5th from Wiunipeg say that a column of three hundred Cauadiau troops and pólice from Battleford had a fight of seven hours with six hundred Indians under Poundmaker, during which eight white men were killed and twelve wounded. Thk citizons of Victoria, British Colombia, on the 'th passdd resolutions urging tupir ropresenfaifcivwq tt OttAW to socar TAB lntroductlon of measures aeainst the Chinese or withdraw their support from the (Jovernment. Preston, the mulatto who burned the city of Colon, was said on the 5th to have seized three steamers at Porto, and threatened to make further trouble. A quarrel between Columbian soldiers and a party of Panama canal laborers led to the inassacre of twenty-flveof the latter in their barracks and the wounding of twenty others. Advices of the 6th say that Maxwell, the alleged murderer of Pi-ulier at Sb Louis, was arrested at Auckland, New Zealand, upon the arrival of the steamer In which he sailed froin San Francisco. An officer from St. Louis would be Stnt aftor him. The Chinese steamer Lin Yun collided with the steamer Orostes near Shanghai a few days ago, and seventy-live persous on the Lin Yun were drowned. Soakim advices of the 6th state that General Graham surprised the rebels at Taekhol, killing sixty of them and captnring many cattle. Tlie British loss was 8vs men. The Indians at Qu'Appelle left their reservation on tln (tu, and a general uprisin { was fearod. The Kiug of Denmark on the (ith made known bis williuguess to act as arbitrator between Ruxsia aud Englaml gbouM his services be desired. It was reported from Simia tbat Kir Peter Lumsden resigned his boundary commiisionership because of inability to agree with the policy ruling in London. The cholera v&s spreading on the 7th al Raugoon and other places in Indik. While the steamer V'llle de Marsaillei was on her way recently to Buenos Ayres the emigrants on board mutinied, and ten of the passengers were killed and several others were wonndi-d. Joskph Smith, who testified against the assassins of C'avendish and Borkeln Dublin, and was ever since belluved to be living in India, ended his life in London ou thft 7th bv jnt,tiin)ArfiniA Rcmors were ourrent in Paris on the 7th of a steady and coutiuuöd Kusaian advance in Afghanistan. At a special meeting of the Englisb Cabinet Council it was definitely decidmi to begin the partial evacuation of the Knuilan. The opinión prevailed at Winnipeg on the 7th that Otter was compeiled to ritire after his recent engagement with Poundmaker's tndiftns, who were considerad to nave achievd a victory. Report from the West showed that the Indians were mu: dering and capturing the whites, and subjocting the wotnen to horrible indignities. Two OF the Colombian rebel leaiiers who were respousible for the recent troubles on the Isthmus of Panama were triod by court.-martial and hanged on the 7th. An avalanche from the monutains near Lake Van, in Armenia, overwhelmed a nativo caravan a few days ago and causod the death of sixty-eight persous. ¦ The Rusüian Ambassador imparted to Earl Granvillo on the 8th the substance of , a note from M. De Oiers with reference to a basis for the Afghan froutier negotiations. It wa said that it was not , actorv to the British Government. v'TRE simden cleauj at tionolulu of Queon Dowager Emma, of the Snnrlwich Islands, was Hiinouncect on the 8th. A battalion of four hundred United States marlOM left Panama on the 8th tor New York. i Thk report tlmt Knrl Huffirin had re KiKiieil his position as Vieeroy of India in conseqaenoe ol tlie disaitroui 'etf sel apon British ] estipe' i ludia of Mr. (Madsione's iiolicy wns on ili'-sih éeooiBoed m untrue by prominent otlicials. RSPOBTI reaehed Dongola on tito Stb that the Mehdi's forcea had sufFored fresh defeats at tbe hands of the insurgeuti. in Kordofan. aided by the Senuaar garnson. The remnant of the Muhdi's forces had retreated to Abu-Haraz. LATER NEWS. Tuk exehange at twentv-six leadin!; dpariiiK-liouscs ia the I " nittMl Stnti'S durIng the week ended on the th agregated tT751,681,7S ,agslnt1 $878,887,481 the prwlom week. As oonpared with the corrspoudIng piTioil ui 18M, thf faliiug off amuuut to 80,7 per cent At the jiiiiit scssion of the Illinois Legisluturt' on the :ilh Moiiisou receiyed eluvuu votes and Logan two. Mrts. ( OtlBIHIL and her son, hi-iI elght year, with a man Damed Augait wcro drowned in thu Monongahela Rlrer near Hazelwood, l'a., tho ptber riuiit, iiy tlie aptetting of a sküt. (K.NKKAL ÜRANTtook a walk on the loth and seemed to be gainin strcngth, but there rai do apparent diminution in the oanciTous affeotion in his throat. Wii.i.iam Wrkiht was arrested on the Ktli tor tlic recent train robbery near Harrodlburg, Ind. His hutograph was proni])tlv identified by Peter Weber, the baggage-iuastcr whom he 80 n?arly inurdcivd. Smiw-si'orms were reported from many placas tlirouK'hout the country on '.n h. iMMiTTKE of Philadelphia physiciaus inveitiKAtfalg Mie epidemie at Plynioutli, l'a., di.'cidi-il on the luth that the disase was trne typhold lever. Sevenil diatlis were occurrinu daüy, and many persons rer Dl. An eugageiuoat took plaoe m the Mfa liebween the forcea of Ulddleton and Kiel at B&toche ' irowioK, whlcB lasted the eatlre day, ih' e isiiaities araoog the OanadiaM being six killerl and eihteen woumle'J. Tnerebellon ".is Mthnated at sevimtylive. Pitteen men started ia a six-ilny roller ¦kating oonted in Uadlson Square Öardeo, New Vork, on the eveaing 01 thu llltli. lx Ihe Federal Con t at Halt Lake on the Btb tentenoM of six montba' imprisoB' mout and lines of$806 were imposed upon Angus Cannon, Milton Musser and J. C. Wiitsc 'ii, convteted of unlawtul cohabitation. Kaili reiused to make auy [iledge lor the future. Mr. Lekpek, the defeated Democratie rundirfate in the Thiity-fourth IlUnois District, was prevuiled upon on the íttb to contest tho election of Weaver to the House of Representatives, on the ground that lista of rgitored voters were not posted in accordauce with law. The plan for the arbitration of the Russo-EnRlish dispute was believed on the 9tb to have been abandonad. At a lenthy session of the British Cabiuet it was proposed that if further evidence disproved Sir Peter Lumsden's charcos agninst the Russiana for responsibility for the Penjdeh incident, this evidence should be accepted as conclusiva auil the project of subinitting the qiiestiou to arbitratiun should bo abandon!.


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